Create great looking, fast, mobile apps using JavaScript, Angular 2, and Ionic 2

In a recent Visual Studio Toolbox episode, I highlighted some new Ionic 2 templates for use with the Visual Studio 2015 Tools for Apache Cordova (TACO). These new Ionic 2 RC templates are now available for you to try out and in this post I’ll talk you through what’s new. > Download Ionic 2 templates… Read more

More Productive JavaScript in Visual Studio 2017 RC

We know you choose Visual Studio for JavaScript editing because it provides tools that make you the most productive. In Visual Studio 2017 RC, we’ve been focusing on improving the things you use most so that you can spend even more time focusing on coding. In this post, we will highlight some of the most… Read more

Previewing Salsa – the New JavaScript Language Service in Visual Studio "15"

The new JavaScript language service, codenamed “Salsa”, is now available in Visual Studio “15” Preview. Language services are responsible for providing syntax highlighting, completion lists, signature help, and other tooling features for a specific language inside the IDE. Salsa delivers many improvements over the existing JavaScript language service such as improved module support, full ES6/ES7… Read more

Top News from October-December 2015, Part 1

It’s been a few months since our last roll-up of top developer stories, so I’ll be catching up with the news from last fall in two posts. We’ll start here in Part 1 with Visual Studio, .NET, ASP.NET, languages, and a few other tools for good measure. Part 2 will cover a variety of topics… Read more

WinTools 1.1, TypeScript 1.6 RTM, and Tools for Apache Cordova Updates

We’ve just released updates to several tools, along with something new for developers working with the Apache Cordova CLI. Tools for Universal Windows apps (v1.1). This update addresses a number of key issues reported by you in Visual Studio 2015 RTM including several .NET Native fixes, an updated NuGet release (v3.2), and fixes related to… Read more

Targeting Windows 10 with your Apache Cordova app

This April, in concert with Windows 10 Technical Preview 2, we debuted support for the Windows 10 platform for Apache Cordova. Now, with the availability of Windows 10, full Windows 10 support is part of the Windows Apache Cordova platform and native to Visual Studio 2015.  Apache Cordova allows you to write apps targeting iOS,… Read more

JavaScript Editor Improvements in Visual Studio 2015

JavaScript is an important technology for development on many different platforms, including web, mobile app, and server programming. In Visual Studio 2013 we already support IntelliSense, Go to Definition, colorization, and formatting of JavaScript source, along with several other features. We’ve carried these forward into Visual Studio 2015 and we’ve improved the experience for JavaScript… Read more

Building Mobile Apps with Ionic and Monaca

Cordova makes it easy to build an app for iOS, Android, or Windows using web technologies. While the Blank project templates provide all the raw materials to build your basic “Hello World”, you’ve told us that you’d like to see richer starting points that use best practices vetted by the community, well-modeled design patterns, and… Read more

Tools for Apache Cordova in Visual Studio 2015 RC

We are excited to announce that Visual Studio 2015 RC will include the Tools for Apache Cordova. Starting today, you can build production quality mobile apps for iOS, Android and Windows using web technologies and nearly 100% shared code across platforms. With support for native device capabilities (e.g. camera, accelerometer, contact), offline scenarios and popular… Read more

Introducing the Windows 10 Apache Cordova platform

NOTE: This blogpost is outdated. Build your Cordova project into a Windows 10 (UWP) app by following the instructions here: Apache Cordova allows developers to write apps targeting iOS, Android, Windows, and Windows Phone with a single codebase using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Today, Apache Cordova support for Windows 10 is available for developers to… Read more