OES Overseas

Around the world, countries are facing new and growing environmental challenges that impact the strategic economic and national security interests of the U.S. Because many of these environmental issues are transboundary in nature, efforts to effectively address them must be multi-tiered in approach, using bilateral, regional, and multilateral channels. To inform and implement U.S. policy at each level, the Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES) coordinates the efforts of Foreign Service officers around the world dedicated to environment, science, technology, and health policy.

Environment, Science, Technology, and Health (ESTH) Officers Around the World

Foreign Service officers located in embassies around the world focus on ESTH issues within our bilateral diplomatic relationships. They engage our allies on the full range of OES issues, such as, oceans and fisheries; cooperation on satellites and global positioning systems; health policy; bilateral science cooperation; conservation; protection of marine mammals and wildlife; water; environmental standards, climate change and renewable energy, among others. In addition, ESTH officers represent U.S. positions in multilateral fora at the U.S. Missions to the United Nations and at the U.S. Mission to the European Union. ESTH officers work closely with other USG agencies and support their efforts by raising key issues at the diplomatic level. They also cooperate with nongovernmental organizations to raise awareness of ESTH issues, promote good environmental governance and public participation, and advocate the use of ESTH core issues to strengthen diplomatic relations.

Regional Environmental Hubs

Because transboundary environmental problems can best be addressed through regional cooperation, the Department established twelve regional environmental hubs, located in embassies around the world. The Regional Environmental Officer's (REO) role complements the traditional bilateral ESTH officers stationed around the world. REOs engage with several countries of a region on a particular strategic issue, with the aim of promoting regional cooperation, sharing of data, and adoption of environmentally sound policies that will benefit all countries in that area while advancing U.S. interests.

Like the bilateral ESTH officers, the hubs work closely with other USG agencies and support their efforts by raising key issues at the diplomatic level. They cooperate extensively with nongovernmental organizations, and regional organizations on environmental activities within their region.

Date: 2017 Description: Map of the World with listing of all the Hub locations - State Dept Image

Central America and Caribbean Hub: San Jose, Costa Rica
South America Hub: Lima, Peru

Middle East and North Africa Hub: Amman, Jordan
West and Central Africa Hub: Accra, Ghana
East Africa Hub: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Southern Africa Hub: Gaborone, Botswana
Baltic and Nordic States Hub: Copenhagen, Denmark
Central And Eastern Europe Hub: Budapest, Hungary
Central Asia Hub: Astana, Kazakhstan
South Asia Hub: Kathmandu, Nepal
Pacific Hub: Suva, Fiji
East Asia Hub: Bangkok, Thailand