Is “synthetic marijuana” addictive?


Given the lack of scientific evidence, the addictive potential of synthetic cannabinoids is inconclusive. Case reports and anecdotal accounts are the most credible information available. These sources suggest that compulsive use exists, though these alone cannot qualify the argument on addiction.

See the fact sheet for more information and sources.


What do you think?

People deserve accurate, non-judgmental information about synthetic cannabinoids and other drugs

In order to stay safe, we need to understand both the effects of drugs and the policies that surround them.

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Synthetic Cannabinoids: Media Tips

The Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) advocates for sharing information about synthetic cannabinoids grounded in research and science. Unfortunately, reporting about these substances can contain inaccuracies and exaggerations that often leads to fear and bad policy.
This tip sheet for media provides brief answers to some of the most commonly-asked questions about synthetic cannabinoids and example phrasing that is accurate and not sensationalized.