For Patients

Antiretroviral drugs used in the treatment of HIV infection

Drugs Used in the Treatment of HIV Infection

Click on drug brand name for additional information.

Multi-class Combination Products

 BrandGeneric NameApproval DateTime to Approval
 Atripla efavirenz, emtricitabine and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate 12-July-06 2.5 months
 Complera emtricitabine, rilpivirine, and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate 10-August-11 6 months
 Evotaz atazanavir sulfate, combicistat 29-January-15 9 months
 Prezcobix cobicistat, darunavir ethanolate 29-January-15 10months
 Stribild elvitegravir, cobicistat, emtricitabine, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate 27-August-12 6 months
Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NRTIs);
Brand NameGeneric NameApproval DateTime to Approval
 Combivir lamivudine and zidovudine 27-Sep-97 3.9 months
 Emtriva emtricitabine, FTC 02-Jul-03 10 months
 Epivir lamivudine, 3TC 17-Nov-95 4.4 months
 Epzicom abacavir and lamivudine 02-Aug-04 10 months
 Hivid zalcitabine, dideoxycytidine, ddC (no longer marketed) 19-Jun-92 7.6 months
 Retrovir zidovudine, azidothymidine, AZT, ZDV 19-Mar-87 3.5 months
 Trizivir abacavir, zidovudine, and lamivudine 14-Nov-00 10.9 months
 Truvada tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and emtricitabine 02-Aug-04 5 months
 Videx EC enteric coated didanosine, ddI EC 31-Oct-00 9 months
 Videx didanosine, dideoxyinosine, ddI 9-Oct-91 6 months
 Viread tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, TDF 26-Oct-01 5.9 months
 Zerit stavudine, d4T 24-Jun-94 5.9 months
 Ziagen abacavir sulfate, ABC 17-Dec-98 5.8 months

 Nonnucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NNRTIs)

 Brand NameGeneric NameApproval DateTime to Approval
 Edurant rilpivirine 20-May-11 10 months
 Intelence etravirine 18-Jan-08 6 months
 Rescriptor delavirdine, DLV 4-Apr-97 8.7 months
 Sustiva efavirenz, EFV 17-Sep-98 3.2 months
 Viramune(Immediate Release) nevirapine, NVP 21-Jun-96 3.9 months
 Viramune XR (Extended Release) nevirapine, NVP 25-Mar-11 9.9 months
Protease Inhibitors (PIs) 
 Brand NameGeneric NameApproval DateTime to Approval
 Agenerase amprenavir, APV (no longer marketed)15-Apr-99 6 months
 Aptivus tipranavir, TPV 22-Jun-05 6 months
 Crixivan indinavir, IDV, 13-Mar-96 1.4 months
 Fortovase saquinavir (no longer marketed) 7-Nov-97 5.9 months
 Invirase saquinavir mesylate, SQV 6-Dec-95 3.2 months
 Kaletra lopinavir and ritonavir, LPV/RTV 15-Sep-00 3.5 months
 Lexiva Fosamprenavir Calcium, FOS-APV 20-Oct-03 10 months
 Norvir ritonavir, RTV 1-Mar-96 2.3 months
 Prezista darunavir 23-Jun-06 6 months
 Reyataz atazanavir sulfate, ATV 20-Jun-03 6 months
 Viracept nelfinavir mesylate, NFV 14-Mar-97 2.6 months

Fusion Inhibitors

 Brand NameGeneric Name Approval Date Time to Approval
 Fuzeon enfuvirtide, T-20 13-Mar-03 6 months

 Entry Inhibitors - CCR5 co-receptor antagonist

 Brand NameGeneric NameApproval DateTime to Approval
 Selzentry maraviroc 06-August-07 8 months

 HIV integrase strand transfer inhibitors

 Brand NameGeneric NameApproval DateTime to Approval
 Isentress raltegravir 12--Oct-07 6 months
 Tivicay disclaimer icon dolutegravir 13-August-13 6 months
Vitektaelvitegravir24-September-1424 months


Generic drugs used in the Treatment of HIV Infection

Approved and Tentatively Approved Antiretrovirals in Association with the President's Emergency Plan (PEPFAR)

Page Last Updated: 08/09/2016
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