Announcing TypeScript 2.5

Today we’re happy to bring you TypeScript 2.5! If you’ve read our RC announcement, we’ve got a few new items that we’re proud to highlight! If you’re not familiar with TypeScript, it’s a typed superset of JavaScript. More simply put, it’s just JavaScript with optional static types. Static types can make it easier to maintain your… Read more

Announcing TypeScript 2.5 RC

Announcing TypeScript 2.5 RC Today we’re happy to announce our RC of TypeScript 2.5. To get started with the latest stable version of TypeScript, you can grab it through NuGet, or use the following command with npm: npm install -g typescript@rc Visual Studio 2015 users (who have Update 3) can install TypeScript 2.5 RC from here, and Visual… Read more

Announcing TypeScript 2.4

Today we’re excited to announce the release of TypeScript 2.4! If you haven’t yet heard of TypeScript, it’s a superset of JavaScript that brings static types and powerful tooling to JavaScript. These static types are entirely optional and get erased away – you can gradually introduce them to your existing JavaScript code, and get around… Read more

Announcing TypeScript 2.4 RC

Today we’re releasing our RC of TypeScript 2.4. To get started with the latest stable version of TypeScript, you can grab it through NuGet, or use the following command with npm: npm install -g typescript@rc Visual Studio 2015 users (who have Update 3) can install TypeScript from here, and Visual Studio 2017 users using Update… Read more

New TypeScript Quick Starts and Updates from Build 2017

Last week Microsoft hosted its annual Build conference close to home in Seattle. Build is the single largest developer-focused conference that the company hosts, and draws a huge crowd from around the world! The TypeScript team had the pleasure of meeting some friendly faces of our community, along with plenty of new people who were… Read more

Announcing TypeScript 2.3

Today we’re excited to bring you our latest release with TypeScript 2.3! For those who aren’t familiar, TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that brings users optional static types and solid tooling. Using TypeScript can help avoid painful bugs people commonly run into when writing JavaScript by type-checking your code. TypeScript can actually report issues… Read more

Announcing TypeScript 2.3 RC

The TypeScript 2.3 Release Candidate is here today! This release brings more ECMAScript features, new settings to make starting projects easier, and more. To get started with the release candidate, you can grab it through NuGet or over npm through npm install -g typescript@rc You can also get TypeScript for Visual Studio 2015 (if you… Read more

TypeScript’s New Release Cadence

One of the things we love about the TypeScript community is the enthusiasm around new features and rapid adoption of new TypeScript releases. Because of this, we have been focusing on increasing the velocity and consistency of TypeScript releases so that you can get your hands on the latest features even more quickly and predictably…. Read more

Announcing TypeScript 2.2

Today our team is happy to present our latest release with TypeScript 2.2! For those who haven’t yet heard of it, TypeScript is a simple extension to JavaScript to add optional types along with all the new ECMAScript features. TypeScript builds on the ECMAScript standard and adds type-checking to make you way more productive through… Read more

Announcing TypeScript 2.2 RC

TypeScript 2.2 is just around the corner, and today we’re announcing its release candidate! If you’re first hearing about it, TypeScript is a language that just takes JavaScript and adds optional static types. Being built on JavaScript means that you don’t have to learn much more beyond what you know from JavaScript, and all your… Read more