Get Treatment, Counseling or Legal Help

DPA does not provide direct legal services or referrals to treatment providers, but we can suggest organizations that may be able to help you find assistance.

Treatment and Counseling

Harm Reduction Therapy Center
The goal of HRTC is to reduce the damage (to individuals, families, and communities) caused by drug and alcohol use. Although located in the San Francisco Bay Area, HRTC can provide referrals and links to alternative treatment resources nationwide. 

Moderation Management
A behavioral change program and national support group network for people concerned about their drinking and who desire to make positive lifestyle changes.


Legal Help

Americans for Safe Access - Legal Services
A legal services coordinator is available to advise medical marijuana patients, attorneys, and pro se defendants.

NORML (National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws) - Find a Lawyer
Attorney listings of the NORML Legal Committee, which defends marijuana smokers and challenges inappropriate law enforcement activities.