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Daniel Halper

Daniel Halper is author of Clinton, Inc.: The Audacious Rebuilding of a Political Machine. He was formerly online editor at The Weekly Standard.

Stories by Daniel Halper

WH Denies Endorsement Will Intimidate FBI Investigators

Obama meets privately with Loretta Lynch.
3:07 PM, Jun 09, 2016
White House press secretary Josh Earnest insisted that President Obama's endorsement of Hillary Clinton will not "sway" the ongoing FBI investigation into Clinton. The statement came after Obama released a video endorsing Clinton for president of the United States. Later this afternoon, according to the White House, Obama is meeting with the attorney general. The meeting is "closed press." 3:25PM THE PRESIDENT meets with Attorney General Lynch Oval Office Closed Press The topic o Read more

Trump to Give Major Hillary Speech Monday

'Hillary Clinton turned the State Department into her private hedge fund.'
9:33 PM, Jun 07, 2016
Donald Trump announced tonight that he's giving a major speech on Hillary Clinton on Monday. "I am going to give a major speech on probably Monday of next week and we're going to be discussing all of the things that have taken place with the Clintons," Trump said tonight. "I think you're going to find it very informative and very, very interesting. I wonder if the press will want to attend. Who knows? Hillary Clinton turned the State Department into her private hedge fund. The Russians, th Read more

Hillary Takes 8 Minutes of Questions from the Press

2:57 PM, Jun 06, 2016
Hillary Clinton took 8 minutes of questions from the press today: The leading Democratic presidential candidate had not taken questions from reporters in a month. (She has done one-on-one interviews with select journalists in that time, however.) And as ABC's Liz Kreutz pointed out over the weekend, Hillary dodged the press. . @ABCLiz provides this helpful list of all the Q&As; w/ reporters HRC has done this year. Nine total. Average 5 min. pic.twitter.com/6IK9C9W4 Read more

A Conversation With James Ceaser

12:07 PM, Jun 06, 2016
The latest epside of Conversations With Bill Kristol features James Ceaser: "In this conversation, James Ceaser discusses the intellectual roots of contemporary progressivism and the role of progressivism in our politics today. Ceaser compares the new progressivism with the ideas of the early twentieth-century progressives, and highlights the influence of “postmodernism" on the contemporary left. Kristol and Ceaser also discuss the effects of progressivism and its relationship to  Read more

Hillary Clinton Won't Say If Right to Bear Arms Is a Constitutional Right

9:40 AM, Jun 05, 2016
In an interview with George Stephanopoulos, Hillary Clinton refused to say that the right to bear arms is a constitutional right. The leading Democratic candidate used the question to push for gun control. ABC host Stephanopoulos asked, "Do you believe that their conclusion that an individual's right to bear arms is a constitutional right?" "If it is a constitutional right, then it like every other constitutional right is subject to reasonable regulations," Clinton said, dodging the questi Read more

Jerry Brown: My Campaign Was Like Bernie's

9:41 AM, May 31, 2016
Jerry Brown likens Bernie Sanders's presidential run to his own run for the presidency in 1992. But in the same statement Brown endorses Sanders's rival, Hillary Clinton. "On Tuesday, June 7, I have decided to cast my vote for Hillary Clinton because I believe this is the only path forward to win the presidency and stop the dangerous candidacy of Donald Trump," Brown says in a statement released today. "I have closely watched the primaries and am deeply impressed with how well Bernie Sande Read more

Boxing Promoter Offers $20 Million for Trump vs. Bernie Bout

7:48 AM, May 27, 2016
Boxing promoter Bob Arum is getting behind the idea of a Donald Trump vs. Bernie Sanders debate. He's even offering a minimum of a $20 million donation to charity, which is more than Trump requested. "Top Rank, Inc. is ready to promote ‘THE HEAVYWEIGHT DEBATE: DONALD TRUMP vs. BERNIE SANDERS.' The idea of the debate was first proposed on Wednesday night when Trump appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live, and Kimmel asked Trump if he would consider it. Trump's response to Kimmel was 'We would have such  Read more

Trump Suggests He'll Debate Bernie to Benefit Women's Health

2:45 PM, May 26, 2016
Donald Trump suggested he'd have a public debate with Bernie Sanders if they could raise $10-15 million for charity or women's health. "I'd love to debate Bernie. He's a dream," said Trump. What I said last night on Jimmy's show, it was, you know, a question that was posed. I said I'd love to debate him but I want a lot of money put up for charities. What we'll do is if we can raise for maybe women's health issues or something if we can raise $10 or $15 million for charity, which would be an  Read more

Secretary Of Veterans Affairs Won't Apologize For Disneyland Comparison (UPDATED)

12:34 PM, May 24, 2016
The secretary of veterans affairs, Bob McDonald, refused to apologize for comparing VA wait times to Disneyland wait times earlier today on MSNBC. "Wait times are important but it is not the only measure of veterans experience. That's what veterans are telling us. We talked to a lot of veterans. It is important and if I were misunderstood or said the wrong thing, I am glad i have to correct it," said McDonald. UPDATE: Later on Tuesday, the secretary said , "If I was misunderstood, if I sa Read more

McAuliffe Shields Clintons: 'This Has Nothing to Do With the Clinton Foundation'

McAuliffe says because he's under investigation does not mean he has done anything wrong.
10:07 AM, May 24, 2016
The governor of Virginia, Terry McAuliffe, is responding to news of him being under federal investigation by shielding his close associates, Hillary and Bill Clinton. McAuliffe told reporters, "this has nothing to do with the Clinton Foundation. This was an allegation of a gentleman who gave a check to my campaign. I didn't bring the donor in. I didn't bring him into the Clinton Foundation. I'm not sure if I've ever met the person." McAuliffe said that just because he's under investigation Read more

Thiel on Being Too Risk Adverse, Whether to Fear AI, and the Limits of Globalization

7:36 AM, May 23, 2016
The latest episode of Conversations With Bill Kristol features Peter Thiel: "In this wide-ranging conversation, Peter Thiel discusses the global economy, the state of technology, and the future of computing and artificial intelligence. Thiel argues that we have had less technological innovation over the last few decades and explains one reason is an increasing aversion to risk. Finally, Kristol and Thiel discuss artificial intelligence and the extent to which it might transform ou Read more

Hillary Nervously Laughs About Her High Unfavorable Numbers

9:53 AM, May 22, 2016
Hillary Clinton laughed off her unfavorable poll numbers in an interview this morning with NBC's Chuck Todd. Todd asked Clinton, "How do you do it? You're a polarizing figure right now in American politics. You have an unfavorable rating almost as high as Donald Trump's. How do you do it?" "Well it's not as high," Clinton said. She then nervously laughed. Read more

Trump Challenges Hillary to Make a Judicial List

3:10 PM, May 20, 2016
Donald Trump challenged Hillary Clinton to release a name of judges. Trump made the remarks today at the NRA: Read more

Sanders: 'Shots Were Fired Into My Campaign Office in Nevada'

'Apartment housing complex my campaign staff lived in was broken into and ransacked.'
3:32 PM, May 17, 2016
Bernie Sanders revealed Tuesday that shots were fired into his Nevada campaign office and that an "apartment housing complex my campaign staff lived in was broken into and ransacked." The Democratic presidential candidate did not explicitly blame his rival, Hillary Clinton, for the actions. Sanders made the statement in response to "criticisms made against my campaign organization." Here's the Sanders's full statement: "It is imperative that the Democratic leadership, both nationally and i Read more

Holder Hosts 'Lawyers for Hillary' as FBI Investigation Goes On

10:31 PM, May 14, 2016
The FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton continues, but that isn't stopping the former head of the Department of Justice from holding a fundraiser for the Democratic presidential candidate. Julianna Margulies, who played a political spouse betrayed by her husband, will also be at the event. An invitation for the event posted on Hillaryclinton.com reads , "Please join Lawyers for Hillary and Eric H. Holder, Jr., 82nd Attorney General of the United States and Julianna Margulies for an eveni Read more

Bill Clinton: CGI Did Not Break Law

3:47 PM, May 13, 2016
The Clinton Global Initiative did not break the law, Bill Clinton told a CNN reporter on a ropeline in Kentucky. "The Clinton Foundation playing defense today denying claims it steered millionins of dollars to a company owned by friends of the family and now the powerful charity is bringing in a watchdog to try to put an end to questions about transparency. It's all in response to a Wall Street Journal report that the Clinton Global Initiative arranged for millions in private an Read more

Obama Has Singer Who Said George W. Bush 'Knocked Down the Towers' Over to WH

8:01 AM, May 13, 2016
Barack Obama hosted a 9/11 truther at the White House. Yesterday, singer Macklemore tweeted, "Honored to be at @WhiteHouse with @MTV to talk to @POTUS about opioid addiction. Really excited for this project." Honored to be at @WhiteHouse with @MTV to talk to @POTUS about opioid addiction. Really excited for this project. pic.twitter.com/feb7AfoHqn — Macklemore (@macklemore) May 12, 2016 This, of course, is the same Macklemore who accused George W. Bush of being b Read more

It Wasn't Supposed to Work This Way

Foreign drug cartels come to Colorado.
May 23, 2016
Colorado Springs Local authorities in Pueblo, just 40 miles south of Colorado Springs, were recently alerted by a vigilant resident to a possible illegal marijuana grow operation. Within days, on March 31, sheriff’s deputies from the Special Investigations Narcotics Section raided a single-family home that was in the process of being converted into a "grow house." Authorities discovered 127 marijuana plants, over $100,000 in growing equipment, and two Cuban nationals. At first, no one seem Read more

Chelsea's Husband to Close Greek Hedge Fund After Losing 90% of Value

8:12 AM, May 11, 2016
Chelsea Clinton's husband is reportedly closing his Greek hedge fund. The news from Marc Mezvinsky comes after the fund is said to have lost 90 percent of its value. "It was a hedge fund portfolio pitched by Hillary Clinton's son-in-law, Marc Mezvinsky, as an opportunity to bet on a Greek economic revival," the New York Times reports. "Now, two years later, the Greece-focused fund is shutting down, after losing nearly 90 percent of its value, according to two investors with direct know Read more

Obama to Visit Hiroshima

8:11 AM, May 10, 2016
The White House announced this morning that President Obama "will make an historic visit to Hiroshima with Prime Minister Abe to highlight his continued commitment to pursuing the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons." Here's the White House statement: "The President will travel to Vietnam and Japan May 21-28, on what will be his tenth trip to Asia. This trip will highlight the President's ongoing commitment to the U.S. Rebalance to Asia and the Pacific, designed to increa Read more

A Conversation With Harvey Mansfield

10:49 AM, May 09, 2016
The latest episode of Conversations With Bill Kristol feature Harvard professor Harvey Mansfield: "In the conversation, Mansfield offers his account of manliness and its importance as a permanent, though problematic, feature of human nature. He explains how liberal political philosophers and liberal society have often been suspicious of manliness, and details the consequences of this for our politics. Mansfield and Kristol also discuss contemporary efforts to transcend manliness t Read more

Video: North Korea Expels BBC Journalist

7:33 AM, May 09, 2016
Video from the Associated Press shows North Korea expelling a BBC journalist: "We are going to never admit him again into the country for any report," said a North Korean official. The so-called crime? Apparently speaking ill of a customs official. Read more

Obama: 'Be Confident in Your Heritage. Be Confident in Your Blackness.'

'Pet peeve of mine: People who have been successful and don't realize they've been lucky.'
10:42 PM, May 07, 2016
Speaking at the Howard University graduation ceremony in Washington, D.C., President Obama told the graduates of the historically black college to "be confident in your heritage. Be confident in your blackness." Obama also criticized people who are "successful and don’t realize they've been lucky." "First of all -- and this should not be a problem for this group -- be confident in your heritage. (Applause.) Be confident in your blackness. One of the great changes that's occurre Read more

Huma Grilled By FBI

4:52 PM, May 05, 2016
Huma Abedin has been interviewed by the FBI, CNN reports. Other aides to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have been contacted by the FBI as well. Abedin has long been considered Clinton's closest aide. Interestingly, just days ago Hillary Clinton said that none of her aides have been interviewed by the FBI. Clinton made that claim in an interview with MSNBC: Read more

MSNBC: 'If All You Want Is Headlines, Check Your Twitter Feed'

4:14 PM, May 04, 2016
New media and the old are at war. A new MSNBC promo features a direct attack on Twitter. "We break news, yeah" says the voiceover in the MSNBC promo, "but we do more than that. If all you want is headlines, check your Twitter feed ." "We go beyond the soundbites. We seek different perspectives, connect the dots, approach the story from all the angles, figuring out the what is just the beginning. It's the other stuff that matters. It's the part of the story you reach by diving deeper, the  Read more

Hillary Calls on Press to Toughen Up on Trump

2:31 PM, May 04, 2016
The general election has begun. And Hillary Clinton wants the press to get tough on Donald Trump. Clinton made her case in an interview on CNN. Watch here: "I think reporters now have a chance to ask some tougher questions," said Clinton. "It's not enough to call in and give somebody a platform. It's now the time to make the tough decisions, and you got to the ask him, okay, so what exactly would you replace X, Y, and Z with? If you're going to be against trade agreements how i Read more

Podesta: 'Trump Is Simply Too Big of a Risk'

10:20 PM, May 03, 2016
The chairman of the Hillary Clinton campaign, John Podesta, has released a statement framing the general election match-up. “Fundamentally, our next president will need to do two things: keep our nation safe in a dangerous world and help working families get ahead here at home. Donald Trump is not prepared to do either," Podesta's statement reads. "Throughout this campaign, Donald Trump has demonstrated that he's too divisive and lacks the temperament to lead our nation and the free world. Read more

Hillary Finally Raises More than Bernie

8:09 AM, May 02, 2016
Hillary Clinton finally raised more than Bernie Sanders last night, according to press releases from their respective campaigns. According to the Clinton campaign, Hillary raised $26.4 million last month. And according to the Sanders campaign, Bernie pulled in $25.8 million. Sanders had been outraising Clinton. Via the Clinton campaign: "Hillary Clinton raised about $26.4 million in primary funds for Hillary for America and more than $9.5 million for the DNC and state parties across the Read more

Rubio: Trump's 'Performance Has Improved Significantly'

7:44 AM, May 02, 2016
Marco Rubio may be warming to Donald Trump. In an interview with the Palm Beach Post , Rubio praises the Republican frontrunner. " On the Republican presidential race , which Rubio dropped out of last month after losing the Florida primary to Donald Trump , Rubio reiterated that he’s not making an endorsement but will support the Republican nominee in the general election. He said Trump's 'performance has improved significantly' in recent weeks," reports the Palm Beach Post . Rubio, i Read more

Against Pseudo-Sophisticated Fatalism

9:26 AM, Apr 27, 2016
The boss reacts to the "pseudo-sophisticated fatalism that disdains Trump but derides any attempt to work for an alternative." Almost as bad as supporting Trump is a pseudo-sophisticated fatalism that disdains Trump but derides any attempt to work for an alternative.— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) April 27, 2016 Conservatives once stood athwart History, yelling Stop. And trying to change the course of history, against the odds. They had courage then.— Bill  Read more