The Changelog interview on open sourcing .NET

We recently talked to Adam and Jared at The Changelog about open sourcing .NET Core. Check out the show.   #134: Open Sourcing .NET Core with the Microsoft .NET team Here’s the introduction from The Changelog: This week, we have members from .NET core team at Microsoft on the show to discuss Microsoft’s motivation for open… Read more

Channel 9 interview on open sourcing .NET

Curious to where we are with open sourcing .NET Core? Do you want to know which libraries are next? Interested in a white boarding session with David Kean? Then you should check out this video on Channel 9: Questions or concerns? Leave a comment on the Channel 9 post. [0:13] Summary of the Connect() announcement… Read more

Introducing .NET Core

At connect(), we announced that .NET Core will be entirely released as open source software. I also promised to follow up with more details on .NET Core. In this post, I’ll provide an overview of .NET Core, how we’re going to release it, how it relates to the .NET Framework, and what this means for… Read more

Advisory Council Proposal — Call for Community Feedback Extended to December 5th

This is a cross post from the .NET Foundation blog and written by Gianugo Rabellino. –ImmoThe increased openness of .NET has sparked widespread interest in the .NET Foundation. As a result, its Board of Directors has decided to extend the timeframe for community feedback on the .NET Foundation Advisory Council to December, 5, 2014. The Advisory Council… Read more

One Week of Open Source

Last Wednesday, we announced the new .NET 2015 Preview and our plans to fully open source .NET Core. What an awesome week! Thank you! We knew that you guys would really dig open source but we didn’t expect such a positive response. Within a single week, our open source blog post got more than 200k… Read more

.NET Core is Open Source

Today is a huge day for .NET! We’re happy to announce that .NET Core will be open source, including the runtime as well as the framework libraries. This is a natural progression of our open source efforts, which already covers the managed compilers (C#, VB, and F#) as well as ASP.NET: C# & Visual Basic… Read more

The Roadmap for WPF

When we introduced WPF back in 2006 (.NET 3.0), the response was absolutely phenomenal. Enterprises, ISV’s, and Microsoft Partners have made the technology central to their business, building amazing vertical solutions and mission critical applications for their customers. This momentum carries forward to today – 10% of all newly created projects in Visual Studio 2013… Read more

Announcing .NET 2015 Preview: A New Era for .NET

Updated (2017): See .NET Framework Releases to learn about newer releases. Updated (July 2015): See Announcing .NET Framework 4.6 to read about the final version of the .NET Framework 4.6. Today is a pivotal moment for .NET. With the release of .NET 2015 Preview, we are embarking on a new journey while maintaining our strong commitment… Read more

November 2014 .NET Security Updates

The .NET team released a security bulletin today as part of the monthly “patch Tuesday” cycle. Microsoft Security Bulletin MS14-072 – Important, Vulnerability in .NET Framework Could Allow Elevation of Privilege (3005210)  This security update resolves a privately reported vulnerability in Microsoft .NET Framework. The vulnerability could allow elevation of privilege if an attacker sends… Read more

Using System.Numerics.Vector for Graphics Programming

We’ve just released a major update to the SIMD vector types we’ve blogged about earlier (first announcement, second update). We’ve now made the vector library a lot more more useful for typical graphics operations. We added matrix types, a plane type, and a quaternion type. We’ve also added many methods that are often used on… Read more