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Deep-sea mining could find rare elements for smartphones — but will it destroy rare species?

NASA photos of Puerto Rico show how Maria wiped out power on the island

Toxic waste seeps from a Houston Superfund site after Harvey's floods

Almost 300 marine species hitched a ride on tsunami debris from Japan to the US

California might ban internal combustion engines to meet emissions targets

Puerto Rico after the storm: what we know about its hurricane recovery

Warm waters tripled the amount of ice lost in these Antarctic glaciers — and that's bad for sea level rise

An iceberg four times the size of Manhattan broke off a glacier in Antarctica

After Hurricane Maria, what will it take to turn Puerto Rico's power back on?

Hurricane Maria has left all of Puerto Rico without power

Mexico's back-to-back earthquakes, explained by a seismologist

Three at-risk species are now protected under the Endangered Species Act

Hurricane Maria headed for Puerto Rico after hitting Dominica

Trump's Interior Department recommends shrinking the borders of six national monuments

Excess pollution from diesel cars leads to 5,000 premature deaths a year in Europe

How a photographer snapped this tragic photo of a seahorse lugging a Q-tip

Snow leopards are no longer endangered, but that doesn’t mean they’re safe

The race against heat

Fires, heat waves, and hurricanes: why this summer's extreme weather is here to stay

Hurricane Irma probably dug up some sea turtle nests and you definitely shouldn't touch them

Irma leaves 5.8 million in Florida without power as it heads toward Atlanta

Bats crash into buildings because smooth surfaces trick their echolocation

How NASA is preparing for Irma at its most important Florida spaceport

Irma is the first storm to sustain 185 mph winds for over a day

Hurricane Irma: all the news on one of the strongest hurricanes to hit the Atlantic

SpaceX launches Air Force’s spaceplane just before Hurricane Irma reaches Florida

Trump's budget cuts would hinder the people who protect us from hurricanes

There are now three hurricanes to worry about in the Atlantic

Why do hurricanes have names?

How to be prepared for a hurricane

Irma is now one of the strongest hurricanes ever recorded in the Atlantic

Creepy Antarctic sea creatures will suffer in even slightly warmer waters