Update to SIMD Support

A month ago we announced support for SIMD. Today, we’re announcing an update to “RyuJIT” and our NuGet package that exposes the SIMD programming model. Updates to the Microsoft.Bcl.Simd NuGet package More types for Vector<T> We’ve expanded the support of the Vector<T> types: We now support int, long, float, double as well as byte, sbyte,… Read more

Announcing the .NET Framework 4.5.2

Updated (2017): See .NET Framework Releases to learn about newer releases. Updated (July 2015): See Announcing .NET Framework 4.6 to read about the latest version of the NET Framework. We are happy to announce the availability of the .NET Framework 4.5.2. It is a highly compatible, in-place update to the .NET Framework 4, 4.5 and… Read more

Get your libraries ready for Windows Phone 8.1

Two weeks ago, we released the Windows Phone preview for developers. In this post, I’ll cover what this means for library and app developers. What this means for library developers As a .NET developer you can target Windows Phone 8.1 via two platforms: Windows Phone 8.1. This is the new platform which is more converged… Read more

Sharing code across platforms

At Build we announced two great ways to re-use your code: the new Universal Windows apps, and the improved portable class libraries. They both help you reuse code across platforms. In this post, I’ll describe both options and how you can choose between them. Overview Why two options? The short answer is that shared projects… Read more

The JIT finally proposed. JIT and SIMD are getting married.

Processor speed no longer follows Moore’s law. So in order to optimize the performance of your applications, it’s increasingly important to embrace parallelization. Or, as Herb Sutter phrased it, the free lunch is over. You may think that task-based programming or offloading work to threads is already the answer. While multi-threading is certainly a critical… Read more

RyuJIT CTP2: Getting Ready for Prime-time

This post announces an updated preview of the .NET team’s new 64-bit Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler. It was written by Mani Ramaswamy, Program Manager for the .NET Dynamic Code Execution Team. Note: RyuJIT CTP3 is available here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/dotnet/archive/2014/04/03/the-next-generation-of-net.aspx. The developer preview of RyuJIT, CTP1, received a thunderous response (so much so we had to post a… Read more

Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource is now stable

We are announcing the RTM of the EventSource NuGet package, which enables fast app tracing to the Windows Event Log, including in production. This post was written by Cosmin Radu, a software developer on the .NET Runtime team. Over the past several weeks we’ve been working on addressing some feedback we’ve received from our users… Read more

.NET 4.5.1 Supports Microsoft Security Updates for .NET NuGet Libraries

This post describes .NET NuGet library servicing support in the .NET Framework 4.5.1. It was written by Alok Shriram, a Program Manager on the .NET Core Framework Team. In the .NET Framework 4.5.1, we extended our .NET Framework security update capability to our NuGet libraries, enabling us to deliver security updates for those libraries on… Read more

The .NET Framework 4.5.1 is available on Windows Update and WSUS

Update (2017): See .NET Framework Releases to learn about newer releases. This release is unsupported. We are happy to announce that the .NET Framework 4.5.1 and its language packs are now available via Windows Update (WU) and WSUS. You can learn more about the release from the What’s new in the .NET Framework 4.5.1 topic. This… Read more