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  1. Tweet fijado
    8 abr.

    🚨RETWEET if u support opening a criminal investigation into July 2016 murder of DNC staffer & leaker Seth Rich.

  2. hace 1 hora

    BOOM !!! Cruz: Use money seized from drug lords to fund border wall !! 🎯

  3. hace 5 horas
  4. hace 38 minutos

    When the (Liberal) judicial branch thinks it's the executive branch !! Time to remove MORE judges! Cut the damn Funding!

  5. hace 51 minutos

    WTF !!!!!!??????? BREAKING: Liberal Judge blocks Donald Trump's move to cut off funding to sanctuary cities!!

  6. hace 38 minutos

    When the (Liberal) judicial branch thinks it's the executive branch !! Time to remove MORE judges! Cut the damn Funding!

  7. hace 5 horas
  8. hace 51 minutos

    WTF !!!!!!??????? BREAKING: Liberal Judge blocks Donald Trump's move to cut off funding to sanctuary cities!!

  9. hace 3 horas

    Stock pick Up Up Up frm $1.50 to $2.08 in last 25days ! 💎More Good Times to Come !!

  10. 15 abr.

    👍👉"If you think they're going to give you your country back without the fight,you're sadly mistaken"

  11. hace 4 horas

    North Korea reportedly holds live-fire drill as US nuclear-powered sub approaches

  12. hace 5 horas

    "I have no disappointment, I have only ! : we can win and we will ! "

  13. hace 4 horas

    Liberals are going crazy. Nothing that they say can be taken seriously anymore. They buried themselves.

  14. hace 2 horas

    For years girls as young as 6 y/o were mutilated & de-sexualized by these two SICK Muslim Doctors in Michigan!

  15. hace 10 horas

    Beware Macy's Muslim caught groping & sexually assaulting defenseless Manikin

  16. hace 1 hora

    BOOM !!! Cruz: Use money seized from drug lords to fund border wall !! 🎯

  17. hace 2 horas

    For years girls as young as 6 y/o were mutilated & de-sexualized by these two SICK Muslim Doctors in Michigan!

  18. 24 abr.

    Islamic Gangs & Liberals join forces & turn Paris into a War Zone after Marine Le Pen Triumph   🇫🇷🌎🇺🇸

  19. 22 abr.

    Muslim Arab refugees celebrate daily by tossing garbage frm their apartment windows... 🤔💩

  20. 24 abr.

    Where R The Children?? Where R The Women?? Where R The Elderly?? Globalism Kills👇Thx Obama👇 👇

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