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Adam Keiper

Adam Keiper is the Books & Arts editor of The Weekly Standard.
Before joining the Standard in July 2017, he was for more than a decade the editor of The New Atlantis, a journal that he cofounded in 2003. The New Atlantis explores the moral, social, and political implications of modern science and technology. He was also a fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, a think tank in Washington, D.C.
In addition, he is a contributing editor to National Affairs and Current.

Stories by Adam Keiper

Web Host GoDaddy Boots Neo-Nazi Publication

In addition, the Daily Stormer may or may not have been hacked by Anonymous.
3:02 PM, Aug 14, 2017
GoDaddy, the web-hosting company, is terminating its relationship with the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer, which has been offering incendiary apologetics for last weekend’s white-nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. In a tweet, the company announced that the publication had 24 hours “to move the domain to another provider,” explaining that the Daily Stormer had “violated our terms of service.” We informed The Daily Stormer that they have 24 hours to move the domain to another p Read more

Shut Up, They Explained

The Google monoculture.
Aug 21, 2017
In Chaos Monkeys , his memoir about his rocky career in high tech, Antonio García Martínez lists a few pithy rules for understanding how Silicon Valley really works. The best of these insider insights: “Company culture is what goes without saying.” That is, if you want really to understand the firms vying to invent the future, pay less attention to how they describe themselves than to the actions they take. Watch what they do, not what they say. That lesson was driven home last week after t Read more

Founders’ Beat

The artistic implications of Alexander’s raptime band.
Nov 23, 2015
‘ How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore and a Scotsman, dropped in the middle of a forgotten spot in the Caribbean by providence, impoverished, in squalor, grow up to be a hero and a scholar?” That is the first in a set of questions that Hamilton , this season’s Broadway blockbuster, asks about individual excellence, American exceptionalism, and democratic memory. Hamilton is the brainchild of Lin-Manuel Miranda, a composer, playwright, and polymath performer who, at 35, has already r Read more

Our Conservative Magazines

1:35 PM, Nov 06, 2015
A flurry of anniversaries this month is a reminder of the importance of conservative magazines and journals in American intellectual life and in our political history. In honor of the seventieth anniversary of Commentary , the magazine has published a collection of seventy contributors writing on “What will be the condition of the Jewish community fifty years from now?” Among the many highlights: Dennis Prager painting a very pessimistic picture of the future of Jewish life; Elliott Abrams n Read more

The Red Planet

Reaching out to Mars.
Feb 02, 2004
Sojourner An Insider's View of the Mars Pathfinder Mission by Andrew Mishkin Berkley, 333 pp., $21.95 Mars on Earth The Adventures of Space Pioneers in the High Arctic by Robert Zubrin Tarcher/Penguin, 351 pp., $28.95 BRIAN WILCOX was twelve in 1964 when he drove his first lunar rover. His father, a manager at General Motors, had led the team that built the robotic vehicle, and Wilcox got to play with it on a moonscape mock-up. He drove it into a ditch. But NASA soon deemed i Read more