How can we reduce the harms associated with synthetic cannabinoids?


As demand persists despite attempts to prohibit supply, a regulated framework is needed to control the market. Without requiring labelling and product consistency, people determined to use these products have no idea what they’re getting.

Instead of further criminalization, alternative approaches to reduce accidental deaths and hospitalizations related to drug use, improve public health outcomes, care for vulnerable populations, and protect young people include:

  • Provide outreach and resources for vulnerable populations.
  • Provide comprehensive drug education about emerging substances.
  • Revisit plans to tax and regulate marijuana as a means of reducing demand for synthetic cannabinoids.

See the fact sheet for more information and sources.


What do you think?

People deserve accurate, non-judgmental information about synthetic cannabinoids and other drugs

In order to stay safe, we need to understand both the effects of drugs and the policies that surround them.

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Synthetic Cannabinoids: Media Tips

The Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) advocates for sharing information about synthetic cannabinoids grounded in research and science. Unfortunately, reporting about these substances can contain inaccuracies and exaggerations that often leads to fear and bad policy.
This tip sheet for media provides brief answers to some of the most commonly-asked questions about synthetic cannabinoids and example phrasing that is accurate and not sensationalized.