About the U.S. Department of State

Date: 11/24/2017 Description: Great Seal of the United States.  - State Dept Image

About State

For generations, America has been indispensable in providing the stability that has prevented another world war, increased global prosperity, and encouraged the expansion of liberty. Through our ongoing commitment to global leadership, we will promote open and fair markets, ensure our energy independence and security, support the conditions to create international stability, and protect basic human freedoms. We will continue to advance our values through our foreign policy. By reaffirming our principles and articulating the driving factors of our own national interests, we will lead from a position of strength and our unwavering commitment to freedom, democracy, personal liberty, and human dignity in executing our foreign policy. By renewing the spirit of America’s exceptional ingenuity, values, and sense of fairness, we will remain a positive force to advance peace, security, and economic opportunity for our nation and for all peoples around the world. America benefits from sustained engagement with the rest of the world. We stand committed to protecting and promoting our nation’s vital interests with our partners and allies, while also leveraging our strength to deter conflict with our adversaries. We will strengthen our relationships and alliances around the world and foster cooperation to align our global commitments to meet America’s priorities.

Statutory Authority

There shall be at the seat of government an executive department to be known as the "Department of State," and a Secretary of State, who shall be the head thereof. More»
