Visual Studio extensions for C++ developers in Visual Studio 2017

In this blogpost we want to highlight several Visual Studio extensions that can make your life better as a C++ developer if you’re using Visual Studio 2017 or considering upgrading.   We have also heard from many of you that not having certain C++ extensions available on Visual Studio 2017 was preventing you from moving to… Read more

A new C++/WinRT update is available

A new update of C++/WinRT is available on GitHub! C++/WinRT is a standard C++ language projection for the Windows Runtime, implemented solely in header files. The C++/WinRT team has been quiet since their announcements at CppCon 2016. They’ve made a lot of progress in this update, leading up to the first public release of the… Read more

Visual C++ for Linux Development with CMake

In Visual Studio 2017 15.4 you can now target Linux from your CMake projects. This enables you to work on your existing code base that uses CMake as your build solution without having to convert it to a VS project. If your code base is cross-platform you can target both Windows and Linux from within… Read more

Visual Studio Code C/C++ extension August 2017 Update

Last week we shipped the August 2017 update to the Visual Studio Code C/C++ extension. Besides several bug fixes, this update includes a new command for resetting the IntelliSense database file and continued improvements to the new compiler-based IntelliSense engine. Thanks to everyone who provided us feedback on the new IntelliSense engine in the past… Read more

Changes to Project Templates and Code Wizards in 15.3

Visual Studio 2017 Update 15.3 is a major release with many different improvements coming to the product. You can learn more about these changes in the 15.3 Release Notes. One aspect I want to highlight in this blog post pertains to changes made to the C++ templates in File > New Project and code wizards…. Read more

How to use the C++ Core Guidelines Checker outside of Visual Studio

This post written by Sergiy Oryekhov and Andrew Pardoe The latest C++ Core Guidelines Checker is deployed as a part of the Native Code Analysis tools in Visual Studio 2017 15.3. These tools are designed for use in Visual Studio, which provides a rule set editor for filtering warnings. But what if you want to… Read more

CMake Support in Visual Studio: Customizing your Environment

In Visual Studio 15.3, there are new ways for you to apply advanced configuration to your CMake environments. Please download the latest and try out the latest CMake features.  If you are just getting started with CMake, follow the link to learn more about CMake support in Visual Studio.  We are looking forward to your feedback. What’s new… Read more

Managing warnings in the C++ Core Guidelines Checker

This post written by Sergiy Oryekhov and Andrew Pardoe With several new rules added to the Core Guidelines Checker in Visual Studio 2017 15.3, the amount of warnings produced for pre-existing code may greatly increase. The C++ Core Guidelines include a lot of recommendations that cover all kinds of situations in C+ code. We know… Read more

C++17 Features And STL Fixes In VS 2017 15.3

Visual Studio 2017’s first toolset update, version 15.3, is currently in preview and will be released in its final form very soon. (The toolset consists of the compiler, linker, and libraries. After VS 2017 RTM, the 15.1 and 15.2 updates improved the IDE. The 15.3 update improves both the IDE and the toolset. In general,… Read more

C++ Core Guidelines Checker in Visual Studio 2017

This post written by Sergiy Oryekhov and Andrew Pardoe The C++ Core Guidelines can help improve your code and decrease your cost of maintenance by offering a wide range of recommendations: encouraging use of the standard library, avoiding use of unsafe practices whenever possible, maintaining a consistent style, and helping you to enforce reasonable design… Read more