Star Trek - TNG. In this banned clip, Data presents an interesting argument and predicts a united Ireland by gDisasters in videos

[–]rush22 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This one clip was banned from that show with the robot and the spaceships and the vulcan death grips. You won't believe what the robot says about Ireland! CLICK NOW YOU STUPID FOX

What is a scientific fact that you know is true, but it still blows your mind that it is real? by holm0682 in AskReddit

[–]rush22 0 points1 point  (0 children)

There's not really an "edge." Since looking out into space is the equivalent of looking back in time, every direction you look is the same big bang. That means if you had a powerful enough telescope you could point it at anything and see the big bang. The problem is that there is basically a cloud of microwaves created by the big bang that we can't see through--we can see that cloud though so you might consider that to be the "edge".

What is a scientific fact that you know is true, but it still blows your mind that it is real? by holm0682 in AskReddit

[–]rush22 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Eventually it will be physically impossible to see outside of our own galaxy. The light will never reach us.

Later, it will be impossible to see outside our solar system. You will look up into the night sky and there will be no stars. It will actually be impossible to tell that stars even exist except through history books.

Later still we will not even be able to see the sun. If somehow you happened to still be alive, eventually you would not be able to see your own feet, your legs and, finally, your own eyes will be so expanded in space time that you will not be able to see out of them.

PM Trudeau, when you meet President Trump about the milk thing, please tell him that... by professeurbambam in canada

[–]rush22 343 points344 points  (0 children)

Milk is the "oil" of the food industry. It isn't some random commodity that isn't that important. It's very similar to the oil industry.

The US government even has a mandate to stockpile dry milk (powdered milk) just like oil reserves. Ocassionally US dairy farmers are paid to not produce milk and instead they act as commodity traders and only purchase and sell dry milk.

The US has, in the past, over-produced subsidized exports of milk in order to collapse dairy markets so they can take over other national markets, as a form of protectionism for their own dairy industry. Instead of regulation to protect their industry, they go on the offensive.

The common example is the Jamaican dairy industry. The US flooded their market with under-priced powdered milk. That, combined with a heavy-handed advertising campaign that claimed powdered milk was more healthy and had more nutrients, collapsed the national Jamaican dairy market entirely and they were left with no more dairy farmers on the entire island. They went from producing all their milk locally to today where they import almost all milk at the same price and sometimes higher. The re-investment for local production is too high.

Stories you here about "humanitarian relief" shipments of milk are also often market manoeuvres intended to flood and collapse local markets so they can't recover. This is why entire cargo ships full of "free" milk from the US sometimes get turned away, or countries will claim they are "tainted".

So this kind of thing isn't some "oh this is just some interesting weird milk thing," it is actually quite important in the grand scheme of things. It sounds like "ultra-filtered" milk concentrate is being positioned as a new "dry milk" since it can currently circumvent existing trade deals and tariffs that deal with dry milk.

The feels.. by santosh2051 in rickandmorty

[–]rush22 16 points17 points  (0 children)

>Garfield walks in on Jon eating lasagna
>Jon is on the floor. He's eaten 5 trays of lasagna.
>"You got a problem Garfield? I'm going to be just like you now"
>"B-b-but Jon, why are you doing this to yourself?" thinks Garfield.
>"You have it so good Garfield, eat whatever you want, Arlene chasing you, you sleep all day!"
>"That's not how this works Jon"
>Jon throws up, passes out.
>"W-w-w-what have I d-d-done?" as Garfield carries Jon's body to bed.
>Garfield cries as he eats Jon's corpse.

How to Take a Shower, According to Dermatologists by NBCNewsBETTER [promoted post]

[–]rush22 5 points6 points  (0 children)

But is that really what a dermatologist would say? Are you absolutely sure? Aren't you just a bit curious about what dermatologists would say? Maybe there's a brand they recommend and you're missing out! You could go your entire life without knowing about this one weird trick. Everyone around you with perfect skin... You, living in your dried out husk, while everyone else has essentially found the fountain of youth... You'd be a complete and utter fool not to click, you stupid loser!

Legendary composer Leonard Bernstein wants a "DIG-ga-da-dum" from the two triangles, gets a doorbell instead. by ElCallejero in videos

[–]rush22 2 points3 points  (0 children)

It wasn't the resonance, he wanted more of an accent on the DIG, less accent on the ga-da, and a bit more resonance on the dummmm.

So more like a DIG-ga-da dummmmm, but all he was getting was dig-ga-da-dum.

most visually stunning music video i have ever seen by batanvisage in videos

[–]rush22 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

I think he was just using the dog as a "stand in", like the woman using the ham as a stand in. He is the boyfriend of the girl in the video, but his inner desire is the middle aged wife of the guy who want to punch out his neighbor.

Poppin' bottles. (x-post from r/DoingTheMost) by ImMrsG in whitepeoplegifs

[–]rush22 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Most black children can pound back shots because they are more tough

LPT: Everyone knows you can press TAB to move forward one field, not everyone knows you can press SHIFT + TAB to go backward one field. by RealZacharyWilliams in LifeProTips

[–]rush22 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Actually that just temporarily shows the desktop, when you click back everything will pop up again. Win+M actually minimizes everything to the taskbar

We have been getting these cryptic messages in Russian on our local yik yak for a while now. I tried translating it but they don't make any sense. by RealNazi in conspiracy

[–]rush22 0 points1 point  (0 children)

What did you do to try translating it? Did you copy and paste it into Google translate?

in b4 "I couldn't copy and paste and then I deleted it after taking the screenshot"

Yonge Alignment by innocentlilgirl in toronto

[–]rush22 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Etobicoke (Kipling, Islington) is lined with old city of Toronto up all the way to Steeles where they basically end so that might be a clue (or maybe just a separate question).

Pedestrian killed at Spadina and Sullivan by Andythagiant in toronto

[–]rush22 2 points3 points  (0 children)

safety aside, what is the point of limiting the routes that a vehicle can take with rails when it's cheaper and simpler to just use wheels on the road?

= "Why do trains exist"

This guy loves his cat. by Pop-up-king in videos

[–]rush22 2 points3 points  (0 children)

She did pretty good for her first time. Some cats just basically become rag dolls when they get a harness on them and won't move.