Bureau of African Affairs

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The Department of State’s Bureau of African Affairs is focused on the development and management of U.S. policy concerning the continent. There are four pillars that serve as the foundation of U.S. policy toward Africa.

1) Strengthening Democratic Institutions;
2) Supporting African economic growth and development;
3) Advancing Peace and Security;
4) Promoting Opportunity and Development.

Read more about the mission of the Bureau of African Affairs here.


Date: 09/27/2017 Description: Acting Assistant Secretary Donald Yamamoto speaking at the USIP's S-African Partnerships Symposium. - State Dept ImagePolitical Crisis in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Acting Assistant Secretary Yamamoto (Nov. 9): "The stability of the DRC is a key Administration objective in Africa, given the DRC’s significant economic, geo-political and security-related importance. Free, fair, credible, and inclusive elections leading to a peaceful, democratic transfer of power are essential for the DRC’s and the region’s long-term stability and development." Full Text»


Date: 11/2012 Location: Mozambique Description: An orphaned brother and sister (center and left) photographed with their aunt and cousins. Ogumaniha SCIP Zambezia is supported by the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) under USAID's Strengthening Communities through Integrated Programming (SCIP) grant, and is implemented by World Vision in partnership with ADRA, IRD, JHUCCP, and the Mozambican Red Cross © PEPFAR

PEPFAR Strategy To Accelerate Epidemic Control

Sept. 19: Secretary Tillerson released the new President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief Strategy for Accelerating HIV/AIDS Epidemic Control (2017-2020), which reaffirms U.S. support for HIV/AIDS efforts in more than 50 countries, ensuring access to services by all populations, including the most vulnerable and at-risk groups. More»

U.S.-Togo Relations

Secretary Tillerson met with Togolese Foreign Minister Robert Dussey on June 29 at the State Department. More»

Bureau of African Affairs Names U.S. Special Representative for Great Lakes Region of Africa

The State Department’s Bureau of African Affairs appointed Ambassador (ret.) Laurence Wohlers as U.S. Special Representative for the Great Lakes Region of Africa. Special Representative Wohlers works with envoys and representatives of partner countries and organization. More»