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19 points · 2 hours ago

They’ve been domesticated. The whales and dolphins have not.

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I mean they do tricks on command, they have bonded to a human trainer, and they don't murder us on sight.

While they aren't pets and they aren't universally domesticated, these individuals seem very domestic.

Except that she died of dehydration?

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She died of sepsis which came on due to prolonged exposure to dehydration and her travels.

I used to live in Austin, where they had a similar ban. You just get used to keeping reusable bags in your car and bringing them with you whenever you go to the store. It's not a big deal and it makes a difference, however small. Many tiny sacrifices can add up to make a big impact.

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I know a lot of people who don't own a car and don't drive to the grocery store.

27 points · 1 day ago

No degree of recycling can make plastic bags more environmentally friendly than farmed paper.

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This largely depends on what you define as environmentally friendly. The process of refining paper isn't exactly a carbon neutral process even with farmed trees but paper bags are far less likely to be eaten by marine life over the next 5000 years.

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Does this mean people are committing hate crimes at a higher rate or that they are more likely to be reported now than in the past?

9 points · 1 day ago

There's no way to know, it's all behind a paywall.

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They don't really address it in the article. It mostly throws out a lot of numbers and talk about people talking about them.

The tl;dr of the article is "Data on increased reports got submitted but people haven't looked at the data yet."

-21 points · 2 days ago

UberXL is a choice.

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The whole point of public transportation is for people to be able to get around without paying exorbitant fees to a private company or owning a vehicle.

-7 points · 1 day ago

As he didn’t state initially that this was in 2005, he stated he “literally had no other choice”. Which, even in 2005, is false. He had a choice to call a cab. It’s a shitty choice, but he had other options.

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But he shouldn't need to take other options just because the MBTA doesnt have capacity for the transportation needs of the city. The people you should be putting the blame on isnt the kid in the original post or this goalie but rather the people in charge of the MBTA who poorly anticipated the needs of a growing city.

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1.1k points · 2 days ago

Yep. Some one did a very good essay on why "If you aren't doing anything wrong" was a bad logic on why to not care about privacy going away. And one of his points is that knowing you are being watched has an effect of suppressing speech.

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Do you really have an expectation of privacy when you are openly inviting people to join your cause and protesting publically?

I do 68 when I am home, 66 when I am sleeping, and 60 when I am away. I have a smart thermostat with a geofence and forced hot air so it heats up quickly. Occasionally I will increase the temp to 70 when I want to feel cozy.

Next time just report it to the police. Harassment is a crime.

289 points · 3 days ago

Yet I threw it all away because "I got to keep moving forward, can't be stagnant".

There are people sitting in the financial and healthcare sector that have a salary and benefits that would make Silicon Valley boys salivate and they're working on old tech like IBM iSeries + COBOL/RPGII.

This notion that everyone is moving to the latest, advanced technology all the time 24/7 and can't ever take a break is a fantasy bubble that tech evangelists and tech marketeers use as a fear tactic to get you to buy into their product. It's amazing how well it's worked with the new generation of developers that have been coming in over the past 5 years or so.

The reality is the majority of developer/engineer jobs are in industries outside of the tech market, and the best ones (when it comes to salary/benefits) are in niche markets where the glamour and appeal isn't as attractive to new developers.

It's not financially responsible for a company, especially where tech isn't its product, to constantly move the next, latest and greatest thing. For industries where a large amount of federal oversight and regulations are put into place, it's an even greater mismanagement to try and do this.

If chasing the next latest and greatest thing is important to you - then by all means, go that route. But don't be pressured into thinking it's the only route out there. There are thousands of well-to-do engineers that make bank that hasn't touched a system that wasn't decades old in a long time.

As an example, one of my major projects going into 2019 is refactoring a few 25+ year old DB2 databases and identifying whether we should migrate them to newer technology or not. Another project also for 2019 is rolling out a Power BI Report Server on Azure. Two contrasting ages of technology - both being used by the same company.

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There are people sitting in the financial and healthcare sector that have a salary and benefits that would make Silicon Valley boys salivate and they're working on old tech like IBM iSeries + COBOL/RPGII.

I make enough money as is that I can afford the lifestyle I want for my current role. Just like OP is talking about the grind of the corporate ladder I also think that the constant pursuit of higher salaries is also a grind.

While they may be keeping a lot of old tech on life support and making a ton of money doing it, I find that I am happier when I can show my friends something new that I built that is additive and contributing towards something more. While that is possible in the IBM iSeries + COBOL/RPGII world it doesn't happen all that often.

While I do agree that the constant pursuit of the newest tech isn't financially viable or healthy mentally I don't think the extreme the other direction is that much better. Like many things there is the happy medium.

Ok when are the Australians going to stop exporting coal to people up current from them and stop opening new shipping channels by dredging the great barrier reef?

I like the tenacity but an 80% reduction in shopping bag reduction isn't doing much compared to the other issues they are directly responsible for.

Yea its the ordinary person on the street who gets to make the call about mining sites and environmental protections, and since they haven't solved all the problems blame them for everything else.

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1 point · 3 days ago · edited 3 days ago

They didn't get this reduction because Joe on the street consumers just decided to stop consuming plastic bags one day. They got it because of state legislation which can also be used to decide mining sites and protecting the barrier reef by preventing dredging and yet they are doing the opposite.

As with most of these types of actions it seems like the government is just trying to get what amount to just a symbolic victory with minimal actual gains while they undercut every other efforts for the profit of private coal companies.

Edit: rephrased because apparently I can't type coherently today

9 points · 4 days ago

Clear this nitpick up for me. Why do people install outlets upside down like that?

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Sometimes that is actually the code

Also, when it breaks, I'd much rather replace a plug-in charger than an entire outlet.

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Yea but this is also neater. Additionally I would hope that the QC on an outlet is better than the CVS $2 wall chargers so I doubt it will break any time soon.

163 points · 4 days ago

But Red is the colour of the left-wing everywhere else in the world. Americans just need to be different.

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I blame the 2000 elections. We didn't have uniform colors until that point.

This is ridiculous. We need to be thinking about things greater than ourselves and that’s the environment. Your minor inconvenience is not as nearly as bad as the pollution and climate change we are facing. Get a few Baggu’s, which are water repellant and fold up into tiny squares you can put in your work bag. Put in some actual effort.

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-2 points · 4 days ago · edited 4 days ago

I don't have a work bag...

It seems like one thing to expect people who drive all the time to reduce their carbon footprint and care for the environment but it seems like another to expect people who already walk/bike/MBTA everywhere to do more by expecting them to walk around strapped with bags everywhere. It isn't like mine get tossed into the trunk to be driven to the store in a car getting 30 mpg. I just walk it.

Cool but you’re still polluting the earth with your plastic bags

Now you’ll have to get a work bag. I’m done arguing. Open your mind.

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Unfortunately this also incentivizes other alternatives. Yes the new law incentivises reusable bags but it also can encourage the following:

  • Driving more because now it is more convenient to take a car/uber from the grocery store than walking.
  • Instacart and other grocery delivery services which increase the carbon footprint of groceries rather than reducing it
  • Eating out more and buying groceries less often which has been linked to greater obesity rates
  • Bringing bags with you everywhere which further crowds already crowded busses and subway cars that are filled with people with bags. Instead of 1 in 2 people carrying around a backpack 24/7 now everyone does it further reducing overall ridership because taking an Uber doesn't mean a bag in your face.

I'm not trying to save the plastic bag but in a dense city where the majority of plastic bag use is from people on foot it makes sense to adopt a policy similar to Cambridge rather than Somerville or Boston. The plastic bag can stay but it comes with a tax associated with it. Then someone grocery shopping on foot on a rainy day still has an option but the externalities of their action is still accounted for. The sin tax would also serve to reduce the overall footprint while also making the convenience hit minimal enough that people don't actually choose the higher environmental cost alternatives when walking or biking are the easier options.

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471 points · 4 days ago

Im more surprised that people dont think its hogwash immediately when a company says shit like "care about connecting the world".

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I think you can legit see this in companies where the product is actually seeing the world. Like travel companies and the like. The people at those companies tend to be the types that actually love that lifestyle themselves and believe in the mission.

They want to make a profit but they also want the customer to be better off by buying the product as well.

During the Administration of Lyndon B. Johnson, however, the President was known for wandering the White House turning off lights in rooms he thought empty, sometimes to the surprise of people working in those rooms! This earned him the nickname “Light Bulb Johnson.”

I love the idea of a president acting just like a kid and moving from room to room to surprise people.

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Just remember that the other side of acting like a kid is the tamper tantrums.

14 points · 9 days ago

The letter you received should have a number to call, just tell them you wont be a Massachusetts resident as of X date.

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I think there is a web portal as well. When I got jury duty a couple years ago I got a letter in the mail and registered online to say if I could do it or wanted to defer for a year.

2 points · 9 days ago

Whoa...so this guy was party to home invasion with a firearm?

Why wasn't he sent to jail for life? But of course someone who wants to own a firearm legally needs to have a "Red flag" order standing by, "just in case".

Amazing that actual "gun criminals" are now working in the government, but yet someone who has never committed a crime in their lives has to worry someone will SWAT them.

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I think it depends on his actual role in the crime. If he just the driver and he didn't know they were robbing an occupied house at gun point then that should carry a lesser sentence than if he was the guy waving the gun around.

Either way I think the prison system should be about reforming an individual and that involves some level of acceptance of them when they get out of the system.

Sounds like Hunt and his miscreant friends went looking for trouble:

Prosecutors say Hunt and Salerno were with a group of men who were visiting Boston. During the early morning hours of January 19th, they went to the Domino's on 1260 Boylston Street, near Fenway Park.

The victim, Kevin Lohan, was also at the pizza shop with his girlfriend and a friend.

Surveillance video shows the group of men walk into and say something to Lohan and his girlfriend, who were standing in line.

They exchanged words and minutes later, prosecutors say Hunt pushed, punched and then tackled Lohan to the ground.

Salerno then allegedly came up behind Lohan and punched him in the jaw, knocking him to the floor.

The scuffle continued with a bloodied Lohan trying to stop the men from leaving before police arrived.

Lohan was rushed to Brigham and Women's Hospital, where he underwent surgery. His jaw had to be wired shut for three weeks and permanent metal plates were implanted in his jaw and cheek.

Boston Police obtained security camera footage and a receipt from the nearby bar where Hunt, Salerno and others had been drinking before the attack, pictures from social media, witness statements and other evidence to identify Hunt and Salerno.

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Maura Healey seems to be running a tight ship over there. Violent offenses get to walk right back into the streets with just probation.

Um, the Tesla battery is rated to last up to 3 hours.

With 10 minutes of high demand backup

Not seconds

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Technically that is 10800 seconds so a few seems right

Yep. Unless they're required for some sort of compliance reason it's perfectly fine to rely on the firewall on the cloud level (security groups for AWS, firewall rules for GCP, whatever). I've had like one out of a ton of customers in the current role that have required them to be enabled. Knowing at least that SSD exists vs HDD and why it might be better it kind of important though.

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4 points · 9 days ago

And how does that Dictionary provide O(1) lookup, then?

I would expect a developer with a CS degree and 0 years of experience to know this.

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The problem with expecting a developer with a CS degree and 0 years of experience to know this is it isn't something that will likely click right off that bat. They might know that a Dictionary is a hash table and they might know that hash tables are unordered due to the nature of how they work but the question of "are Dictionaries sorted" may not make even the best make those logical jumps without experience.

-6 points · 9 days ago · edited 9 days ago

He seemed like a bumbling idiot that was punching out of his weight class. He was a frat boy who did nothing to deserve the high honor of president. People would say he's folksy and you could have a beer with him. This was the beginning of people expecting the president to be just like them rather than better than them. This was a mistake as it's now devolved into it's okay if he's worse than us.

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I just think that he got a lot of bad advice and he had to deal with a lot of significant events that were unique firsts for a modern president.

9/11 was one of the few major attacks on American soil and it got the country looking for blood. Unfortunately he had the wrong circle of trust around him to deal with that type of a situation. The only previous war that we had been involved with since Vietnam was the first Gulf War and that was a rather short conflict.

Overall though I thought he was a very caring individual and did implement a number of good policies. While he came across like a bumbling idiot due to his humor and lack of poise, I don't think he actually was one. He did a ton for Africa and instituted policies and programs there that have saved millions of lives. Additionally I think it is hard to lay the blame for the Iraq War solely on his feet when the majority of democrat senators also voted for the resolution. While it didn't receive that kind of welcome in the House the senate wasn't as clear cut.

There comes a point during a breath hold that at some depth, the air in your lungs is not enough to keep you afloat thus you will go negative and begin to sink.

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That really depends on the person. I need like 7kg when I am scuba diving to sink without a wetsuit and empty bcd in the Cayman Islands. Even without any equipment I still float like a cork.

Pressure will compress your lungs to the point where buoyancy is reduced and you WILL go negative. That's not me saying it, that's physics.

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Only if the compression on their lungs/body can reduce their overall body volume by 3.5%. If someone has enough body volume the average lung capacity of an adult male of 6 liters of air won't be able to compress enough to make you obtain negative buoyancy. So while physics says that it is possible for this model to become negatively buoyant with breath control this isn't possible for every person regardless of (survivable/obtainable) depth.

So it really depends on the person. Some people are negatively buoyant even at the surface if they breath out.

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Don’t worry about the cold. You can bundle up and stay warm. Don’t worry about the snow. You can wear boots and walk through it. Worry about the grey winter sky. Two months will go by and you’ll forget what the sun looks like. Life suddenly feels meaningless. Then one day in the spring the sun finally comes out, and your retinas will feel like they’re on fire. Sweet glorious fire

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But the first day of 60 degree weather and sunny clear skies the summer clothes come out and everyone is smiling. That first day comes with such a great feeling that it washes it all away.

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