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Recent Publications

  • Remote-control Breakdown: Sudanese Paramilitary Forces and Pro-government Militias, April 2017. HSBA Issue Brief Number 27.

  • Policing in South Sudan: Transformation Challenges and Priorities, March 2017. HSBA Issue Brief Number 26.

  • Diversion of Arms and Ammunition in Peace Operations: Observations based on Missions in Sudan and South Sudan, September 2015. Research Note No. 54, Armed Actors (also available in French).

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State Security Forces

State security forces include military, police, customs, border police and other law enforcement agencies. Taken together, they possess about one forth of the global small arms stockpile. The majority of state-held weapons belong to military forces, with law enforcement agencies accounting for the rest. The effectiveness of the regulations regarding the storage and use of these weapons can vary greatly depending on the type of institution concerned and the means allocated to that effect. Inadequate firearm training of state agents, as well as insufficient safeguards on stocks, can lead to the illegitimate use of these weapons, their diversion to unauthorized groups or individuals, and the occurrence of deadly ammunition depot explosions.

The Small Arms Survey monitors small arms stockpiles held by states throughout the world, updating estimates of global state holdings on a regular basis. In addition, the stockpile management and security procedures that states put in place to prevent diversion or accidental explosions are analysed. Based on field and desk research undertaken by the Survey and its partners, information on states’ firearm holdings has improved in a number of settings. A lack of transparency nevertheless remains an issue in most parts of the world.


Small Arms Survey Publications

  • Remote-control Breakdown: Sudanese Paramilitary Forces and Pro-government Militias, April 2017. HSBA Issue Brief Number 27.

  • Policing in South Sudan: Transformation Challenges and Priorities, March 2017. HSBA Issue Brief Number 26.

  • Diversion of Arms and Ammunition in Peace Operations: Observations based on Missions in Sudan and South Sudan, September 2015. Research Note No. 54, Armed Actors (also available in French).

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  • Violent Deaths due to Legal Interventions, July 2015. Research Note No. 53, Armed Violence.

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  • Under Attack and Above Scrutiny? Arms and Ammunition Diversion from Peacekeepers in Sudan and South Sudan, 2002-14, by Eric Berman and Mihaela Racovita, July 2015. Working Paper No. 37 (also available in Arabic)

  • Guided Mortar Systems, April 2015. Research Note No. 51, Weapons and Markets.

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  • Real but Fragile: The Greater Pibor Administrative Area, by Claudio Todisco, March 2015. Working Paper No. 35 (also available in Arabic)

  • Contested Borders: Continuing Tensions over the Sudan–South Sudan Border, by Joshua Craze, November 2014. Working Paper No. 34 (also available in Arabic)

  • Searching for Stability: Perceptions of Security, Justice, and Firearms in Libya, August 2014. Security Assessment in North Africa Issue Brief No. 1 (also available in Arabic).

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  • Excess Arms in South Sudan: Security Forces and Surplus Management, April 2014. Issue Brief No. 6.

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  • Traditional Military Rifles, January 2014. Research Note No. 38, Weapons and Markets.

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  • At an Impasse: The Conflict in Blue Nile, by Claudio Gramizzi, December 2013. Working Paper No. 31 (Also in Arabic)

  • New War, Old Enemies: Conflict Dynamics in South Kordofan, by Claudio Gramizzi and Jérôme Tubiana, April 2013. Working Paper No. 29 (also availabe in Arabic)

  • Policing the Periphery: Opportunities and Challenges for Kenya Police Reserves, by Kennedy Mkutu and Gerald Wandera. March 2013. Working Paper No. 15

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  • Estimating Law Enforcement Firearms, December 2012. Research Note No. 24, Armed Actors (see Annexe)

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  • A Heavy Hand: The Use of Force by India's Police, August 2012. India Armed Violence Assessment Issue Brief No. 3 (also available in Hindi).

  • Blue Skies and Dark Clouds: Kazakhstan and Small Arms, by Nicolas Florquin, Dauren Aben, and Takhmina Karimova, May 2012. Occasional Paper No. 29 (also available in Kazakh and Russian; Executive Summary available in English, Kazakh, and Russian)

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  • Reaching for the Gun: Arms Flows and Holdings in South Sudan, April 2012. HSBA Issue Brief Number 19 (also available in Arabic)

  • Arms in and around Mauritania: National and Regional Security Implications, by Stéphanie Pézard with Anne-Kathrin Glatz, June 2010. Occasional Paper No. 24 (also available in French)

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  • Supply and Demand: Arms Flows and Holdings in Sudan, December 2009. HSBA Issue Brief No. 15 (also available in Arabic)

  • 'Insecurity Is Also a War': An Assessment of Armed Violence in Burundi, by Stéphanie Pézard and Savannah de Tessières, October 2009 (also available in French)

  • Surplus Arms in South America: A Survey, by Aaron Karp, a study by the Small Arms Survey in cooperation with the Conflict Analysis Resource Center (CERAC), August 2009. Working Paper No. 7 (also available in Spanish and Portuguese)

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  • The Politics of Destroying Surplus Small Arms - Inconspicuous Disarmament, edited by Aaron Karp, published by Routledge, July 2009.

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  • The Central African Republic and Small Arms: A Regional Tinderbox, by Eric G. Berman with Louisa N. Lombard, December 2008 (also available in French).

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  • The Drift Back to War: Insecurity and Militarization in the Nuba Mountains, August 2008. HSBA Issue Brief No. 12 (also available in Arabic)

  • Neither ‘Joint’ nor ‘Integrated’: the Joint Integrated Units and the Future of the CPA, March 2008. HSBA Issue Brief No. 10 (also available in Arabic).

  • Conventional Ammunition in Surplus: A Reference Guide, edited by James Bevan, co-published with BICC, FAS, GRIP, and SEESAC with support from the German Federal Foreign Office, January 2008.

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  • Small Arms in Burundi: Disarming the Civilian Population in Peacetime, by Stéphanie Pézard and Nicolas Florquin, a study by the Small Arms Survey and the Ligue Iteka with support from UNDP–Burundi and Oxfam–NOVIB, August 2007. Special Report No. 7 (also available in French)

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  • The Militarization of Sudan: a Preliminary Review of Arms Flows and Holdings, April 2007. HSBA Issue Brief No. 6 (also available in Arabic)

  • La République Centrafricaine: une étude de cas sur les armes légères et les conflits, by Eric G. Berman, with the support of UNDP, July 2006. Special Report No. 6

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  • How Many Weapons Are There in Cambodia? by Christina Wille, July 2006. Working Paper No. 4

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  • Deadly Diversions: Illicit Transfers of Ammunition for Small Arms and Light Weapons, by Mike Bourne and Ilhan Berkol, 2006. In Stéphanie Pézard and Holger Anders, eds. Targeting Ammunition: A Primer.

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  • Following the Lethal Trail: Identifying Sources of Illicit Ammunition, by Holger Anders, 2006. In Stéphanie Pézard and Holger Anders, eds. Targeting Ammunition: A Primer.

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  • The Three Ds: Disposal, Demilitarization, and Destruction of Ammunition, by Adrian Wilkinson, 2006. In Stéphanie Pézard and Holger Anders, eds. Targeting Ammunition: A Primer.

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  • 'A House Isn't A Home without a Gun': SALW Survey, Republic of Montenegro, by Nicolas Florquin and Shelly O'Neill Stoneman, co-published with SEESAC, July 2004 (also available in BCMS)

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  • A Fragile Peace: Guns and Security in Post-Conflict Macedonia, by Suzette R. Grillot et al., commissioned by UNDP and co-published with BICC and SEESAC, June 2004. Special Report No. 4

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  • Small Arms in Kyrgyzstan: A Small Arms Anomaly in Central Asia? by S. Neil MacFarlane and Stina Torjesen, February 2004. Occasional Paper No. 12 (also available in Kyrgyz)

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  • Kosovo and the Gun: A Baseline Assessment of Small Arms and Light Weapons in Kosovo, by Anna Khakee and Nicolas Florquin, commissioned by the UNDP, June 2003. Special Report No. 3 (also available in Albanian and BCMS).

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  • Demand, Stockpiles, and Social Controls: Small Arms in Yemen, by Derek B. Miller, May 2003. Occasional Paper No. 9 (also available in Arabic)

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  • Small Arms in the Pacific, by Philip Alpers and Conor Twyford, March 2003. Occasional Paper No. 8

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  • Politics from the Barrel of a Gun: Small Arms Proliferation and Conflict in the Republic of Georgia, by Spyros Demetriou, November 2002. Occasional Paper No. 6 (also available in Russian)

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  • Stray Bullets: The Impact of Small Arms Misuse in Central America, by William Godnick, with Robert Muggah and Camilla Waszink, October 2002. Occasional Paper No. 5 (also available in Spanish)

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  • Small Arms Availability, Trade, and Impacts in the Republic of Congo, commissioned by IOM and the UNDP, by Spyros Demetriou, Robert Muggah and Ian Biddle, April 2002. Special Report No. 2

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Other Publications

  • Berman, Eric and Mihaela Racovita. 2013. Diversion of Weapons within Peace Operations: Understanding the Phenomenon. GCSP Policy Paper 2013/8. Geneva: Geneva Centre for Security Policy.

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  • Wood, David. 2006. SALW Survey of Moldova. Belgrade: SEESAC

  • Rynn, Simon, Philip Gounev, and Thomas Jackson. 2005. Taming the Arsenal: Small Arms and Light Weapons in Bulgaria. Belgrade: SEESAC.

  • Gould, Chandré and Guy Lamb, eds. 2004. Hide and Seek: Taking Account of Small Arms in Southern Africa. Pretoria: Institute for Security Studies.

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  • Gounev, Philip, et al. 2004. Weapons under Scrutiny: Implementing Arms Export Controls and Combating Small Arms Proliferation in Bulgaria. London: Saferworld.

  • United States General Accounting Office. 2003. Firearms Controls: Federal Agencies Have Firearms Controls, but Could Strengthen Controls in Key Areas

  • Gorjanc, Milan. 2002. Small Arms and Light Weapons' Possible Contribution to the Stability Pact for Southeastern Europe. Unpublished Conference Paper. Ljubljana. 27 January.

  • Nassauer, Otfried. 1995. An Army Surplus: The NVA’s Heritage. BICC Brief 3. Bonn: BICC.

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