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This test told me I was a Weeping Angel. by creativelybrownishin doctorwho

[–]deus_lemmus 0 points1 point ago

Directive one executed!

This test told me I was a Weeping Angel. by creativelybrownishin doctorwho

[–]deus_lemmus 0 points1 point ago

Directive one executed!

This test told me I was a Weeping Angel. by creativelybrownishin doctorwho

[–]deus_lemmus 3 points4 points ago

Also a Cyberman. Execute directive one!

If you could punch one celebrity in the face, who would it be? Why? by abbieain AskReddit

[–]deus_lemmus 1 point2 points ago

Its a dead heat between Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim for ruining the cartoon network for me.

These models were all hand made by my coworker's grandfather. by Danomatic85in pics

[–]deus_lemmus 13 points14 points ago

You can order plans to make these yourself from a woodcraft catalog. Typically these are made using a scroll saw. My dad makes clocks out of the book and I have seen most of what is presented here in that catalog.

British people of Reddit, what "Americanism" infuriates you the most? by DAMMITGUSTAVin AskReddit

[–]deus_lemmus 1 point2 points ago

If you think that is bad, wait until you see the American take on Top Gear.....

Canada: broken down by sports interests by bildiniin funny

[–]deus_lemmus 0 points1 point ago

Maybe there is some kind of in joke here with curling and alcoholism...

I'm getting all 4 of my wisdom teeth taken out tomorrow. What is the best advice you can give me? by [deleted]in AskReddit

[–]deus_lemmus 0 points1 point ago

Do the nitrous oxide along with the anesthetic . You want this. Seriously. It takes out all of the unpleasantness of the entire procedure. Its not just that you won't care what's going on, more that you won't be freaking out or disturbed. Also let them know when something hurts and they'll give you another shot.

To correlate on the rice/lettuce thing. The saltwater rinse helps to get out what gets stuck in your sockets if it does happen. This can be pretty painful if you do get something stuck in there as well, and it can delay the healing process as it did for me.

Why is it that people that brush their teeth twice a day are getting cavities and other dental issues etc. when I brush maybe 3-4 times a week total and have never had a issue. I'm 25. by Amazedmagikin AskReddit

[–]deus_lemmus 1 point2 points ago

It is because you are still relatively young. Over time you will slowly develop periodonal disease. Essentially it is an infection which penetrates beneath the gums into the bone and weakens its ability to hold onto the teeth. For treatment you will have to go to a dental hygienist multiple times a year to fight the infection.

Elections Have Consequences: "if Republicans are so sure Obamacare will be a failure, then why not let it fail and let the Democrats pay a heavy electoral price for said failure?" by rationalistsin politics

[–]deus_lemmus 1 point2 points ago

Having actually read through the bill the day it was passed, (It wasn't nearly as long in the final version) I have to say that they are afraid that it will affect their friends in the insurance industry in the same fashion that it affected states that implemented similar coverage. It is neutered all to hell but there is still some good stuff in there.

Detroit's manhole covers by CareBear3in pics

[–]deus_lemmus 0 points1 point ago

There used to be a car stuck to that tire, but someone stole it piece by piece.

It's a girl... It's a plane... It's HOLYSHITLOOKATTHOSETITS by Badayumin pics

[–]deus_lemmus 1 point2 points ago

more likely, knees.

Find at my local farmers market by SonOfGallifreyin doctorwho

[–]deus_lemmus 2 points3 points ago

The first thing that crossed my mind is that dalek is trying to sell that guy a slightly used TARDIS.

Let me introduce to you my friend by Hormanderin AdviceAnimals

[–]deus_lemmus 0 points1 point ago

You know, after I found out that 9 out of 10 professors would sign an add slip for their classes, that is exactly what I did for the rest of college.

Best authentic Chinese food in Michigan I'm sure by strykr316in funny

[–]deus_lemmus 1 point2 points ago

Google for "La Mexicana" or "Azteca". You aren't looking hard enough.

Best authentic Chinese food in Michigan I'm sure by strykr316in funny

[–]deus_lemmus 2 points3 points ago

Utica indeed. Just west of M-53 overpass.

Cousin found this $2 bill, any insight on it? by ngxbeastin pics

[–]deus_lemmus 2 points3 points ago

Two dollars bills ARE real. What you are looking at is a normal two dollar bill with the color printed on (probably with a laser printer) and sold for more than face value.

Was Snowden a hero, or an enemy to America? by Detectiveoftheeastin politics

[–]deus_lemmus 0 points1 point ago

It has often been said that only the stupidest terrorists actually coordinate via the internet. If you recall, Osama used personal couriers to communicate with the other groups. Imho, the intelligence community uses these computer tools as a crutch, and really should be putting more effort into developing human based intelligence rather than sending police officers to people's houses based on their unfortunate search history.

what are the basics to start learning how to program? i want to learn programming but i have no idea where to start. i started to learn C but i don't know if that language is the correct one to start off with. any advice of where should i start off or what kind of language to start with? by droopy77in AskReddit

[–]deus_lemmus 0 points1 point ago

Everyone is going to give you a response based on their own experience. I would suggest sticking with C as its basic structure is found in most of the popular programming languages today. The fact that you have to implement many of the basic parts of a program structure will give you a superior understanding of how things really work internal to many of the higher level languages. However it will really only provide you with a foundation upon which to build your skills. I would suggest expanding into other languages soon after you get a hang of it.

U code, bro? by mjvbulldogin pics

[–]deus_lemmus 1 point2 points ago

Do you even lisp?

I don't care if it's Bill Murray. by thenewfrostin AdviceAnimals

[–]deus_lemmus 0 points1 point ago

Mobile users can't make out the tiny thumbnail on their smart phones until they click and open it.

Do you think religion will eventually die out? by Aintnobodygottime4mein AskReddit

[–]deus_lemmus 0 points1 point ago

It depends. Do you think the Universe will end? Do you believe mankind can trancend the insecurity that makes religion seem so appealing? It is entirely possible.

This is how I view every American posting about the NSA by HiDD3N_0NLiN3in AdviceAnimals

[–]deus_lemmus 0 points1 point ago

Many are simply afraid. Even small town police stations are being militarized with automatic weapons and swat equipment.