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folk illness the experience of symptoms that are not identifiable with biomedical categories of disease; causes include natural forces, supernatural factors, interpersonal factors, and emotions. An example is susto, which is a Hispanic term for fright caused by a traumatic experience. Symptoms include listlessness, loss of appetite, and withdrawal. Curanderos (folk healers) treat the illness with prayers, rituals, and laying on of hands.
psychosomatic illness somatoform disorder.


1. An interruption, cessation, or disorder of a body, system, or organ structure or function.
See also: syndrome. Synonym(s): illness, morbus, sickness
2. A morbid entity ordinarily characterized by two or more of the following criteria: recognized etiologic agent(s), identifiable group of signs and symptoms, or consistent anatomic alterations.
See also: syndrome.
[Eng. dis- priv. + ease]


nosophobia, pathophobia.


/ill·ness/ (il´nes) disease.
emotional illness  a colloquialism for mental disorder, but not usually including mental retardation or mental disorders with a specific, known, organic etiology.
mental illness  see under disorder.


a. Poor health resulting from disease of body or mind; sickness.
b. A disease.


Etymology: ME, unhealthy condition
an abnormal process in which aspects of the social, physical, emotional, or intellectual condition and function of a person are diminished or impaired compared with that person's previous condition.


The state of being unwell.

As defined by regulatory agencies—e.g., for the purposes of the US Food and Drug Administration—the term illness may be modified with certain adjectives (e.g., catastrophic, life-threatening, severely debilitating), in order to allow patients to receive experimental drugs which do not have FDA approval.


The state of being unwell, a term used by regulatory agencies–eg, the FDA, which modifies 'illness' with certain adjectives, in order to allow Pts to receive experimental drugs that do not have FDA approval. See Life-threatening illness, Severely debilitating illness.


1. An interruption, cessation, or disorder of body functions, systems, or organs.
Synonym(s): illness, morbus, sickness.
2. A morbid entity characterized usually by at least two of these criteria: recognized etiologic agent(s), identifiable group of signs and symptoms, or consistent anatomic alterations.
See also: syndrome
[Eng. dis- priv. + ease]


n 1. sickness or disorder.
2. malady of either body or mind the symptoms of which may be physically unobservable. Within general medical practice,
disease is nearly synonomous; however, illness has a more general connotation encompassing the subjective aspects of the patient as a whole rather than just physical or diagnostic symptoms; thus an alternative medical practitioner may prefer to treat illness rather than only the disease. See also disease and complaint.
illness, acute,
n illness with swift beginning and rapid course.
illness, layers of, in homeopathy, multiple sets of symptoms in chronic disease, where as one set is cured with a specific remedy, the next set is revealed requiring a different remedy. See also symptoms, alternating; metastasis; suppression; and syndrome shift.
illness, level of,
n the depth of disease manifestation in an individual. The deepest level affects the person's integrity and creativity and major vital organs. See also direction of cure, syndrome shift and symptoms, hierarchy of.
illness, onset of,
n the pattern of situations and symptoms of the illness that is often crucial for determining the beginning or start of the condition. See also biopathography, etiological factor, causality, occasion, pathogenesis, and precipitating factor.
illnesses, environmental, adverse health effects that result from exposure to chemical toxins found in the environment, such as heavy metals, pesticides, and solvents. Include disorders of the endocrine, immune, and neurological systems.


a subjective state in a human marked by feelings of deviation from the normal healthy state; a term not thought to be applicable to animals.

Patient discussion about illness

Q. Is there any way to control the sickness? Hi everybody. I am asking this question from my friend user name. I am 26 and in the first trimester. Whole day sickness hurts me a lot. Smell of any kind of food is horrible. It’s becoming more frustrating; even television commercials make me nauseous. Is there any way to control the sickness?

A. In the first half of pregnancy, sickness and nausea are quite common. For some woman it goes after three months and in very rare cases where woman has the chances of doubles or triplets, nausea and vomiting symptom stays on. Yes, there are ways to control the sickness. Some of them are try to have food in short intervals but make sure not to be hungry. Drink more of fruit juices and water especially lemon. Avoid spicy food and smell that could make you worse. If none of the remedies suggested are going to work out for you, it is better to consult your physician. Hope you get benefited with this.

Q. Is garlic helpful in heart ailments? I have heard that garlic is very good for cardiac health and using in curries or cooked with foods will be helpful. I have also heard that it has anti-inflammatory substances and also helps in weight loss. Is garlic helpful in heart ailments?

A. It acts as antioxidant and reduces the amount of free radicals in your body. It’s helpful once taken raw. But the raw garlic can cause bad breadth and blistering of skin and diarrhea. So, there should be a reduced intake of raw garlic. It’s better to have garlic in a cooked up form like in curries or with vegetables. This will also give the desired benefits of garlic and the side effect of over consumption of garlic will also be reduced.

Q. How is morning sickness treated? I have been suffering from morning sickness all throughout my first 4 weeks of pregnancy. Is there a way to treat morning sickness?

A. Morning sickness during first few weeks of pregnancy is very common. Here is some information about morning sickness and how to deal with it -

More discussions about illness
References in classic literature ?
Amidst all my Lamentations for her (and violent you may suppose they were) I yet received some consolation in the reflection of my having paid every attention to her, that could be offered, in her illness.
On the subject of my last, I had actually begun a letter when called away by Tom's illness, but I have now changed my mind, and fear to trust the influence of friends.
The long illness of her dear father prevented my paying her that attention which duty and affection equally dictated, and I have too much reason to fear that the governess to whose care I consigned her was unequal to the charge.
The projects with which she beguiled her illness, for little Esther's education, and little Esther's marriage, and even for her own old age as the grandmother of little Esther's little Esthers, was so prettily expressive of devotion to this pride of her life that I should be tempted to recall some of them but for the timely remembrance that I am getting on irregularly as it is.
Strickland was a weird figure as he lay there, thinner than ever, with his ragged red beard and his eyes staring feverishly into vacancy; his illness seemed to have made them larger, and they had an unnatural brightness.
He made the patient feel like a boy confronted by a jolly schoolmaster; his illness was an absurd piece of naughtiness which amused rather than irritated.
It is an illness, there's no other way of explaining it," said the staff captain.
John about Rachel's illness, and to discuss every symptom and its meaning, and, when this subject was exhausted, to discuss illness of all kinds, and what caused them, and what cured them.
Rosamond had a Providence of her own who had kindly made her more charming than other girls, and who seemed to have arranged Fred's illness and Mr.
You told me my aunt's illness was fever," she said--"and now you speak of some complaint in her eyes.
On the same day we proceeded to the palace inhabited by Lord Montbarry at the time of his last illness and death.
When the Cobbler happened to fall sick himself of a serious illness, the Governor of the town determined to test his skill.