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11.9.2017 : 12:59 : +0200

Recent Publications

  • Unheard and Uncounted: Violence against Women in India, October 2015. India Armed Violence Assessment Issue Brief No. 5.

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  • Floating Armouries in the Indian Ocean, May 2015. Research Note No. 52, Armed Actors.

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Publications on Asia and the Pacific


  • Floating Armouries in the Indian Ocean, May 2015. Research Note No. 52, Armed Actors.

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  • Whose Security Counts? Participatory Research on Armed Violence and Human Insecurity in Southeast Asia, by Chutimas Suksai, Raymund Narag, Daraaceh, and Keng Menglang, co-published with Nonviolence International, September 2003.

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  • Small Arms and Human Insecurity: Reviewing Participatory Research in South Asia, by Dipankar Banerjee and Robert Muggah, co-published with the Regional Centre for Strategic Studies, July 2002

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  • Rogue Rocketeers: Artillery Rockets and Armed Groups, by Matt Schroeder, July 2014. Working Paper No. 19

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  • Feeding the Fire: Illicit Small Arms Ammunition in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Somalia, July 2014. Issue Brief No. 8.

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  • Safer Stockpiles: Practitioners’ Experiences with Physical Security and Stockpile Management (PSSM) Assistance Programmes, edited by Benjamin King, April 2011. Occasional Paper No. 27

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  • How Many Weapons Are There in Cambodia? by Christina Wille, July 2006. Working Paper No. 4

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  • Arms, Oil, and Darfur: the Evolution of Relations between China and Sudan, July 2007. HSBA Issue Brief No. 7 (also available in Arabic)

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  • Unheard and Uncounted: Violence against Women in India, October 2015. India Armed Violence Assessment Issue Brief No. 5.

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  • Small Arms of the Indian State: A Century of Procurement and Production, January 2014. India Armed Violence Assessment Issue Brief No. 4 (also available in Hindi).

  • A Heavy Hand: The Use of Force by India's Police, August 2012. India Armed Violence Assessment Issue Brief No. 3 (also available in Hindi).

  • Mapping Murder: The Geography of Indian Firearm Fatalities, September 2011. India Armed Violence Assessment Issue Brief No. 2 (also available in Hindi).

  • India's States of Armed Violence: Assessing the Human Cost and Political Priorities, September 2011. India Armed Violence Assessment Issue Brief No. 1 (also available in Hindi).

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  • The Highway Routes: Small Arms Smuggling in Eastern Nepal, November 2014. Nepal Armed Violence Assessment Issue Brief No. 4 (see also Annexe).

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  • Risky Business? Crime and Security Perceptions in the Nepali Private Sector, November 2013. Nepal Armed Violence Assessment Issue Brief No. 3 (also available in Nepali).

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  • Legacies of War in the Company of Peace: Firearms in Nepal, May 2013. Nepal Armed Violence Assessment Issue Brief No. 2 (also available in Nepali).

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  • The Missing Middle: Examining the Armed Group Phenomenon in Nepal, May 2013. Nepal Armed Violence Assessment Issue Brief No. 1 (also available in Nepali).

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  • In Search of Lasting Security: An Assessment of Armed Violence in Nepal, by Mihaela Racovita, Ryan Murray, and Sudhindra Sharma, a joint publication of the  Interdisciplinary Analysts, and the Small  Arms Survey's Nepal Armed Violence Assessment project, supported by Australian Aid, AusAID. May 2013. Special Report No. 20. (This report is also available in Nepali)

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  • At War's End: Armed Violence in Nepal, May 2013. Research Note No. 29, Armed Violence (also available in Nepali).

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  • Armed Violence in the Terai. co-published with Interdisciplinary Analysts, Nepal Madhes Foundation, and Saferworld, August 2011.

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Papua New Guinea

  • Gun-running in Papua New Guinea: From Arrows to Assault Weapons in the Southern Highlands, by Philip Alpers, June 2005. Special Report No. 5

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  • Diagnosing Demand: Assessing the Motivations and Means for Firearms Acquisition in the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea, by Robert Muggah, Discussion Paper 2004/7, Australian National University, 2004.

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  • Primed and Purposeful: Armed Groups and Human Security Efforts in the Philippines, by Soliman M. Santos, Jr. and Paz Verdades M. Santos with Octavio A. Dinampo, Herman Joseph S. Kraft, Artha Kira R. Paredes, and Raymund Jose G. Quilop, edited by Diana Rodriguez,  published by the South-South Network for Non-State Armed Group Engagement and the Small Arms Survey, April 2010. 

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Solomon Islands

  • Diagnosing Demand: Assessing the Motivations and Means for Firearms Acquisition in the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea, by Robert Muggah, Discussion Paper 2004/7, Australian National University, 2004.

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Sri Lanka

  • In the Shadow of a Cease-fire: The Impacts of Small Arms Availability and Misuse in Sri Lanka, by Chris Smith, October 2003. Occasional Paper No. 11

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  • Urban Violence in an Urban Village: A Case Study of Dili, Timor-Leste, edited by Robert Muggah, October 2010

  • Timor-Leste Armed Violence Assessment Final Report, edited by Robert Muggah and Emile LeBrun, October 2010. Special Report No. 12. (Executive summary available in Tetum.)

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  • After the Guns Fall Silent: Sexual and Gender-based Violence in Timor-Leste, November 2009. Timor-Leste Armed Violence Assessment Issue Brief No. 5 (also available in Tetum).

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  • Tracking Violence in Timor-Leste: A Sample of Emergency Room Data, 2006-08, October 2009. Timor-Leste Armed Violence Assessment Issue Brief No. 4 (also available in Tetum).

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  • Handle with Care: Private Security Companies in Timor-Leste, by Sarah Parker, 2009. East Timor Law Journal (also available in Tetum).

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  • Electoral Violence in Timor-Leste: Mapping Incidents and Responses, June 2009. Timor-Leste Armed Violence Assessment Issue Brief No. 3 (also available in Tetum).

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  • Groups, Gangs, and Armed Violence in Timor-Leste, April 2009. Timor-Leste Armed Violence Assessment Issue Brief No. 2 (also available in Bahasa, Portuguese, and Tetum).

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  • Dealing with the Kilat: An Historical Overview of Small Arms Availability and Arms Control in Timor-Leste, October 2008. Timor-Leste Armed Violence Assessment Issue Brief No. 1 (also available in Bahasa, Portuguese, and Tetum).

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  • Commentary on the Draft Arms Law in Timor-Leste, by Sarah Parker, 2008. East Timor Law Journal (also available in Bahasa, Portuguese, and Tetum).

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