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Prophethood & Imamate - Belief & Creed

Jesus through Shiite Narrations

Categorized collection of hadith (narrations) on Prophet Jesus (a) from the Shia books of Hadith.

The Occultation of the Twelfth Imam (A Historical Background)

(with a Foreword by Dr. I.K.A Howard, Edinburg University)

Master and Mastership

Definition of the words stemming from the arabic root wala, types of wala, wala of Imamate, leadership and control.

Divine Revelation: An Islamic Perspective on Divine Guidance and Human Understanding

Divine Revelation: An Islamic Perspective on Divine Guidance and Human Understanding

The Twelve Successors of the Holy Prophet

Narrations of the Prophet on the number of Imams, the twelve Imams according to the school of caliphate, brief account of the Imams.

Tawassul - Seeking a Way unto Allah

Controversy over the concept of tawassul. Definition of tawassul; to the Prophet and the Saints during their lifetime and after death.

Seal of the Prophets and His Message

Prophethood, miracles, revelation, inerrancy, splendor of Prophet Muhammad (s), migration, Qur'anic themes, and the sealing of Prophethood.


A series of letters debating Shi'i and Sunni beliefs between the late Shi'i scholar Sharaf al-Din, and the late Sunni scholar and head of Al-Azhar university of that time, Al-Shaykh Salim al-Bishri


This short booklet discusses the essential nature of Nubuwwah (Prophethood), why infallibility (ismah) is needed for such a position, and follows this by sections on prophecies about the Holy Proph

The Infallibility of the Prophets in the Qur'an

A short text on the nature of Ismah (infallibility) and its necessity for the person holding the position of Prophethood.

Muhammad (S) is the Last Prophet

This text is a response to the erroneous Ahmadiyya (Qadiani) beliefs about the alleged prophethood of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.

Al-Ghadir and its Relevance to Islamic Unity

The concept of Islamic Unity, and the contribution of the book "Al-Ghadir" by Allamah Amini towards such a unity.

Verses of Ghadir

An exegesis of the Quranic verses that point to the even of Ghadir Khumm.

Forty Ahadith on Ghadir

This text is a collection of forty ahadith about the great event of Ghadir Qum from the fourteen infallibles.

Mahmud Sharifi 6,853 0

Prophethood and the Prophet of Islam

This book discusses about general prophethood and particularly to the prophethood of The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S) and the description of his proclamation as well as a sketch of his character and l

A Cursory Glance at the Theory of Wilayat al-Faqih

This work contains a number of speeches, articles, books, and question-and-answer sessions of the erudite professor, Haḍrat Ayatullah Muhammad Taqi Misbah Yazdi (may his sublime presence endure), w

Kitab al-Ghayba: The Book of Occultation

Sheikh Muhammad bin Ibraheem bin Jafar al-Numani authored this important work entitled Kitab al-Ghayba following the Major Occultation of the Twelfth Imam.

Brief Commentary On Hadeeth Al-Kisaa (Tradition of the Cloak)

This text presents a brief commentary for the valuable and well-known Hadith Al Kisaa’ that is commonly narrated by all schools of thought.

What Everyone Should Know about Islam

This book focuses on the principles of religion which are relevant to the thought and soul of human beings, reason and intellect follow it, and deeds and movement of human beings spring forth from

Wilayah, the Station of the Master

This text is a detailed study of the different meanings of the word Wilayah.

Mikyalul Makarim Fee Fawaaid ad-Duaa Lil Qai’m vol. 1

This text titled "Mikyalul Makarim" authored by Ayatullah Sayyid Muhammad Taqi Musawi Isfahani is a two-part book about the perfection of morals among the benefits of praying for our 12th Living Im

The Recognition of Imam al-‘Asr: Significance and Obligations

This text discusses the significance and obligations of the recognition of the Imam of our Time, Imam Mahdi.

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14 Questions about Imam az-Zaman Volume 1

In this beautifully compiled short book the reader may learn some important proofs about Imam of our time Imam Al-Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) from authentic sources based within both Shia and Sunni schools of

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Islamic Thought (Ma‘arif Islami) Book Two

This text is the second of two books and it analyzes the concept of prophethood and Imamate.

Principles of the Shi’ite Creed

A brief and concise text about the primary principles of the Islamic beliefs to familiarize themselves and their acquaintances with them.

Ethics of The Prophets

This book shows some events that reveal the high traits and the wise behaviors of the prophets. It shows examples and lessons of the mannerism of the prophets.

Mikyalul Makarim Fee Fawaaid ad-Duaa Lil Qai’m vol. 2

This text titled "Mikyalul Makarim" authored by Ayatullah Sayyid Muhammad Taqi Musawi Isfahani is a two-part book about the perfection of morals among the benefits of praying for our 12th Living Im

On the Shore of Contemplation, Volume 1

This text is a response to some inquiries about the nature and role of the Governance of the Jurist (Wilayatul Faqih).

A Glance at the Beloved

The book 'A Glance at the Beloved' outlines how recognition of Imam (a.t.f.s.) can be acquired in the era of occultation, its distinguishing features and its effects on those who possess this recog

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Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma Vol. 1

Now it is about 12 centuries passed from Imam Mahdi's hidden life, and the bothering time of his hidden life will continue up to his reappearance.

Shaykh as-Saduq 4,349 0

Imamate, The Vicegerency of the Prophet (S)

Meaning of Imamate and Khilafah, as well as Shi'i and Sunni views on topics such as necessity of Imamate, infallibility, and Shura.

Examining the Ismaili Imams & the Bohras

This book is about the beliefs of Ismailis. Two major sects within the Ismailis are the Agha Khanis who believe in 49 Imams and the Bohras who believe in 21 Imams.

Imam Al Mahdi, The Twelfth Khalifah In The Sahih Sunni Ahadith

Who is the Mahdi of Islam? According to both Sunni and Shi'i Muslims, the "guided one" will rise during the end times to conquer all nations.

Toyib Olawuyi 4,098 0

Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma Vol. 2

Now it is about 12 centuries passed from Imam Mahdi's hidden life, and the bothering time of his hidden life will continue up to his reappearance.

Shaykh as-Saduq 3,947 0

82 Questions

This text attempts to answer modern challenges to Islamic positions; it begins with an exposition of the five Usool-e-deen (roots of religion) and continues by giving answers from the Islamic tradi

The Golden Era of Reappearance

This text addresses topics discussed in an exhibition concerning the originality and belief in the Mahdawiyat, establishment of justice and equity, and many other relevant topics.

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Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.): The Spring of Life

This text presents addresses topics of Aqaed and branches of religion including belief, disbelief, and deviation.

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The Life of Imam Al-Mahdi

This book is the biography of the Twelfth Imam, Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi (a.s.), also referred to as the Qaim of Aale Muhammad, the Awaited Imam (a.s.) and the Last of the Successors.

Mahdi in the Quran According to Shi‘ite Quran Commentators

In this book, author has explored the belief in Mahdi and the Messianic ideas implicit in the Qur’an in the light of both classical and contemporary Shi'ite commentaries on the Qur'an.

A. Toussi , N. Vasram 3,450 0

The Faith of the Imamiyyah Shi'ah

The book is an attempt to present a general and throughout outline of the doctrines, practices and history of Twelver Shi'ah Islam.

Ghadir Khumm: One Of Islamic History’s Best Kept Secrets

Ghadir Khumm: One Of Islamic History’s Best Kept Secrets

By Yasin T. al-Jibouri


Authority and Tradition

An article explaining the different types of authority (wilayah) in Shi'a Islam, in particular the religious authority of a jurist in society after the Greater Occultation.

Ahl-al-Bayt (a): Its Meaning and Origin

A short article from the quarterly journal Message of Thaqalayn, on the history of the term Ahl al-Bayt, and traditions which make use of this title.

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The Return of Al-Mahdi

This is the translation of Mukhtasaru lthbati 'r-Raj'ah (Abridged lthbati 'r-Raj'ah).

Epistemology of Prophethood in Islam

Revelation as a medium of information.

Husayn, the Saviour of Islam

The book presents the lifetime of Imam Husayn (as) from birth to martyrdom, and concentrates his life with his mother; the mistress of the world's women, and his father and brother, and his role in

The Prophet Muhammad, a Mercy to the World

Along the years lots of books have been written about the life of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (S) but not one more comprehensive and of average length as this one.

Prophecies About The Holy Prophet of Islam

A short text shedding light on the prophecies predicting the arrival of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) in older scriptures of different faiths.

Leading The Ummah

This book offers some profound reasons by resorting to Qur’anic verses and to prophetic narrations in order to explain the issue of leadership, illustrating that the Divine verdict concerning the I

Infallibility of the Prophets and Messengers

Compiled by the great scholar Allama Sayyid Murtadha Al-Askari, this book deals with one of the important issues of faith: infallibility of the prophets and messengers of Allah.

Fazail ul-Mahdi

Short biography of Imam, his reappearance, necessity of recognizing him, lineage, similarity with prophets, reason of arrival, longing for imam and the final proof of Allah with his universal gover

Shi’ite Islam: Orthodoxy Or Heterodoxy? Second Amended and Amplified Edition

This book addresses many essential issues concerning the split between the followers of Ahlul Bayt and the followers of Ahlul Sunnah.

Debate of Prophet Muhammad with Christians

This is the second part of the series of power point presentations on Debates of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) with scholars and representatives of five different religions.

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Manner of Awaiting

"Manner of Awaiting" is a small collection of people's responsibilities which are gathered to remind us of our duties while waiting for the reappearance of the Hidden Imam, Imam al-Hujja, al-Qa’im,

Editorial Volume 10, Number 1, Spring 1430/2009

This issue has coincided the birth anniversary of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be with him and his household) and the Week of Unity.

The Promised Savior: An inquiry into the imamate of Imam Mahdi (as) from the viewpoint of Muslim thinkers

Written by Professor Milani, The Promised Savior is a short but significant work that deals with the doctrine of Mahdawiyyat (the belief in Imam Mahdi as ultimate savior).

Ghadir as Narrated by Ahlul Bayt (a.s.)

The present work is about the event of Ghadir as Narrated by the Ahlul Bayt (a.s.). It studies briefly the Ghadir narrations in Shiite works compiled by Shiite Mujtaheeds.

The Saviour's Revolution

The author discusses about the idea of Final Victory and the establishment of an ideal society by the final saviour, Imam Mahdi (aj).

Explanation to the Belief of Mahdism in Shi'a Imamia

The author debates, discusses and corrects the book “Islamic Messianism” written by the respected scholar, Abdul Azeez Sachedina, which gives erroneous impression to readers of the Real and Right I

History of Islam up to the Demise of the Prophet (S)

This book presents the history of Islam and Arabian Peninsula before the advent of Islam and up till the death of the Prophet Muhammad.

Mahdi Pishva'i 1,801 0

The Great Awaiting

The Great Awaiting

Muhammad Reza Hakimi

An article about the awaiting of Imam Al-Mahdi (aj)


A Distortion in Thaqalain Tradition

Thaqalain tradition is a famous and well-known tradition that is reported by [both] Sunnites and Shiites. Hundreds of prominent narrators have narrated this tradition.

Let's Learn About Imamate

Volume four of the Let's learn about... series deals with the subject of imamate. The book comprises ten main lessons.

The Connection between Imam Mahdi and Imam Husayn, Part 1

This paper is the first part of a series of three papers on the subject, initially conceived as part of a series of lectures delivered by the author in London, at the Islamic Centre of England in M

The Globe Before and After the Advent of Imam Mahdi, Part 2

This part of the series expands on the quality of the people during this time, including their intellectual condition and scientific and technological advancements.

Debate of Prophet Muhammad with Jews

This is the first part of the series of power point presentations on Debates of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) with scholars and representatives of five different religions.

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The Connection between Imam Mahdi and imam Husayn, Part 3

This paper is the third part of a series of three papers on the subject, initially conceived as part of a series of lectures delivered by the author in London, at the Islamic Centre of England in M

Imam Husayn: The Heir of Prophet Abraham

This article outlines the importance of prophet Abraham, who played an outstanding role in establishing the monotheistic tradition, hence, he is considered to be the founder of all Abrahamic religi

The Connection between Imam Mahdi and Imam Husayn, Part 2

This paper is the second part of a series of three papers on the subject, initially conceived as part of a series of lectures delivered by the author in London, at the Islamic Centre of England in

Let's Learn About The Prophet Of Islam

The second book of the Let's learn about...

The Social Dimensions of Wilayah

The following is a transcript of a lecture delivered by the respected scholar on June 4, 2009 on the occasion of the death anniversary of Imam Khumayni in Qom, Iran.

Imam Mahdi (a) in Chapter al-Qadr

This paper discusses several aspects of the night of Qadr and its relationship to the Imam of our time (a).

Allamah al-Hilli on Imamate in his Kashf al-Murad, Part 4

This part of the text expands on the proofs for his authority over the companions that qualify him for leadership such as his extraordinary courage, deep insight, matchless asceticism and devotion,

The Sufferings of Amirol Mo’minin, Ali ibn Abi Talib: Life and Martyrdom

This text offers a brief insight into the challenges and sufferings of Imam Ali (as) before and after the passing of holy Prophet (saw), the battles he faces and during the time of the holy Imam's

Majid Massoudi 1,249 0

Love for the Ahlul Bayt and its Outcomes

This article offers the effects of having love for the Ahlul Bayt in this world and in the next.

Imamate and Wilayah Part 5

This paper is based on lecture 12 of a series of lectures delivered by Dr Mohammad Ali Shomali in summer 2004 in Qum.

Imamate and Wilayah Part 1

This paper is based on the first three lectures of a series of 17 lectures delivered by Dr Mohammad Ali Shomali in summer 2004 in Qum.

Allamah al-Hilli on Imamate in his Kashf al-Murad, Part 1

This is a chapter on the responses to objections raised against Imamate from prominent scholar Allamah Hilli's Kashf al-Murad, expanded on from Nasir al-Din al-Tusi's Tajrid al-I'tiqad - The first

Allamah al-Hilli on Imamate in his Kashf al-Murad, Part 2

The previous part of this series displayed the responses to objections raised against Imamate from prominent scholar Allamah Hilli's Kashf al-Murad, expanded on from Nasir al-Din al-Tusi's Tajrid a

The Globe Before and After the Advent of Imam Mahdi, Part 1

This series will offer a basic overview of the concept of the 'End of Times' from the viewpoint of the dominant world religions, as well as the Islamic perspective using the Qur'an and hadith as so

Imamate and Wilayah, Part 7

This paper is based on lecture 14 of a series of lectures delivered by Dr Mohammad Ali Shomali in summer 2004 in Qum.

Tawassul in the Conduct of Great Scholars

This article offers a brief explanation of tawassul, its levels, and focuses on examples of scholars' emphasis on calling on to the Infallibles as a source of spiritual upliftment and a key solutio

Zainab Pakkari 1,001 0

History of the Shi‘a in the Time of Imam Sajjad (a) Part 2

In this part, Imam Sajjad’s devotional and political activities are examined in terms of his efforts to enjoin good and forbid evil, divulge the Umayyad’s crimes, and resist against oppressive rule

Imamate and Wilayah Part 3

This paper is based on first part of lecture four and all of lecture six of a series of lectures delivered by Dr Mohammad Ali Shomali in summer 2004 in Qum.

Imamate and Wilayah Part 4

This paper is based on lectures 9, 10, 11, and 12 of a series of lectures delivered by Dr Mohammad Ali Shomali in summer 2004 in Qum.

Allamah al-Hilli on Imamate in his Kashf al-Murad, Part 3

This part of the text expands on the proofs for his authority over the companions that qualify him for leadership such as his extraordinary courage, deep insight, matchless asceticism and devotion,

The Social Functions of Imamate

This paper investigates the existence and impact of Imamate.

Imamate and Wilayah Part 2

This paper is based on the first three lectures of a series of 17 lectures delivered by Dr Mohammad Ali Shomali in summer 2004 in Qum.

Anticipation: Anticipating the Savior of Humanity

The present booklet is about the on Anticipation of the reappearance of the Imam of the Age, Imam Al-Mahdi (aj) and it is the translation of a chapter of a two-volume book called “Secrets of Succes

Imamate and Wilayah, Part 6

This paper is based on lecture 13 of a series of lectures delivered by Dr Mohammad Ali Shomali in summer 2004 in Qum.

The Globe Before and After the Advent of Imam Mahdi, Part 3

This part of the series includes the people’s cultural, moral, and religious condition during the End of Times, explaining what will arise concerning family relationships, youth, women, mosques, Is


Sheikh Mansour Leghaei

In the Name of God; the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

Shiism: Imamate and Wilayat

This treatise deals with some fundamental issues of the Shí'a Islamic faith.

Foremost in Faith

A Collection of Lectures delivered by Maulana Syed Mohammad Jaffer Zaidi Shaheed concerning the high status of the Prophet (S) and his Ahlul Bayt (as) in the Light of Traditions and various Ayat f