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77 points · 7 hours ago · edited 6 hours ago

Because it is not the mail services usually.

In the US you have USPS, which is the "federal mail service" but technically not government ran, and then you have other services like UPS, FedEx, so on.

Generally USPS will deliver to a mailbox, leave a letter if you have a package, or sometimes will deliver to door but they have no obligation to. Around here it depends on where you are at as they give three options:

  1. If your on a rural road, then you can get a letter to pick it up at the local post office.

  2. If your on a less rural area with communal boxes, then they have larger boxes they place packages in. They then leave a key in your box to open the larger box.

  3. Via prior agreement you can have the carrier leave it on your front porch (this is what I do since not viewable from road).

These other services (UPS/FedEx) are equivalent to giving a package to your neighbor and expecting them to deliver it. There is no legal reason they have to put the packages anywhere EXCEPT they legally cant put them in the mailbox.

EDIT: Mixed up USPS and Federal Reserve

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I get tons of junk delivered by USPS and they almost always leave it on the porch. Sometimes they put in in the communal mailbox thing you talk about, but most of the time not.

Junk mail funds most of the Post Office. Many people dont realize this

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Sorry, I meant I order a bunch of stuff on Amazon that many would consider junk and it gets left on my porch.

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737! Thanks for doing this!

Well, he is the most well known example of someone doing it, then getting banned, pointing towards Reddit not playing favorites - like a bit of Reddit history!

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Yeah but you could simply say 'op got banned for vote manipulation (see /u/unidan)'. Shorter, explains exactly what's happening, and you can completely ignore unidan if you want

3 points · 7 hours ago · edited 7 hours ago

Sorry, that's just human behaviour. It's how we warn and remember threats and lessons.

Millions of people suffer from vitiligo, but there's a reason why people call it Michael Jackson disease. Hell if you Google, "Michael Jackson disease." Vitiligo is the top result. Why? Well he's the most famous person to have that skin condition.

Just like when someone makes a basket from a distance they yell, "Kobe." Everyone knows who Kobe is and how you felt when you made that basket. Doesn't matter if it's trash or a ball you threw, we immediately relate due to that one word.

This guy gets banned for trying to play the system in his favor. So of course, who do we associate it with? Yeah, we associate it with the most relevant and remembered incident.

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why people call it Michael Jackson disease.

What are you talking about.

Hell if you Google, “Michael Jackson disease.” Vitiligo is the top result.

Yeah because that's how Google works

Why? Well he’s the most famous person to have that skin condition.

No, it's because it's the disease Michael Jackson had. Google "Patrick Swayze disease" and you get "Pancreatic Cancer", but the most famous person to die from pancreatic cancer was Steve Jobs. Because that's how Google works

Just like when someone makes a basket from a distance they yell, “Kobe.” Everyone knows who Kobe is and how you felt when you made that basket. Doesn’t matter if it’s trash or a ball you threw, we immediately relate due to that one word.

What the actual fuck are you talking about. I've never once heard a person ever yell "kobe" playing basketball. Why would they? That makes no sense. Just because your group of friends does this doesn't mean anyone else does or would even understand.

Your entire comment was filled with terrible examples of stuff you don't actually understand. Just get out.

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Oh cool, so since most people are now on mobile, how do I adjust my iPhone screen contrast?

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Pretty sure you're being sarcastic but https://i.imgur.com/wwwjjNx.jpg. anyway I'm not op so don't downvote me for telling you how you can do something since you were the one that asked.

More just flippant but thank you for answering. I appreciate it.

I was trying to point out adjusting contrast is even less user friendly. Judging by where this is hidden, I’d say my mom wouldn’t have been able to find it, which is the first question I ask myself lol

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Yes you have a good point. I think op has a decent point, but less so. Most people don't have brightness turned up full blast on all the devices they use. Most people I know use their phones at half brightness etc. That has the effect of reducing contrast and making things grayer as well. But I don't really have a dog in this fight.

Small bug. If you resize the window, your mouse no longer lines up with the canvas properly (you can't draw in the spot where your cursor is).

edit: it looks like it's a function of how far away from the top left corner it is. If I draw in the top left corner, the cursor is much closer than if I try to draw in the bottom right

I missed this. I actually looked for this style of game a few months ago. Thank you.

Let me quote the post i replied to:

Then be logical and get

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Yeah. It was obviously a hypothetical in the case that you did have a fridge with the faucet on the inside. You don't, so they're not telling you to do anything.

Yes, and my response was the hypothetical case of me getting one. It's called a debate. I can't believe you think you are in the right here.

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No, you pretended like they hypothetically told you to get a new fridge. Their response was assuming you already own a fridge with the faucet on the inside and you want to fill a larger bucket then get an inline filter for your faucet. You pretended like they said, "buy a new fridge and an inline faucet for those larger things", when they in fact said no such thing. If this was a debate, it would be a straw man fallacy. But it isn't a debate. They were literally just telling you how to resolve your imaginary problem.

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I see this as two separate events. The friend asking for some graphic work for a charity. Then the artist wanting the product the charity is selling to make money. Event one doesn't mean you get to benefit from event two. There was alot unsaid in this transaction or else the outcome could have been more favorable. Next time, make up a "scope of work" or agreement or event just a zero balance invoice.

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While this is true, the charity is gonna lose their goodwill from artists if they continue doing things this way.

Not necessarily. If artists are upfront about what they are or aren't offering then there won't be any room for error. I'm not blaming this artist I'm saying this should be a learning experience. If you don't spell out what you want why would anyone give you something you didn't ask for.

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Yeah I think we agree.

My favorite was a clip of the protest about the pipe line being built NEAR, not ON indian land several years ago. The protestors were blocking a single lane two way road near the building site that was interfering with peoples drive to work/home everyday. And one day someone apparently got tired of that so when they got to the protest with their big ass pickup truck they just slowed down, but kept driving, and the cops refused to move to give the crowd somewhere to go so they wound up having to shove each other into the barricades they put up and several got shoved into the cops who just pushed them back into the crowd, eventually the truck got past and the protestor near the front of teh crowd turns to one of the cops and SCREAMS at the top of their lungs from about a foot away into this officers face, "How dare you not arrest them for hitting us that's illegal and dangerous" and the cop with a completely straight face answers in a deadpan voice "Maybe you should get out of the road"

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Link? I'm not really even sure what to Google.

Alright, out with it. What's your favorite flashlight!?

Your team sucks.. I'd get out soon. Women at my work aren't treated that way (at least the devs aren't, not sure about other departments). But it sounds terrible. I'm sorry for your struggle.

72 day/70 night. But sometimes it gets really freaking cold so we crank it to 73. I think we might have a draft in one of our lower floor windows.

3.7k points · 4 days ago · edited 3 days ago

“Not like the last gorilla” That’s, linguistically, implying that Melania is a gorilla...isn’t it?

EDIT: semantically

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Wow. Only three comments in and you hit the jackpot.

13 points · 4 days ago

I agree with the others. No one will ask about high school. People will ask about college. They will really question the criminal history.

My bad, tricklines are "trampoline like" material. There's no arguing that they're way different than a normal slackline though

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I mean I can argue that. I walked slacklines for a long time, and I was around when the community was first growing. Tricklines are just a lower stretch slackline. The same material is used when you want a high length longline.

But a beginner ratchet line, while still being polyester, is made different from a true trickline. You can't do the stuff you can do on a trickline on a "classic" line, they're made for different purposes, otherwise they would only sell different length lines, there would be no "tricklines"

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Ok I think I see the disconnect here. I feel like you're comparing everything to a gibbon classic right? Otherwise I'm not sure I understand what a 'classic' line is in your world. When slackline started it was all 1 in climbing webbing. You could buy different stretches and materials for the kind of walking you liked. Then gibbon came along and sold a 2 in 'classic' line which was essentially a modified tow strap. So I don't know if you can really say there is a 'classic' slackline, unless you're just talking about gibbon's 'Classic' line

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1 point · 5 days ago

I mean I want to be able to get the markdown in the served page over http. Maybe there's a way to make github pages expose the "source" markdown alongside the page, but this was easier.

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I guess that's reasonable, but still seems unnecessary. Why can't you just duplicate your source files? Why do you need to view the markdown at all? If it's GitHub pages you already have the source one URL away.

1 point · 4 days ago

When I made this setup there was a locked-down server I used that didn't have a web browser (or git), but did have curl, and I occasionally wanted to look at my posts from that machine. Markdown is much nicer to read than raw html. It was a while ago and maybe other solutions were possible, but this was easy and works (it's like a couple of lines at the point of use).

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huh. well. whatever works I guess!

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"Moon one is a carefully balanced cream puff, topped with the thinnest, smallest slice of dried pineapple you've ever seen. Orbit around to moon two and you'll find a small used tissue with a hard ball of fried tempura batter; all garnished with an inedible leaf (found outside by sous chef Steve), and one slice of green onion (the white part).

Join me on a journey to moon 3 which is a deep fried ball of ground beef wrapped lovingly in wonton wrapper. This has been paired with a leaf Steve found earlier today, and a small shoot of jicama.

Please fasten your safety belts, because we're about to careen into Moon 4. Some argue Moon 4 is the most complex dish available on our menu. Moon 4 is comprised of an upside-down apricot half, filled with persimmon and purple cabbage. Taking a bite out of this will send your taste buds to the cosmos!

Finally end your globe trotting with moon 5. Moon 5 is subtle yet refined. It's an inverted, deconstructed pizza pocket, from Chef Tostino. This has been paired with the left over beef from moon 3 and lovingly garnished with a microscopic brachiosaurus toy from Starbucks (for kids).

The cogs underneath are to represent Chef Tostino's inner struggle becoming a working man. Upon request, the waiter can bring you a hand crank that rotates this dish as to serve your moons in the right order.

Please, be sure to eat each moon @ 90 degrees from the equator, and take mind of your apoapsis during bites!"

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12 points · 4 days ago


The IDE will color it differently because you're not using bad tools.

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While true for most situations, you don't always get to view code with the tools you choose. You might be viewing on GitHub which doesn't always format correctly, or maybe you're ssh'ed into a server and just have vi.

Mount the volume over ssh and use your regular IDE on the remote.

Viewing on github is probably a legit use case, and that I will concede - but how often do you do that? I would usually clone, so that I can use my tools like "click to find usages" and "click to jump to definition" etc.

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Mount the volume over ssh and use your regular IDE on the remote.

I've never heard of this. But this allows you to view arbitrary data on the server? What if it's a jumpcloud protected AWS server with 2FA? What if you're jumping between multiple servers constantly (devops stuff). Now this doesn't really apply to java files in my experience, it's usually bash scripts, but the idea is the same.

but how often do you do that? I would usually clone, so that I can use my tools like "click to find usages" and "click to jump to definition" etc.

If I'm just looking through somebody's code to help them on slack or irc I'm definitely not gonna clone their project.

Still the point wasn't to give you a limited number of examples and have you find solutions for them. The point is that there are numerous situations in which you can't use an IDE to view code and when that happens you don't have any recourse.

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Yup. A very widely used tactic.

They monitor domain searches, and then immediately park the "good ones" (based on their internal algorithm).They can even monitor domain searches with any of their partners, or the like.

It gets really old fast. They basically strong-arm you into paying for a domain you really want, just because they have automated systems to buy them quickly, and then just sit on them (as buying parked domains is usually cheap for huge entities).

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-10 points · 6 days ago

Lol you are such an idiot. If what you say is true, this should be pretty easy to prove. Make a screen capture and go search for a domain on any competitor website and have it show as available. Then go to Godaddy and search for the domain to prove your moronic statement. Make a video of this process.

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Not just cheap. Free. It's called domain name front running

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Ah, I apologize for that. The few Christians I know follow their religion blindly, so it looks like I’ve been biased. Thank you for pointing this out!

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The vocal minority and all that

1 point · 7 days ago

Look at it a different way:

It’s your job to move me on my bike.

Option a: stand behind me and push, assuming I’m not holding the brake, I should move.

Option b: pick up me and my bike and carry me forward.

Which option is easier?

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Your analogy is terrible. This has nothing to do with friction. A better analogy is.

Attempt to pick me up.

Now attempt to pick me up on my bike.

Which is easier.

2 points · 7 days ago · edited 7 days ago

The friction of a rolling tire on a bike is incredibly low.

You complain about friction and then say “better analogy” and you give one that literally doesn’t involve friction. You either don’t know what “better” means or you don’t know what “friction” means. Which is it?

Edit: and yes friction has everything to do with this scenario. Put that guy on the ground with no wheels and how much weight does the slider have to push? What if he applied his brakes? There is absolutely no math problem in this situation where friction isn’t an issue.

You have shown you don’t know a damn thing about math or how it works. I’m done with this conversation. Have a good day.

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Ah thankfully some other people in this thread have shown you the math now, so you aren't so ignorant. I hope you have everything cleared up and understand why the weight being pushed up the hill by the machine is greater with a bike than just a human alone.

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Runs of my more complex docker-compose files take 3x longer on Docker for Windows

Yup, that is close to my experience too. I do a lot of work with docker and kubernetes. There's no good substitute for a linux system for this kind of work IMO. Docker for windows/mac or things like minikube have always felt very awkward to me.

Good point about using hardware known to work well. I would also add older macbooks to the list. On a recent install of ubuntu 18.10 on macbook air 2012, everything just works out of the box. Also on a recent lenovo 2-in-1 detachable laptop with ubuntu 18.10 everything works out of the box: touch screen, wifi, screen rotation, everything works!

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Funny that you say that, my coworkers using Linux have no end to the troubles with docker and us on Mac have it working fine. Biggest issue I have with Linux docker is the lack of host.docker.internal.

You ever check out the packages in RHEL? I think by ancient you may mean stable. :-) But yes I do not run stretch because of how old the packages are and would urge others to follow suit.

slight suspicion that you do not use sid

My current machines range from sid/devuan/latest ubuntu/guixsd if you really care to know.

such as systemd.

I've used other init systems on Debian. You don't have to stick with systemd.

I use linux too but I compile from source, via ruby.

Not sure what you mean by this? You're compiling c deps with ruby?

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It's shevegen. Everything he says is nonsense

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