Talking about .NET in the Community Press

We follow a lot of blogs and digital papers relating to both .NET and also technology in general. There is a lot of great content that gets published every day about .NET. We’re starting a new series to publish these great links, doing our part to help give that content a larger audience. For this… Read more

Asynchronous Programming for Windows Store Apps: .NET is up to the Task

Programming with async and await is the driving force behind delivering “fast and fluid” user experiences. Compiler diagnostics for async APIs guide developers towards best practices – it’s a wonderful example of platform and tooling working together. Since the Windows Runtime uses a slightly different implementation for async programming than .NET, Greg Paperin – a… Read more

Building Windows Store Apps with .NET

For .NET developers, this is the best time to build client apps. Never before have the Windows APIs been so easy to use from C# or Visual Basic without wrapping them with custom libraries. So far, we’ve seen some amazing apps in the Windows Store built using C#. Richard Lander, program manager for the CLR… Read more

Introducing NETCF 3.9 in Windows Embedded Compact 2013 – a faster, leaner and multi-core runtime!

Ever since .NET Compact Framework was introduced at the PDC conference in 2001, programming with .NET has scaled from some of the smallest devices to the largest servers. With C# and Visual Basic, developers can apply the same skills to program both devices and servers to form a complete end-to-end solution. As the devices become… Read more

Scaling cloud apps with the .NET Framework 4.5

The .NET Framework 4.5 is now available on Windows Azure. Thank you to everyone cheering for this moment. We’re just starting to see the possibilities that a rich developer framework like the .NET Framework and the cloud can have together. Richard Lander, a program manager for the Common Language Runtime, explains a few best practices… Read more

The Microsoft Build 2012 Event — .NET Framework Highlights

It was at the first BUILD conference last year that we announced the .NET Framework 4.5. BUILD last week was a big opportunity for us to reflect on the incredible things you can do with .NET 4.5 and Windows 8. It was also a place where we could launch the great new things now available… Read more

Announcing the release of the .NET Framework for Windows Phone 8

Bringing the full power of the Windows based CLR and .NET Framework to the Windows Phone has been several years in the making. The .NET capabilities introduced with Windows Phone 8 builds upon many of the investments we’ve made across all platforms and years of incubation. This release truly highlights some of the enduring themes… Read more

An easy solution for improving app launch performance

Over the last ten years of building the .NET runtime, quite a number of assumptions have changed. Early on we could assume that most computer users only had one processor. Today, the assumption is that you have at least two processors. While including parallelism in an app for performance challenges most developers, what if that… Read more

.NET Framework 4.5 – Off to a great start

The .NET Framework just passed 3 million downloads. During this time, we’ve been monitoring your experience, paying attention to both telemetry and social traffic. One of the first things I do every morning is read through all the Twitter traffic about .NET. Many others on the .NET team do the same. If you’ve raised an… Read more