
Features & Analysis

Our Experts

The great corporate climbdown

It is no surprise Theresa May's reforms fall short of the crackdown on fat cats she promised last year.

29 August 2017
Simon Jack Business editor

May in Japan: How much does Japan want a UK trade deal?

UK Prime Minister Theresa May is trying to schmooze Japan on trade, but the Japanese have other priorities.

30 August 2017
Karishma Vaswani Asia business correspondent

My blog is taking a break

I look forward to returning at the beginning of October.

28 July 2017
Kamal Ahmed Economics editor

Special reports


Index Value Change
FTSE 100 7,438.5 +0.11%
Dow Jones 21,987.56 +0.18%
Nasdaq 6,435.33 +0.1%
Nikkei 225 19,691.47 +0.23%
15 minute delay. Last updated 01:40

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