Should NBA players be allowed to use marijuana?

Should NBA players be able to toke up in their off time? Could the NBA be the first league to remove marijuana from the list of banned substances? Should they?
Should NBA players be able to toke up in their off time? Could the NBA be the first league to remove marijuana from the list of banned substances? Should they?(The Associated Press/File photo)

If marijuana is legal within the state they reside, should NBA players be allowed to use the drug for medicinal purposes or even recreational use without fear of punishment from the league? 

America's stance on pot has softened both in the courts and the court of public opinion and as more and more states legalize the drug. Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, Oregon and Washington have all done away with laws that criminalize possession.

Now that regular, law-abiding citizens can toke up without fear of catching a charge, should NBA players have that same right? Should the NBA lead the way for the country's major sports leagues and take marijuana off the banned substances list?

On Wednesday, even former NBA commissioner David Stern said he thinks the league should take marijuana off the ban list in an interview with former NBA player Al Harrington.

Now you tell us: Should NBA players be allowed to use marijuana if it is legal within the state they reside? You decide.

More on marijuana in pro sports: