EU Did Not Draw the Short Straw with the 2.0 Launch Timing by Kamikaze28 in heroesofthestorm

[–]XANi_ [score hidden]  (0 children)

I guess it depends on game too. HOTS doesn't have that many important sound cues compared to say Overwatch

EU Did Not Draw the Short Straw with the 2.0 Launch Timing by Kamikaze28 in heroesofthestorm

[–]XANi_ 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I actually enjoy watching HOTS Streams while I play. It's one of the many reasons I have 2 monitors.

Don't you get confused with sound ? I can only watch different game than what I'm playing because game sound effects from stream make me think something is happening in my game

EU Did Not Draw the Short Straw with the 2.0 Launch Timing by Kamikaze28 in heroesofthestorm

[–]XANi_ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Funnily enough overwatch is only one that does get patched at same time in both regions

EU Did Not Draw the Short Straw with the 2.0 Launch Timing by Kamikaze28 in heroesofthestorm

[–]XANi_ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

but think about it logically, if the server crashes for whatever reason or there is a severe bug / system failure, then there got to be some night staff ready to handle the issue, so that excuse doesn't work really

usually (depends on company), you will have all developers/sysadmins on on-call rotation (say 3-6 out of 20) that will handle any issues and required maintenance during non-work-hours.

Which means that instead of 20 people that can go and fix stuff, you have only a fraction of that.

At least we got NA to debug launch for us tho

What happens when you lose a server? (Or: where the hell did you put that thing?) by Quteness in sysadmin

[–]XANi_ 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Cable scanners most likely won't work on fibre, there is no metal nor current in the cable

What happens when you lose a server? (Or: where the hell did you put that thing?) by Quteness in sysadmin

[–]XANi_ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

YOu can also try to guess based on signal strenght, altho 20 years old optic probably have lower base power due to burnout

Our Dev Team vs. Their Dev Team (HOTS vs. Hearthstone) by gojirra in heroesofthestorm

[–]XANi_ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yeah but it is funny it is popular in both games.

I actually envy HOTS meta, in OW some heroes are basically must haves for most of the time and others will get you flamed in comp. We desperately need few more heroes so each hero has its counters

Everything we're getting in just a ONE WEEK PERIOD. by MasRemlap in heroesofthestorm

[–]XANi_ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

One of roles. Other is so heroes like Enigma or CM do not get interrupted.

And none of those roles match 'get more tank where there is more people around' ;)

400 hours of playing against Genji by whatduhh in Overwatch

[–]XANi_ -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Sure but pro genji players spam "I need healing" even if they are at the back of opponent's team and nearest healer is behind 3 walls

400 hours of playing against Genji by whatduhh in Overwatch

[–]XANi_ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I also optimized my controls for communication. I binded hello to mouse button so I can spam it when I'm Mei-ing someone

Overwatch Pro's Racist Tirade Ends His Career by lupianwolf in Overwatch

[–]XANi_ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Well not playing against godlike widow significantly increases the fun of 6 players in other team so I say it's fair

Genji Spotlight – Heroes of the Storm by Arkentass in heroesofthestorm

[–]XANi_ -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Dash is one ability. His jump is other. You do not need a reset to escape

Our Dev Team vs. Their Dev Team (HOTS vs. Hearthstone) by gojirra in heroesofthestorm

[–]XANi_ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I dunno man, in both games pro scene there is Lucio every game, seems pretty similar to me /s

And they rarely change stuff from PTR to release despite how broken/underpowered everyone playing PTR knows said stuff might be.

That's because barely anyone plays it. They tried it early, didn't work because PTR playerbase was vastly different compared to what happens on live.

looks at bug where 2 of hero abilities (mei slow) were basically broken for no reason

But yeah, you're spot-on on bug testing

Genji Spotlight – Heroes of the Storm by Arkentass in heroesofthestorm

[–]XANi_ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

He seems same as in Overwatch - hero that have a ton of stuff in his kit to fix player's positioning mistakes. Ability to swift strike to inside "fully staffed" fort and then just deflect and jump away seems... disgusting.

At least he doesn't deflect CC like in overwatch

Genji Spotlight – Heroes of the Storm by Arkentass in heroesofthestorm

[–]XANi_ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

If that was the only problem... I've played a lot in beta/release and only recently came back so I played a bunch of bot games to remember how to play.

Yet after 3 years there are still people (and I'm talking max level so not someone new) who just leave healer/support (or tank that have "help/buff ally" abilities) alone in lane, against 2

Everything we're getting in just a ONE WEEK PERIOD. by MasRemlap in heroesofthestorm

[–]XANi_ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I think it is more comparable to something like Blade Mail, that also makes you not want that hero in the fight.

the stoneplate is just Riot attempting to make their own version of BKB without breaking the game

They kinda have it in form of zhonya's, yes, you cant attack when using it, but it is used for same (dodging spells that would otherwise kill you)

Genji Spotlight – Heroes of the Storm by Arkentass in heroesofthestorm

[–]XANi_ 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Okay, let me rephrase that. On average every hero is weak to CC so adding that to cons is pointless, it should be only listed as a strength, if heroes have abilities that ignore or reduce CC

Genji Spotlight – Heroes of the Storm by Arkentass in heroesofthestorm

[–]XANi_ 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yes, but saying "weak to CC" is pointless, it should just say "low HP" or "squishy", as that also says to you that he can be easily nuked because of that. It looks to me like they just said "well he's good at almost everything, lets add something to cons so it doesn't look that bad.

Only hero I'd say that is weak (as in weaker than most) to CC is chogall as any stun will basically eliminate 2 players from fight, not one

It is fair and accurate to say if hero is strong to CC if it have some kind of ability to lessen or get immune to it.

Genji Spotlight – Heroes of the Storm by Arkentass in heroesofthestorm

[–]XANi_ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Not enough apparently ;). CC means Crowd Control so any kind of slow, stun, silence or other effect that impairs movement

Genji Spotlight – Heroes of the Storm by Arkentass in heroesofthestorm

[–]XANi_ 4 points5 points  (0 children)

We've got a lot of shimada players (people who mostly play genji and hanzo, his brother) in QP, usually being average, awful, or just not fitting the teamcomp. But both of them have pretty strong and easy to use ultimates so in their eyes missing shots for half of the game just to get few kills once is "good"

Genji Spotlight – Heroes of the Storm by Arkentass in heroesofthestorm

[–]XANi_ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Actually you'd probably want to just stand there with deflect up and watch how their own towers are killing them

Genji Spotlight – Heroes of the Storm by Arkentass in heroesofthestorm

[–]XANi_ 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Well, with amount of escapes + deflect he seems pretty "safe" hero, even if noob genji fails to kill, he can still get away.

I mean, even if you accidentally charge thru wall into turrets you can deflect that and jump away