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China & World Today: 76467|Thread: 17896

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Announcement Announcement: Announcement: Rules for foul language and penalty voice_cd 2016-6-20    
Activity Nominate China Daily's 'Most Valuable Members for 2016' attachment digest  ...23456..14 voice_cd 2016-12-22 97184734 interethnic 2017-9-26 20:15:14
全局置顶 CD 互动在线实习火热招募 digest voice_cd 2016-12-21 325354 aaronzhangyang 2017-6-29 11:03:09
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China launches remote sensing satellite for Venezuela  ...2 New ceciliazhang 2017-10-9 73063 tonysong2000 Yesterday 21:36
US teacher praised in China for organ donation New ceciliazhang 2017-10-13 6419 SEARU Yesterday 20:39
Donald Trump May Succeed In Killing All Non-Aryans in USA New Paul_Miller 2017-10-12 1547 Saul Yesterday 20:32
Should the videogame 'Dirty Chinese restaurant' be banned? attachment  ...23456..13 ceciliazhang 2017-9-28 8435279 sfphoto Yesterday 17:15
THIS CD FORUM IS BLOCKED FROM NEW POSTS - WHAT TRUTH IS BEING BLOCKED?  ...2 abcfirst 2017-9-29 108203 huaqiao Yesterday 15:25
China's toughest-ever North Korea sanctions?  ...23456..7 ceciliazhang 2017-9-29 4318758 Yin_99 Yesterday 14:07
What did May mean by the 'British Dream'?  ...23 New ceciliazhang 2017-10-9 185899 seneca Yesterday 10:30
Do Chinese People Appreciate Free Speech and Free Inquiry? I__Love__China 2017-10-6 44559 tonysong2000 Yesterday 06:44
PIVOT TO ASIA ENTERS ACTIVE TYPHOON SEASON New abcfirst 2017-10-10 22006 huaqiao 2 DayEarlier 15:28
WATCH JAPAN'S ABE-KOIKE DANCE BEFORE THE STORM  ...2 New abcfirst 2017-10-9 73490 abcfirst 2 DayEarlier 15:12
Chinese distribute food and donate blood to support Las Vegas victims  ...23 beginner2013 2017-10-4 1815404 F111 3 DayEarlier
Inside the UK’s first bilingual English and Chinese primary school New ceciliazhang 2017-10-10 21987 ceciliazhang 4 DayEarlier
SOUTH KOREA - AN UNEXPECTED PROBABLE INITIATOR OF THE NEXT KOREAN WAR attachment  ...23456..14 abcfirst 2017-8-31 9773181 abcfirst 4 DayEarlier
Why is China accused of dividing Europe? heatlevel  ...23456..10 ceciliazhang 2017-9-1 6885770 seneca 4 DayEarlier
How Britain created the 'Tibetan issue' attachment heatlevel  ...23456..23 cd_moderator 2012-6-18 16068084 seneca 4 DayEarlier
What the British did to China attachment heatlevel  ...23456..99 changabula 2007-2-22 688202410 seneca 4 DayEarlier
Is the U.S. goading China in the South China Sea dispute? attachment heatlevel  ...23456..37 sansukong 2011-11-22 252119996 seneca 4 DayEarlier
China must take its own path attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..18 sansukong 2011-8-20 12279891 seneca 6 DayEarlier
Are Chinese-English bilingual schools the future of primary education?  ...2 ceciliazhang 2017-9-27 711367 seneca 7 DayEarlier
Why American Students Need Chinese Schools  ...23 ceciliazhang 2017-9-26 1521413 tedbrent 7 DayEarlier
BHUTAN MUST DIS-INVITE INDIAN TROOPS FROM DONGLANG AND INVITE INDIAN DIPLOMATS  ...23456..16 abcfirst 2017-8-18 11190143 seneca 2017-10-5 20:42:39
The World at their Fingertips attachment heatlevel  ...23456..25 AmishMike 2012-6-1 17460746 seneca 2017-10-5 10:06:52
China vs US: who is copying whom? attachment heatlevel  ...23456..12 ceciliazhang 2017-9-19 8155091 sfphoto 2017-10-1 17:26:33
Will China help rebuild Syria?  ...23 ceciliazhang 2017-9-26 1922357 seneca 2017-10-1 08:56:42
Ireland to offer Mandarin Chinese as final exam subject, following Italy ceciliazhang 2017-9-29 47247 ceciliazhang 2017-9-29 10:43:48
The End of God's People is Upon Us . . .  ...2 JimmyQ 2017-9-22 915070 Motika 2017-9-29 07:10:08
New Era for China & Panama Toogood 2017-9-21 67661 seneca 2017-9-27 10:02:47
Canadian ‘professor’ buys fake diploma and start fake college in China  ...2 ceciliazhang 2017-9-21 915548 HailChina! 2017-9-27 04:24:57
My Dream as an American Minority  ...234 AmericanDream 2017-9-24 2228932 AmericanDream 2017-9-26 16:18:08
India backs down in Doklam standoff, despite confusion created by pro-India news  ...23456..8 Pakistaniinwest 2017-9-3 5188695 dostoevskydr 2017-9-26 10:53:08
The Coming Chinese Superstate heatlevel  ...23456..18 China's_Savior 2012-4-11 125118256 MrWongLee 2017-9-26 10:42:28
New Amsterdam attachment heatlevel  ...23456..67 petera 2012-6-14 464139811 seneca 2017-9-26 09:51:45
US Announces Sanctions Against Anyone Trading With North Korea attachment  ...23 ariqj 2017-9-22 1921718 cmknight 2017-9-26 09:10:47
Eugene Dinkin  ...2 petera 2017-9-17 1216578 petera 2017-9-26 06:40:30
Is Hollywood racist? attachment heatlevel  ...23456..7 ceciliazhang 2017-9-3 4781209 seneca 2017-9-24 14:52:30
Doklam Standoff Resolved, Says India; China Says Will Keep Patrolling Area  ...234 manoj10 2017-8-28 2444900 AmericanDream 2017-9-24 08:15:26
Is China's math teaching an example to follow?  ...2 ceciliazhang 2017-9-19 1015572 AmericanDream 2017-9-24 06:05:52
KOREAN PEACE TREATY - Ugly Frog or Handsome Prince? abcfirst 2017-9-23 37228 abcfirst 2017-9-24 03:19:53

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GMT +8, 2017-10-14 05:07

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