Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation (ISN)

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The Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation (ISN) is responsible for managing a broad range of U.S. nonproliferation polices, programs, agreements, and initiatives. The proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and related materials, technologies, and expertise -- and the fact that terrorists are trying to acquire them -- is a preeminent challenge to American national security. Combating this threat through bilateral and multilateral diplomacy is one of the highest priorities of the Department of State. The ISN Bureau leads the Department’s efforts to prevent the spread of WMD -- whether nuclear, biological, chemical, or radiological -- and their delivery systems.

Acting Assistant Secretary C. S. Eliot Kang leads the ISN bureau.

U.S. and China Hold Second Counter Nuclear Smuggling Consultation

Nov. 9: The United States and China convened their second nuclear smuggling consultation in Shanghai to reaffirm their joint commitment and continued resolve to counter the threat of nuclear terrorism. More»