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FAN breaks world record for fastest shot at Major Leage Lacrosse All Star Game. by ank1613in videos

[–]Kamikai 1 point2 points

Someone claimed they went to school with him, and said the woman is his sister.

Been looking at moving away from Ruby to another language. Is Python awesome to move to? by pagodaworksin Python

[–]Kamikai 3 points4 points

That's may well still be a valid point, however you are not still addressing what /u/mackstann was saying. You may think coke is superior to pepsi, but that's still in the domain of cola; the point was to see what else is out there, to learn and comprehend new paradigms.

What's a warm fluffy truth? by Fatness_Everdeenin AskReddit

[–]Kamikai 1 point2 points

Why humanity? it should read:

You are the product of a long line of ancestors stretching back to the start of life on Earth who successfully reproduced. Your chances can't be that bad.

That means you have a lineage extending over 3.5 billion years, with each and every ancestor managing to reproduce to create your next closest ancestor. Pretty cool if you think about it.

"Dear KingLemming," -- a response by FelixTKattin feedthebeast

[–]Kamikai 1 point2 points

I thoroughly enjoy Gregtech, it's one of the fairest and most in depth mods there is. There's no "magic" block solution (although I love MRF, it is very prone to that problem). Sure it requires planning and huge amounts of resources; you have to work hard to advance in it. However the sense of accomplishment is real, and the rewards are worth it.

I do not think it is reasonable or truthful to declare that "everyone hates it". Just because many like the easy route when it comes to mods, that does not make your opinion indicative of the entire community's.

Can anyone explain the differences between web2py, Django, Flask, etc, and when I should use one or the other and what the benefits and drawbacks of each? by nicholastjohnsonin Python

[–]Kamikai 3 points4 points

Not enough to give an informed/unbiased opinion I think. However I did read the comparison posted by /u/mfm24, and the gist of it appeared to be to avoid web2py, and prefer bottle or flask (Itty and Pesto are quite similar to bottle, and flask is on python 3 now).

As for tornado and pyramid, again I haven't had much exposure, but they look a little more rigid than flask. There are some insightful posts in this reddit post too about Flask vs. Pyramid.

Can anyone explain the differences between web2py, Django, Flask, etc, and when I should use one or the other and what the benefits and drawbacks of each? by nicholastjohnsonin Python

[–]Kamikai 11 points12 points

Django is a much larger, "batteries included" frame work with a larger footprint. It has most features you could want, but you more or less have to use those Django specific features. Flask on the other hand is less structured and much more lightweight, but you it with extensions as you see require.

Someone on reddit once made the comparison that Django is like buying a complete toy that comes in a box, and Flask is like building your own thing with lego, it's a little more involved, but I enjoy it more.

Edit: The reason you might not want to use Django is that it's just larger and potentially overkill or not suitable for the type of web app you want.

How do I incorporate   in regular expressions ? by saurabh_avin Python

[–]Kamikai 1 point2 points

I believe the whitespace flag "\s" will match non breakable spaces.

Another option could be to simply replace the nbsps in the string before doing regex on it, with mystring.replace("\xa0", " ") , of course I'm not sure on what your use case is and if you still need them in the output though.

[No Spoilers]One of the most detailed maps of Westeros and Essos. by TheRationalManin gameofthrones

[–]Kamikai 0 points1 point

Apparently it's covered in thick jungle and is ridden with plague, and given that the south of the other continents are already very temperate, I'd imagine it'd be very hot and extremely humid, much like near the Earths equator.

Twitter / TheMogMiner: Wahey by superezfein Minecraft

[–]Kamikai 24 points25 points

Almost all the devs have had a honeymoon period, where they aren't bogged down and desensitised to developing for minecraft. Naturally, Notch was pretty much God when it all started, but people got used to him, especially after Jens arrived and started contributing his own things. The "favourite developer" quickly shifted to him when he added in:

  • Pistons
  • Strongholds
  • Fortresses
  • Wolves
  • Villages

Then there was Dinnerbone, and he became everyones favourite by being responsible for things like:

  • Ender chests
  • Emeralds and Villager trading
  • Large biomes
  • The Wither and Wither skeletons
  • The "Pretty Scary" update

There was also Jon, who really improved villager and mob AI, although short, he also had a bit of time in the spotlight.

Another member who had/is in a period of popularity is Grumm, who improved a lot of stuff under the hood, and improved lighting and world loading.

And now there's TheMogMiner, who is adding a couple of small features, and naturally he is becoming the fan favourite because his changes don't conform to what we expect from the developers who have been there longer.

Spinners [OC] by davebeesin loadingicon

[–]Kamikai 14 points15 points

That's really cool, but is there a version without the circles and lines? Or are they required for it not to look chaotic?

Those who have been on reality TV shows (eg., American Idol, Masterchef), are the eliminations rigged? by lolen65in AskReddit

[–]Kamikai 1321 points1322 points

They definitely choose people with most tragic stories

Reminds me of the Key & Peele skit.

how did you find the nerdcubed gaming channel by MLGmoein nerdcubed

[–]Kamikai 0 points1 point

FTL for me. The game was new and I wanted to know more about it, and Dan had one of the best commentated playthroughs out at the time.

Why are some podcasts not on Itunes? by badgerbanein Cynicalbrit

[–]Kamikai 2 points3 points

Yeah it is pretty irritating, sometimes podcasts don't appear for weeks at a time, and often they arrive out of order too.

Skin viewer for the wiki by spacey_MCin mindcrack

[–]Kamikai 0 points1 point

I'm seeing the polygon edges, and the texture has been interpolated/stretched incorrectly: screenshot.

Etho Plays Minecraft - Episode 335: Book Rooms by suddenlybeaglesin mindcrack

[–]Kamikai 5 points6 points

Although it hadn't occurred to me until Etho mentioned it, I think a new world would be a good thing.

The series definitely isn't stagnant, but at times it feels just a bit stale, like the times an episode gets devoted to a project that he would rather forget about. The projects now aren't helping him survive, and his episodes seem more aimless and unfocused.

While packing an enderchest and heading for new lands may help with that, a new world would really freshen things up and I think inspire him more, as opposed to laying a bit more grass down and arranging flowers in his cave, plus he can do something new with the End / Nether.

Do distrohoppers suffer from "Cable Television Syndrome"? by everydaylinuxuserin linux

[–]Kamikai 18 points19 points

This is a well known problem, and it applies to just about everything in our post-modern society, like analysis paralysis, information overload and overchoice.

What are the biggest problems facing Python? by arandomtoolboxin Python

[–]Kamikai 4 points5 points

They have only broken backwards compatibility once. As far as I'm aware even the transition from Python 1 to Python 2 was compatible, and besides that was 15 years ago.

Python 3 broke a little bit of syntax and changed the structure of some libraries, to clean up the duplicate and redundant features of Python 2 that those fifteen years had given rise to. In no way is breaking backwards compatibility a thing that is done regularly or without reason.

Hiding the console screen? by [deleted]in ComputerCraft

[–]Kamikai 1 point2 points

Another idea that might work is using touch screen monitors. They will emit a monitor_touch event that can be captured with os.pullEvent you have been using.

[4-19-2014] Challenge #154 [Intermediate] Gorellian Alphabet Sort by Coder_d00din dailyprogrammer

[–]Kamikai 3 points4 points

Python actually has an efficient sorted built-in function, whereby you can specify a key function as an argument.

my_list.sort() is also another very useful option that will sort a list in place.

[4-19-2014] Challenge #154 [Intermediate] Gorellian Alphabet Sort by Coder_d00din dailyprogrammer

[–]Kamikai 12 points13 points

Python 3:

def gorellian(alphabet, words):
    """Returns a list of the words sorted by the given alphabet."""
    alphabet = alphabet.upper(); word_dict = {}
    for word in words:
        word_dict[word.upper()] = word_dict.get(word.upper(), list()) + [word]

    key_sort = sorted(word_dict, key=lambda word: [alphabet.index(c) for c in word])
    return [word for key in key_sort for word in word_dict[key]]

Ensuring a stable sort took a bit more fiddling, but I got there.

Python 3.4 released by mad_respectin programming

[–]Kamikai 3 points4 points

The best thing you can do is make your own web app in Flask, Django or any other framework. It may be terrible and have zero production value, but you will learn a lot and wil be able to expand from there.

3D Graph renderer with webgl by tonylampadain programming

[–]Kamikai 0 points1 point

Most of the content is on the gh-pages branch.

New and improved Salebox - Best deals on Steam - March 1st, 2014 by Zoocin Cynicalbrit

[–]Kamikai 0 points1 point

Could the price in Australian Dollars be shown in the sidebar too?

And while I know TB only does windows games, could there be something like the humble bundle icons that displays what platform the game is on?

Player Entity? by Warmasherin ComputerCraft

[–]Kamikai 2 points3 points

No, Computers and Turtles are tile entities, meaning they are blocks just with extra information associated to them, like chests or other blocks that can be interacted with.

What makes you unreasonably uncomfortable? by IAMACORYin AskReddit

[–]Kamikai 0 points1 point

I am now determined to use the would interlocutor as much as possible.