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13.9.2017 : 5:29 : +0200

Conflict Armed Violence

Armed conflict destroys lives and livelihoods. Small arms and light weapons are responsible for the majority of direct conflict deaths. Notwithstanding the appalling human costs of protracted conflict-related violence in countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, or Sudan, however, the total number of people dying violently during conflict is relatively low in comparison to those dying indirectly from armed conflict. The average annual number of direct conflict deaths in recent years is likely between 10 and 20 per cent of those violently killed in ostensibly non-conflict environments.


Small Arms Survey Publications

  • Beyond the Battlefield: Towards a Better Assessment of the Human Cost of Armed Conflict, by Erik Alda and Claire Mc Evoy. Briefing Paper, September 2017.

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  • Firearms and Violent Deaths, October 2016. Research Note No. 60.

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  • Monitoring Trends in Violent Deaths, September 2016. Research Note No. 59.

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  • Voicing Concern: Surveying People's Priorities in Violent Settings, December 2015. Issue Brief No. 15. 

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  • Contested Borders: Continuing Tensions over the Sudan–South Sudan Border, by Joshua Craze, November 2014. Working Paper No. 34 (also available in Arabic)

  • Foreign Jihadism in Syria: The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, by Laurent Vinatier, April 2014. Security Assessment in North Africa Dispatch No. 4 (also available in Arabic).

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  • Armed Violence Monitoring Systems, March 2013. Research Note No. 27, Armed Violence (also available in Arabic and in Spanish).

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  • Armed Violence: Spotlight on Lethal Effects, May 2012. Research Note No. 17, Armed Violence.

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  • Global Burden of Armed Violence 2008, by the Geneva Declaration Secretariat, September 2008.

  • Armed Violence Prevention and Reduction: A Challenge for Achieving the Millennium Development Goals, by Keith Krause and Robert Muggah, June 2008

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Other Publications

  • Armed Violence in the MENA Region: Trends and Dynamics, November 2015, Small Arms Survey Policy Brief.

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  • Florquin, Nicolas. 2014. Arms Prices and Conflict Onset: Insights from Lebanon and Syria. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research. May.

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  • Human Security Report Project. 2010. Human Security Report 2009/2010: The Causes of Peace and the Shrinking Costs of War. New York: Oxford University Press.

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  • Mathers, Colin D., et al. 2005. Counting the Dead and What They Died From: An Assessment of the Global Status of Cause of Death Data. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. Vol. 83, No. 3. March, pp. 171-180.

  • Human Security Centre. 2005. Human Security Report 2005: War and Peace in the 21st Century. New York: Oxford University Press.

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