Azure DevOps Agents on Azure Container Instances (ACI)

This article provides a solution for running Azure DevOps agents (Build/Release agents) on Windows Server Core based containers, hosted on Azure Container Instances (ACI). A solution like this might be useful, when the default Microsoft-hosted agents don’t fit your requirements, and you don’t prefer using “traditional” IaaS VMs for running your self-hosted agents. One of... Read More


Xcode 8.0-8.3.2 deprecation on Azure Pipelines hosted agents

This September, Azure Pipelines delivered Microsoft-hosted build support for Xcode 10 on the day it was released. Now that our community builds fewer than 1 percent of apps with older versions of Xcode 8, we will focus on supporting Xcode 8.3.3 and higher. Effective November 28, 2018, we are ending support for older versions of Xcode on Microsoft-hosted agents, including 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.2.1, 8.3.1 and... Read More


Azure DevOps Projects general availability

During our Connect(); 2017 event, we announced the public preview of Azure DevOps Projects to help customers start running applications on any Azure service in just three steps. Today, we’re excited to announce that Azure DevOps Projects is now generally available in the Azure Portal, making it easier for developers to deploy to the Azure cloud and create CI/CD pipelines... Read More


New Navigation for Visual Studio Team Services

I’m excited to share the new navigation we’re working on for Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) to modernize the user experience and give you more flexibility. As Lori mentioned in her blog post, our goal to create an integrated suite that also gives the flexibly to pick and choose the services that work best for you. That goal is a common customer request and at... Read More