Welcome to the .NET Framework 4.7.1 Early Access!

Today, we are happy to announce an early access build of .NET Framework 4.7.1. The .NET Framework 4.7.1 is the next version of the .NET Framework. It is currently feature-complete and in the testing phase. We are asking for individuals and companies to help validate the quality and compatibility of the release. It is not ready… Read more

December 2016 Update for .NET Core 1.0

Today, we are releasing a new set of reliability and quality updates for .NET Core 1.0. This month’s update is our second Long Term Support (LTS) update and includes updated versions of multiple packages in .NET Core, ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core. We recommend everyone on the 1.0.* LTS track move to this update immediately…. Read more

The week in .NET – .NET, ASP.NET, EF Core 1.1 Preview 1 – On .NET on EF Core 1.1 – Changelog – FluentValidation – Reverse: Time Collapse

To read last week’s post, see The week in .NET – Bond – The Gallery. Preview 1 of .NET Core 1.1, ASP.NET Core 1.1, and EF Core 1.1 announced Preview 1 versions of .NET Core 1.1, ASP.NET Core 1.1, and Entity Framework Core 1.1 were released today. Check out the blog posts to discover the… Read more

Reusing Configuration Files in ASP.NET Core

Introduction The release of ASP.NET Core 1.0 has enticed existing ASP.NET customers to migrate their projects to this new platform. While working with a customer to move their assets to ASP.NET Core, we encountered an obstacle. Our customer had a many configuration files (*.config) they used regularly. They had hundreds of configuration files that would… Read more

Custom ASP.NET Core Middleware Example

One of the great things about ASP.NET Core is its extensibility. The behavior of an ASP.NET Core app’s HTTP request handling pipeline can be easily customized by specifying different middleware components. This allows developers to plug in request handlers like MVC middleware, static file providers, authentication, error pages, or even their own custom middleware. In… Read more

.NET Announcements at Build 2015

Updated (2017): See .NET Framework Releases to learn about newer releases. Updated (July 2015): See Announcing .NET Framework 4.6 to read about the final version of the .NET Framework 4.6. At the Build conference today, Scott Guthrie announced the .NET Framework 4.6 RC and Visual Studio 2015 RC. He also announced important updates for .NET Windows 10 apps, ASP.NET… Read more

CoreCLR is now Open Source

We’re excited to announce that CoreCLR is now open source on GitHub. CoreCLR is the .NET execution engine in .NET Core, performing functions such as garbage collection and compilation to machine code. .NET Core is a modular implementation of .NET that can be used as the base stack for a wide variety of scenarios, today… Read more

Announcing October 2014 Updates to .NET Framework vNext, ASP.NET vNext and .NET Native in Visual Studio “14” CTP4

Updated (2017): See .NET Framework Releases to learn about newer releases. Today, we are announcing updates to the .NET Framework vNext, ASP.NET vNext and .NET Native. These are all available in Visual Studio “14” CTP4. This .NET Framework release contains RyuJIT, the next generation X64 JIT. ASP.NET vNext contains major improvements in the runtime and Visual… Read more

Try out the new releases: .NET Framework vNext, ASP.NET vNext, .NET Native and RyuJIT

Update (2017): See .NET Framework Releases to learn about newer releases. Today, we are announcing updated versions of .NET Framework vNext, ASP.NET vNext, .NET Native and RyuJIT. You can try out these new releases by installing Visual Studio “14” CTP3. Please tell us what you think. The .NET Framework vNext We are releasing an early… Read more

dotnetConf 2014 Wrapup

We just wanted to say thank you for your time attending the dotnetConf in June 2014 where we shared innovation and news about the present and future of .NET, all in a single place focusing on .NET technologies.  You may have missed sessions during the streaming delivered on June 25th and 26th, so, for your… Read more