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  • A Lecture on Martyrdom of Imam Husayn

    A Lecture on Martyrdom of Imam Husayn preceded by an overview of his personality, character and lineage giving a brief introduction of the life and character of his father Imam 'Ali (as) and his grandfather, Prophet Muhammad (S).

  • Brief account of the last days of Imam Husayn

    Brief account of the last days of Imam Husayn, upon arriving in Karbala to the day of Ashura 2nd Muharram: Imam Husayn (asws) arrives in Karbala Ninawa Imam Husayn (asws) stopped at Ninawa and dismounted His Horse. A rider suddenly appeared from the direction of Kufa carrying arms and a bow hanging over his shoulder. Everyone came to a stop and looked in the direction of the rider. As he approached them, he greeted Hurr (as) and his followers but did not do so to Imam Husayn (as) or His companions. He gave Hurr (as) a letter from Ubaydullah ibn Ziyad (la) which said, "Upon receiving my letter, immediately stop the journey of Imam Husayn (asws). Force Him to stop in an area which is open with no protective enclosure or supply of water. I have instructed my messenger to remain with you and not to leave you until you have implemented my orders. Peace be with you." After reading the letter, Hurr (as) said to Imam Husayn (asws) and His followers, "This is a letter from the

  • Divine Will & Martyrdom of Imam Husain (a.s.)

    Urdu Majlis of Allamah Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi (t.s.). Majlis recited in 1980s translated into English by Dr. Shabeeb Rizvi ********* In the Name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful Allah’s Blessings be on you, O Saaheb al-Amr, help us and forsake us not Imam Husain (a.s.) stated: “Allah intends to see me martyred.” It was at the time when Imam Husain (a.s.) was bidding adieu to the grave of the Messenger of Allah (S) and was weeping profusely. In that state of grief he fell off to sleep for a while and dreamt that the Messenger of Allah (S) had come out of his grave up to his waist. Imam Husain (a.s.) hugged him and exclaimed, “Dear grandfather! Please take me along with you in the grave.” That is when the Holy Prophet (S) prophesied to him, “O Husain! You undertake your journey to Iraq because Allah intends to see you martyred.” He (S) also informed to take his family along with him, “Surely Allah intends to see them as captives.” I have presented

  • The Life of Imam Husayn (‘a) Research and Analysis

    Imam Husayn's (as) is a hero and a historical personality. But unlike a historical personality who is forgotten, the struggle of the Imam (as) will never be forgotten. His actions and the events of his martyrdom have a profound impact upon society and the behaviour and the cultural aspects of someone's life. The lessons learned from this episode of bravery are many and they can be applied now as they were applied then. The lessons are aimed not just at Muslims but at every human being and were we to follow his manner the society would be a peaceful and happy one.

  • The Revolution of Imam Husayn

    A series of seven Lectures that analyse the roots & the impact of Imam Husayn's (as) uprising against the caliph of his time, Yazid.

  • Ramadhan With The Holy Qur’an, 30 Lessons in 30 days

    Thirty lessons for youth written as an easy but comprehensive guide throughout the Holy Month of Ramadhan in order to give them a gist of the great religion of Islam and its teachings produced from the words of the Holy Qur’an and exegesis as well as points from traditions and narrations from the Divine Purified Household.

  • Is Prophet Muhammed (s.a.w.a.) In the Bible?

    The Holy Bible contains many prophecies both in the Old and the New Testament about the coming of a great prophet of God. The coming of this Prophet is mentioned both directly and indirectly by Abraham(A.S), Moses (A.S), John (A.S) and Jesus (A.S) amongst others. To discuss all the related material in the Bible would be too lengthy and beyond the scope of this book. This is a selection of only a few of those verses that are very clear and are supported by history for discussion. This selection is comprehensible not only to those who have an in-depth understanding of the Bible but also those who are reading the Bible for the first time.

  • Foremost in Faith

    A Collection of Lectures delivered by Maulana Syed Mohammad Jaffer Zaidi Shaheed concerning the high status of the Prophet (S) and his Ahlul Bayt (as) in the Light of Traditions and various Ayat f the Holy Qur'an

  • 40 Questions on Islamic State

    The present work is a thorough examination of what the Islamic State should be, why it needs to exist and what differences are between opinions about the Islamic State. The author manages to achieve his goal by providing proof through verses of the holy Quran, ahadith and historical events.

  • Salatul Jumuah in the Thoughts and Words of Ayatullah Shahid Murtadha Mutahhari

    This brief text gives insight on the viewpoint of Shahid Mutahhari on Salatul Jumuah and its importance. This lecture was given in the year 1380 AH in Tehran, Iran.


Among the things which expiate the major wrong actions are helping the unfortunate and relieving someone's affliction.

- Imam Ali (a) -

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