Two rangers next to a law enforcement SUV and speedboat

Severe Weather Response

Find information and updates about National Park Service preparation and response to Hurricanes Harvey and Irma.

Hand holding up a fossilized saber tooth cat skull

Diggin' National Fossil Day

Join the fossil fun as parks, museums, and classrooms highlight the scientific and educational value of paleontology.

Crowd under white tents in front of the Gallatin House

Getaway to Friendship Hill NHS

In the rolling hills of western Pennsylvania, step back into the early days of the nation's history at the home of Albert Gallatin.

Anza Expedition reenactors on horseback

Sharing Traditions and Heritage

In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, explore the history, culture, and contributions of Hispanic and Latino peoples.

Woman painting a landscape

Find Your Muse

Artists find inspiration for their craft in the rich nature, culture, and history preserved in national parks.

Stonewall Inn

Telling the History of All

Discover stories and places that tell the contributions of the LGBTQ community to the nation's history.

Park ranger talking to news reporter

National Park News

Find the latest news and events, search for images and videos, and discover facts and figures about the national parks.

Close-up of woman looking through a camera viewfinder at woods

Photos, Videos, Webcams & More

Explore the national parks through multimedia. Search for photos, videos, webcams, and audio files on any topic.

Last updated: October 4, 2017