Take Action to End the War on Drugs

Help end the war on drugs by letting your representatives, family, and friends know that you stand for drug policies based on science, compassion, health and human rights.

Current Action Alerts

Tell your Senators it is time to legalize marijuana and support the Marijuana Justice Act.

Tell Congress: Support the CARERS Act to end federal medical marijuana prohibition.

Stand against Attorney General Sessions' new attempt to escalate the drug war. 

It's time for the United States to stand against killings in the name of the drug war.

Tell President Trump to reform or eliminate the DEA 

Activist Toolkits

Want to spread the word and build the movement to end the war on drugs? Our activist toolkits provide talking points and other basic tools to help you advocate for change. 

View activist toolkits.

Latest Victories

Medical Marijuana in New York

In June 2014, New York became the 23rd state with a medical marijuana law. DPA's New York policy office worked with allies across the state to bring the voices of patients, providers and caregivers to the legislature and governor's office. The bill passed and was signed despite significant opposition from leaders in Albany. Although the bill has limitations, if implemented well and quickly could help thousands of New Yorkers with serious illnesses and debilitating conditions.