.NET Core 2 and Visual Studio 2017 (15.3) Preview 2

Visual Studio 2017 (15.3) Preview 2 was recently released which includes .NET Core 1.0 and 1.1, our latest production releases of .NET Core. You will need to install the .NET Core 2.0 Preview 1 SDK to develop .NET Core 2.0 applications using Visual Studio 2017 (15.3) Preview 2 . We are working on .NET Core… Read more

Announcing EF 6.2 beta 1

Earlier this month, we announced a preview of Entity Framework Core 2.0, the lightweight, extensible and cross-platform version of EF for .NET Core and .NET Framework. Today we are making the 6.2 beta 1 version of the Entity Framework runtime and the corresponding Visual Studio tooling available. EF 6.2 is a new iteration of Microsoft’s… Read more

The week in .NET – Visual Studio 2017, .NET Core SDK, F# 4.1, On .NET with Phillip Carter, Happy Birthday from John Shewchuk, FNA, Pyre

Previous posts: On .NET with Eric Mellino, Happy Birthday from Scott Hunter, OzCode. On .NET with Beth Massi, NeinLinq. On .NET with Phil Haack, Readline. Visual Studio 2017, .NET Core SDK 1.0, F# 4.1 Yesterday, we had a big product launch! Visual Studio 2017 is here, and with it come the releases of .NET Core… Read more

The week in .NET – .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, EF Core 1.1 – Docker – Xenko

To read last week’s post, see The week in .NET – Mitch Muenster – Stateless. .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, EF Core 1.1, VS for Mac Preview, VS 2017 RC, SQL Server on Linux, Tizen, Google joins .NET Foundation, and Microsoft becomes a Linux Foundation platinum member This week, at the Connect(); // 2016 event, we… Read more

.NET Core Tooling in Visual Studio “15”

This post was co-authored by David Carmona, a Principal Program Manager Lead in .NET Team and Joe Morris, a Senior Program Manager in .NET Team. Couple of weeks back, we dedicated a blog post introducing .NET Standard 2.0, which will significantly extend your ability to share code by unifying .NET APIs across all application types… Read more

Changes to Project.json

This post was written by Scott Hunter. Last week we announced the schedule for RC2 / RTM of .NET Core and ASP.NET. Now that we have shipped RC2 I want to give more details on the .NET Core tooling moving from .xproj / project.json to .csproj / MSBuild. MSBuild When the ASP.NET team started building… Read more

What’s New in Visual Studio Update 1 for .NET Managed Languages

Hold on to your hats, cowboys and cowgirls! A lot of exciting things are coming out of the .NET Managed Languages team for Visual Studio 2015 Update 1. Read on to learn more about new IDE features, interactive C#, new code analysis management, Visual F# improvements, and the new F5 experience for Roslyn open source… Read more

[Guest post] Visual F# Power Tools: community-led tooling for F# in Visual Studio

This is a guest post by Anh-Dung Phan and Vasily Kirichenko, F# community developers and contributors to the superb Visual F# Power Tools extension for Visual Studio.  – Visual F# Team We are pleased to tell you about the Visual F# Power Tools, a Visual Studio extension aimed at providing extended tooling for F# in… Read more

Rounding out Visual F# 4.0 in VS 2015 RC

Today marks the release of Visual Studio 2015 RC, which includes the latest updates to the Visual F# 4.0 language and tools.  Download the RC here, and review the VS release notes here. Back in November, we described the F# 4.0 features that were completed in time for the Visual Studio 2015 Preview build. New… Read more

The Roadmap for WPF

When we introduced WPF back in 2006 (.NET 3.0), the response was absolutely phenomenal. Enterprises, ISV’s, and Microsoft Partners have made the technology central to their business, building amazing vertical solutions and mission critical applications for their customers. This momentum carries forward to today – 10% of all newly created projects in Visual Studio 2013… Read more