Tuberculosis Refresher Course

Course on the Treatment of Tuberculosis

The TB course is intended as a refresher course for physicians (both public and private) that may be involved in the management and care of patients with TB. The course is developed as a preparation course to the WMA MDR-TB course and together both courses offer a complete summary of the management of TB. The refresher course will provide basic clinical care information for TB including the latest diagnostics, treatment and information about multidrug-resistant TB. It will also provide information on how to ensure patient adherence and infection control and will include many aspects of TB care and management with a global focus so that it can be used across regions.

The course is based on the International Standards for Tuberculosis Care (ISTC), which presents a set of widely-accepted, evidence-based standards that all practitioners, public and private, should seek to achieve. It also refers to and is consistent with the World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines and recommendations for TB control. The course is produced by The World Medical Association, originally funded by the MDR-TB partnership, the updated version was funded by the USAID TB CARE II project and implemented by University Research Co.LLC with technical assistance from the Global Tuberculosis Institute at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.

Visit the TB refresher course in English without accreditation

Visit the TB refresher course in English with accreditation

Download the PDF version of the TB refresher course in English

Visit MDR-TB online course

The recent updated TB refresher course is currently only available in English.