Insurance Guide 2018: Oregonians flock to high deductible health plans

(The Oregonian/OregonLive )

The number of Oregonians enrolled in high-deductible health plans surged last year, and now represents nearly half those with access to employer-sponsored coverage, new data show.

An additional 105,200 Oregon workers joined high-deductible health plans in 2016, according to research from the University of Minnesota's State Health Access Data Assistance Center. That brings total enrollment to 368,100, a 40 percent increase from 2015.

High deductible health plan graphic 

Such plans have lower monthly premiums but higher deductibles – the amount an enrollee must pay before an insurer will pay a claim – than traditional health insurance. They are "increasingly becoming the norm in commercial insurance, and there is every reason to expect this trend to continue," said Katherine Hempstead, senior adviser at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, a philanthropic organization focused on public health that helped finance the report.

"Deductibles rose considerably faster than premiums, and the share of health care spending made directly by consumers will continue to grow," she said.

The share of Oregonians with high-deductible plans climbed to 49.2 percent in 2016. That's up from 37.2 percent in 2015 and is more than six percentage points higher than the national average.

Oregon is by no means alone in witnessing this trend, said Elizabeth Lukanen, deputy director of the data assistance center at the Minnesota university.

Nationally, she said, the number of Americans enrolled in employer-offered high-deductible plans increased by more than 2.2 million, to 24.8 million, last year.

By definition, high-deductible plans are those that meet the minimum plan deductible amount required for Health Savings Account eligibility. That figure now stands at $1,300 for an individual and $2,600 for a family.

HAS accounts allow you to set aside money on a pretax basis to pay for qualified medical expenses, such as deductibles, copayments and prescription medicine.

The allure of high-deductible plans is evident, Lukanen said. The higher the deductible, the lower the premiums plan holders have to pay. The study found that these plans are especially attractive to those on the lower end of the pay scale.

Yet she worries that those seeking to save money by choosing plans with higher deductibles might not fully grasp the ramifications should they experience a "health event" -- such as major surgery or a cancer diagnosis, where medical bills can quickly escalate.

"If you just pick the plan with the lowest premium and highest deductible, you may be in for a really bad surprise if some serious illness or injury comes along," Lukanen said. "It's critical we educate people so they fully understand this going in."

Several other recent studies examining the effects of high-deductible plans have found that they do appear to keep overall spending on health care down. In large part, however, those savings are realized because high-deductible plan holders are forgoing necessary services and electing not to access necessary services and recommended preventive care.

High-deduction plans also were linked with large drops in office visits and reduced use of both appropriate and excessive non-emergency care.

There is little doubt, Lukanen said, that the emergence of employer-offered high-deductible plans is effectively shifting more health care costs from employers to employees.

"But I'm not seeing that employers are doing this to make a profit," she said. "They are still facing huge health-care costs, and this is the choice they've made – to offer plans to their employees that keep premiums relatively stable and increase deductibles."

The numbers seem to bear that out in the new analysis from Lukanen's data assistance center.

From 2015 to 2016, the average health-insurance premium for single coverage grew 2 percent, a $138 increase. Over that same span, by comparison, the average deductible climbed 10 percent, a $155 increase, according to the report.

Lukanen said she expects the migration toward high-deductible plans will continue both in Oregon and nationally, especially if part of the overall health insurance effort is aimed at keeping premiums low.

As spending on health care keeps rising, however, that won't be possible indefinitely, she said.

"This is the lever that employers are using to keep premiums stable," Lukanen said. "But at a certain point, virtually everyone will be in a high-deductible plan. Once that happens, they'll have no alternative but to start bumping up premiums to cover total spending. It's just the reality they are facing."  

--Dana Tims
For The Oregonian/OregonLive