Bureau of Energy Resources

“Energy is vital to every economy the world over…from a policy standpoint, it's engaging with countries to make sure they understand they have choices and what those choices are. And what can we do in foreign policy to help them gain access to multiple choices so they're not captive to just one or a dominant source.” - Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, January 11, 2017


Date: 08/30/2017 Description: ENR feature image including Secretary Tillerson, wind turbines, ocean going oil tankers, and pipelines - State Dept Image

The Bureau of Energy Resources (ENR) leads the Department of State's efforts to forge international energy policy, strengthen U.S. and global energy security, and respond to energy challenges from around the world that affect U.S. economic policy and national security.

ENR promotes U.S. interests globally on critical issues such as: ensuring economic and energy security for the U.S. and our allies and partners; removing barriers to energy development and trade; and promoting U.S. best practices regarding transparency and good governance. In addition, we review applications for the construction, connection, operation, or maintenance of facilities for the exportation or importation of petroleum, petroleum products, coal, and other fuels (except for natural gas) at the borders of the United States.

The Bureau serves as the principal advisor to the Secretary of State on energy security, policy, operations, and programs. Through diplomacy and a wide range of programs, ENR works to ensure worldwide energy security by fostering diverse global energy supplies from all sources of energy.

ENR operates at the critical intersection between energy and U.S. national security, and ensures U.S. leadership on global energy issues. U.S. national security is threatened when:

  • Our allies lack reliable access to affordable energy or a diversity of choices;
  • Foreign energy markets shut out U.S. companies;
  • Poor governance prevents market-based energy solutions;
  • Competition for energy leads to conflict; or
  • Terrorists and rogue regimes seek to exploit energy resources to fund violence and destabilizing activities.

To address these challenges, ENR works with leaders at the highest levels of government, business, and civil society, playing a crucial role in achieving U.S. foreign policy objectives in the energy arena. ENR foreign assistance programs are integral to the Bureau’s diplomatic engagement overseas and provide critical support for the Department’s objectives and the Administration’s global diplomacy priorities.

What We Do

  • Energy Security – we strengthen U.S. and global energy security and prosperity. ENR works with major energy producers, consumers, transit states, and the private and public energy sectors by designing, implementing, and monitoring U.S. energy sanctions; promoting energy diversification among partners and allies; and ensuring global energy resources are used to promote economic growth, improve regional cooperation, foster political stability, and prevent conflict.
  • Energy Policy – we promote an “all of the above” energy strategy focusing on secure, stable, diversified, and modern global energy systems. ENR works with energy industries, foreign governments, non-governmental organizations, and civil society by promoting a broad range of market-based energy solutions including: advanced energy technologies, oil and liquefied natural gas, renewable energy, energy efficiency, and governance solutions to advance U.S. interests, global energy security, and economic development.
  • Energy Market Initiatives – we promote American prosperity by facilitating open, fair, and competitive markets abroad. ENR works with multilateral, foreign and domestic energy stakeholders to strengthen good governance, increase transparency, and remove barriers to energy development and trade for U.S. investors. We provide technical assistance, share U.S. best practices and communicate opportunities and risks to governments and industry to advance U.S. energy priorities and businesses. These initiatives are based on the development of solid policy analysis, advanced by our diplomatic outreach and funded through our Energy Programs and Planning office.


  • Strengthening Energy Security ENR promotes U.S. interests by enhancing the prosperity and energy security of the United States and of our allies and partners. In support of this initiative, ENR leads or co-leads a multitude of bilateral energy dialogues with countries from around the world to promote energy security. ENR engages governments and stakeholders in Africa to promote energy governance and access to commercially-viable energy sources to promote stability and economic prosperity. In the Western Hemisphere, ENR works with our partners to support regional interconnections, access to advanced energy systems, and the responsible development of their domestic resources. ENR works with our allies in Europe to support their efforts on energy diversification of fuel types, source countries, and delivery routes. In the Middle East and Asia, ENR engages with our friends on regional energy security initiatives to promote stability and prosperity. Energy infrastructure also is a critical component to our energy security and where ENR contributes significantly by prioritizing the review of applications for cross-border liquid pipelines to and from Canada, Mexico and the United States.
  • Keeping America Safe: Countering ISIS & Designing Targeted Sanctions ENR facilitates important national security successes for the United States. ENR plays a significant role in multilateral efforts to reduce North Korean earnings from coal exports, which fund North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs. ENR partners with the Department of Defense and the intelligence community to shape strategies to degrade ISIS’s energy operations and reduce the terrorist group’s profits from petroleum resources captured in Iraq and Syria. To improve stability, ENR works with partners to design, implement, and monitor U.S. energy sanctions globally.
  • Facilitating America’s All-Of-The-Above Energy Strategy ENR leads America’s efforts to ensure worldwide energy security by fostering diverse global energy supplies from all energy sources. ENR leads the promotion of U.S. liquid natural gas (LNG) exports globally and coordinates with governments and companies to pursue energy diversification and efficient and sustainable energy policies. ENR leads U.S. participation in bilateral all-of-the-above energy task forces that are recommending solutions to energy problems affecting our partners around the world, and in particular with India and Israel. These initiatives create enabling environments for U.S. investment that promote American jobs at home.

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