Explore Your Activity Log
See Your Activity

Your activity log is a list of your posts and activity, from today back to the very beginning. You’ll also see stories and photos you’ve been tagged in, as well as the connections you’ve made – like when you liked a Page or added someone as a friend.

Your activity log lets you review and manage what you share on Facebook.
To view your activity log:
  1. Click in the top-right corner of any Facebook page
  2. Select Activity Log
From here, you can click the Filters on the left to review a specific type of story (ex: Your Posts, Photos). You can also search for stories and click a year on the right to see stories from a specific year.
Note: Only you can see your activity log, but stories in your activity log may appear other places on Facebook, like on your Timeline, in search or in your friends' News Feeds.
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Your activity log includes all your stories, organized by the date they happened on Facebook. This means when you add a life event to your Timeline, it will show up in your activity log on the day you added it, not the day of the event itself. Keep in mind only you can see your activity log.
By default, your activity log shows your activity from the current year, starting with your most recent activity. Click on a year (in the top-right corner) to jump directly to that time.
The audience icons to the right of each story show you who the story was shared with.
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Your activity log includes a list of the things you search for on Facebook. Remember, no one else can see your activity log.
To remove a search:
  1. Open your activity log, click More, and then select Search from the left column
  2. Click next to the search entry you want to remove
  3. Click Delete
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Your activity log lets you review your photos, and photos you're tagged in, that are shared with Public. To view photos shared with Public:
  1. Go to your activity log
  2. Click Photos in the left column
  3. Select Public from the filter at the top of your activity log next to Shared with
You can also review photos that you've hidden on your Timeline by selecting Hidden from the dropdown menu next to On Timeline. Keep in mind, photos you've hidden on your Timeline are still visible to the audience they're shared with other places on Facebook, such as in News Feed and search.
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To cancel a friend request you sent:
  1. Click at the top of any Facebook page
  2. Click Find Friends
  3. Click View Sent Requests
  4. Hover over Friend Request Sent next to the request you'd like to cancel
  5. Select Cancel Request > Cancel Request
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Find Stories

Looking for a story from a few months ago, or even a few years? Just click the year on the right side of the page to jump to that time period.

Different types of stories (ex: posts by others, likes, comments) are listed in the left column of your activity log. Click on a specific type of activity in this column and stories that fall under this activity will appear chronologically in the center of your activity log.
You can return to a complete view of your activity log by clicking Activity Log at the top of the left column.
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Use the filters in your activity log to find specific types of stories. If you still can’t find certain stories in your activity log, it could be because:
  • The activity you’re looking for doesn't exist. For example, you won’t see any activity stories about events in 2005 because Facebook Events didn’t exist yet.
  • You removed this information from your timeline.
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