Lubaina Himid, 63, becomes oldest winner of the Turner Prize after age restriction was lifted

Lubaina Himid has won the Turner Prize Credit: Edmund Blok for Modern Art Oxford /PA

Lubaina Himid has become the oldest winner of the Turner Prize, at 63, after the age restriction for artists was lifted. Himid's work examines the experience of black people in Britain, celebrating creativity and highlighting racism through satire.

Her £25,000 win comes after a 40-year career as an artist and activist. She is professor of contemporary art at the University of Central Lancashire.

The prize was previously open only to artists aged 50 and under, but the rule was changed this year and everyone on the shortlist was over 40. Himid received her award at a ceremony in Hull, the UK City of Culture.

'Swallow Hard: The Lancaster Dinner Service, 2007' by Lubaina Himid
'Swallow Hard: The Lancaster Dinner Service, 2007' by Lubaina Himid Credit: David Levene /PA

Alex Farquharson, director of Tate Britain and chairman of the judging panel, said: "A large part of the reason we decided to lift the age limit was an increasing sense that a lot of what is really important in art now is being done by older artists.

"The three shows for which Lubaina won demonstrate the vitality of her current work, as well as revealing to a larger audience in a more mainstream context the importance of her work historically.

"That wouldn't mean very much if these works didn't have resonance today, but they do - look at her theme of racism in society. At a time of such divisiveness, it speaks volumes."

A visitor beside Le Rodeur: The Exchange 2016 by Lubaina Himid 
A visitor beside Le Rodeur: The Exchange 2016 by Lubaina Himid  Credit: Christopher Furlong /Getty

Lifting the age restriction has breathed new life into a prize once associated with the Young British Artists.

Farquharson said: "I have been really pleased with how the decision has been received, both when we announced it and when the exhibition opened, because I think people link the quality and depth of the work in the exhibition with the fact that there is no longer an age limit."