Weather United Kingdom


United Kingdom


Thursday 7 September Published at 00:03

UK Warnings

Weather Warning

Issued by the Met Office

Thursday 7 September

There are no weather warnings in force anywhere in the United Kingdom.

Flood Warning

Issued by the Environment Agency or by SEPA in Scotland and Natural Resources Wales in Wales

Thursday 7 September

There are no flood warnings in force anywhere in the United Kingdom.

About the Met Office Weather Warnings

The Met Office warns the public and emergency responders of severe or hazardous weather which has the potential to cause danger to life or widespread disruption through the National Severe Weather Warning Service.

The Met Office issues warnings for rain, snow, wind, fog and ice. These warnings are given a colour depending on a combination of the likelihood of the event happening and the impact the conditions may have.

For more information, see the Met Office Weather Warnings Guide.

About Flood Warnings

The flood warnings are issued by the Environment Agency, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency and Natural Resources Wales, and sent to the BBC Weather Centre. We then issue a compendium of warnings based on the latest information available. When severe flood warnings are issued they will also be highlighted on TV broadcasts.

Find out more about Flood Warnings

There are a number of ways you find out whether your area is at risk from flooding. The Environment Agency, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency and Natural Resources Wales update their warnings 24 hours a day via the Floodline number.

Floodline - 0345 988 1188

Monthly Outlook

Monday 4 September Published at 10:00

Monthly Outlook

'Tis the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness.

September is the first month of the meteorological autumn and a time of change. With the nights getting longer and cooler, the leaves turning colour and all of us digging out the jumper for the wait at the bus stop or a potter in the garden, you can feel that meteorological autumn is here. Mind you, September last year brought us the highest temperature of 2016, so the weather doesn't always stick to rule book...

Monday 4 September—Sunday 10 September
Fairly quiet to start, but a more active finish.

The first full week of September looks like it will kick off on warm and humid note. Sunshine may be at a bit of a premium, but when it does appear you will be reminded that we are only in the early days of autumn. But by midweek, a passage of a cold front will lead to our weather streaming in from the North Atlantic. This will result in a cooler and fresher feel for all of us, with a mixture of sunshine and showers.

We ramp it up a gear in time for the weekend, as a rather more disturbed weather pattern may develop with deep areas of low pressure rattling in from the Atlantic. This could potentially bring the first widespread gales of the autumn season. Mists and mellow fruitfulness on hold for now...

Monday 11 September—Sunday 17 September
Like the first week, but in reverse order.

The wet and windy weather of the previous weekend is likely to spill into the start of this week. However, as the week progresses, most of the computer models suggest a settling down of the weather, with high pressure taking charge. With this will come some pleasantly warm days, but with the likelihood of chilly nights and perhaps some early morning fog - at last mists and mellow fruitfulness!

At this time of year, Atlantic hurricanes can have an influence on our weather, and all eyes at the moment are on Hurricane Irma. As this storm potentially threatens the eastern USA, the warm air it drags north across the Atlantic can help build pressure towards our shores. It is this process which may see our weather calm down towards the end of this period.

Monday 18 September—Sunday 1 October
Towards climatology is our best guess

Confidence in the forecast is low looking this far ahead, primarily because of the potential for ongoing Atlantic tropical storm activity. There is also a lack of any strong global drivers (e.g. an El Niño) in the weather at the moment. Therefore, we are uncertain what these weeks will bring.

Thus our best estimate for the second half of September and start of October is for our weather to revert to something close to what we'd expect at this time of year. This means that northern and western parts of the UK stand the greatest chance of seeing periods of wind and rain, and the further south and east you are the drier and brighter it should be, though even here some rain is likely at times.

Next week

We'll find out if Hurricane Irma can, admittedly indirectly, bring us a period of fine and settled weather.

Monthly forecasting
The weather beyond about a week ahead stretches even the most experienced weather forecaster. Complex numerical weather forecast models from the Met Office and the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) are run many times for the month (and season) ahead to build up a picture of the likelihood of different weather types affecting the UK.

Next update at 10:00, Monday 11 September


Thursday 7 September Published at 01:38


Rain in the north today. Scattered showers further south.

Rain spreading eastwards across northern Ireland, Scotland and northern England today, with some heavy bursts, most likely over western hills. Elsewhere, brighter skies at times, though scattered showers for some too. Otherwise, becoming windier, especially in the south and west.


Further rain for some northern parts this evening, clearing to clearer spells and showers overnight. Elsewhere, windy in the south with rain spreading in from the west towards dawn.


Rain sweeping across southern counties on Friday, clearing to the east by the end of the day. Bright spells elsewhere, with blustery showers, heavy and thundery in places.

Outlook for Saturday to Monday

Rain sweeping across southern counties on Friday, clearing to the east by the end of the day. Bright spells elsewhere, with blustery showers, heavy and thundery in places.

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Last updated 17:52 BST, Thursday 7 Sep