Are You a Music Fan?

We love to go out to music festivals and clubs. We listen, we dance, we connect with friends. And whether or not we use alcohol or other drugs, we know they’re a part of our scene.

We Want Real Talk About Drug Use

The truth is, all drug use carries potential risks – and pleasures. And we know zero tolerance policies and arrests don’t stop people from using drugs. We want people to have honest, accurate information to stay safe. So we can all enjoy the music and have fun.

Safer Partying Campaign 

Things need to change so that we can have the best experience going out possible. Our #SaferPartying campaign has four goals to get us there – check them out and add your support to one or all of them.

1. Stop hating on people who use drugs when they go out. We're all out to have a great time and absent any harm to others, there's no need to judge people for how they enjoy themselves. Learn more about Goal 1

2. Amend the RAVE Act - and find other ways to give partygoers access to honest drug education, onsite harm reduction services and safe settings at every festival, concert or club. Learn more about Goal 2

3. Make drug checking happen in as many places and forms as possible. It saves lives. Learn more about Goal 3

4. Stop criminalizing partygoers. Learn more about Goal 4

Inspired and want to take this work to the next level? Donate now!

For much less than it costs to get a ticket to a festival or show these days, you can help make music events safer and improve your party experience. Please give what you can!
