Why you should use F#

Why you should use F# This post was written by Phillip Carter and Mads Torgersen. Both work on languages on the .NET team. At Build 2017, we presented a tech talk entitled “Why You Should Use F#”. However, not everyone can attend Build, and many attendees were unable to find a position in the room… Read more

Releasing F# Language Documentation as Open-Source

Guest post by Den Delimarsky, Program Manager, Butt & Enterprise Continuing our efforts to make our documentation more flexible and open, we are releasing the F# language documentation as open-source. This means that starting today you can both easily download the most up-to-date documents for offline consumption, as well as contribute to sections that you… Read more

fsharpConf 2016

Join us this Friday, March 4th on Channel 9 for the first ever fsharpConf! Tune in starting at 8:30am PST (16:30 GMT). Inspired by dotNetConf, fsharpConf is a free, online-only, day-long conference featuring an awesome lineup of talks from the F# community. Check out the fsharpConf site for more details, and follow @fsharpConf on Twitter…. Read more

[Guest Post] Announcing F# Support in Visual Studio Code with Ionide

This is a guest post by Krzysztof Cieślak, an F# community developer and contributor to the Ionide project including its Visual Studio Code extension. To learn more about F# and engage with the community, head to fsharp.org. To learn more about the Ionide project, head to ionide.io. Ionide is a suite of packages for the… Read more

Announcing .NET Framework 4.6

Update: SeeĀ .NET Framework Releases to learn about newer releases. We’re excited to announce the RTM releases of .NET Framework 4.6 and Visual Studio 2015 today. You can read about the new features or leave that for later and try them out now. The quickest way to get started is to install the free Visual Studio… Read more