WPF in .NET 4.6.1

In addition to the platform and tooling improvements that we delivered in .NET 4.6,, we started looking into WPF App Local as a means of delivering platform improvements in March of this year. We had some early successes in our prototypes that we were super excited about, and we shared that with the community during… Read more

WPF Community Projects

WPF Community Projects If you do a quick search with WPF as the search query of GitHub, you get over 6K results. That shows the incredible community support WPF has been blessed with over the years. We wanted to take this opportunity to call out some of popular and upcoming open source projects from the… Read more

Blend for Visual Studio 2015 RC

Today we are pleased to announce the availability of an improved Blend experience when you download Visual Studio 2015 RC. We redesigned Blend for Visual Studio 2015 to provide you with a great user interface development experience for creating beautiful XAML apps. Blend has a sleek new look consistent with Visual Studio for improved workflow between the… Read more

Expanding WPF for UI Debugging

The Optimum User Experience Since the very earliest days of WPF/XAML development, there has always been a need to inspect the visual tree. Early Pre-Alpha builds of Blend had a debug command which would dump the entire visual tree to a text file so developers could look through it for anomalies. We had internal tools… Read more

New UI Performance Analysis Tool for WPF Applications

In Visual Studio 2013, we added a new XAML UI Responsiveness tool in the performance and diagnostics hub to enable you to analyze application interaction-related performance issues in your XAML Windows Store applications. Since then, we’ve gotten a number of requests to support WPF applications. We’re excited to announce that we have built a new… Read more

The Roadmap for WPF

Today, we announced the roadmap for the WPF platform. The post defines the areas of investment in future releases of WPF, and details the current progress of improvements made to the WPF platform in the .NET Framework 4.6 and Visual Studio 2015. We have made some key improvements to WPF in this release: Transparent child… Read more

How does WPF WebBrowser Control handle window.external.notify()?

Every now and then we get some really good questions that make us think.  This was one of those questions. Here was the original Tweet that was sent our way. For those of you unfamiliar with the context of the question, it comes from a Silverlight point of view. The developer would like to see… Read more

SystemColors Reference

WPF exposes a swatch of colors that comprise the current Windows system theme.  These are available in the SystemColors class as Colors, Brushes, and corresponding ResourceKeys (for binding with dynamic notification of changes to these colors, e.g. if the user switches Windows themes).  This blog post contains a WPF tool to visually describe what Windows… Read more

Working Around RibbonWindow Dimensions Issues When Targeting .NET 3.5

For those targeting .NET 3.5, you will notice that RibbonWindow’s Height, Width, Left, and Top properties are a little funky and can be misreported.  This article explains why RibbonWindow on .NET 3.5 has these issues, how the issues manifest, and how to work around them.  .NET 4.0 has no known issues with respect to RibbonWindow… Read more

Enabling ClearType for Ribbon Applications

The Ribbon RTM release was built against .NET 3.5, but our October 2010 release of Ribbon includes both .NET 3.5 and .NET 4.0 Ribbon DLLs.  With the v4.0 Ribbon, we have enabled ClearType on all of the Ribbon controls using RenderOptions.ClearTypeHint.  WPF applications using RibbonWindow must also opt-in to enable ClearType for all content below the Ribbon…. Read more