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So buying Hero XI alone in Newegg is eligible for Black Ops?

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2 points · 13 hours ago

I got a copy of BO4 through Asus with my Maximus XI Code, but you need to buy a participating CPU too (can be from a different retailer)

0 points · 14 hours ago

Do you live in a remote area? DHL will often charge them extra (around 30-40 USD) for this and the seller can't know this during checkout. If you read the description of the item you bought this is often mentioned.

10 points · 4 days ago · edited 4 days ago

All this board appears to do is step down the 12V to 5V, which is kind of pointless inside a computer because you have a 5V rail available straight from your PSU. Unless the motherboard actually switches the common anode to turn off the LEDs instead of just using the RGB pins, you can just connect the LEDs anode to the 5V of your PSU and only connect the RGB pins to the motherboard.

The splitting is just connecting each of the RGB headers in parallel

1 point · 4 days ago

How come it wasnt practical? I feel like it would be less practical for personal use but more practical for commercial use

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3 points · 4 days ago

For one you had to return and pick up your original battery again, or you'd be billed $50k so you didn't just get a free new battery.

Die met de post is wel een leuke, maar zulke nepmails zijn vrij makkelijk te voorkomen met een degelijk IT beleid. Als pathé hun DMARC op orde had gehad had dit nooit kunnen gebeuren.

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1 point · 4 days ago

Vaak gaat zit soort phishing gepaard met een eerdere infiltratie, zodat ze het mailgedrag bestuderen en kunnen nadoen. Als het zover komt kun je ook allerlei andere beveiligingsmaatregelen omzeilen.

Hij reed in een Porsche dus die boete kan hij wss wel lijden.

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1 point · 4 days ago

Dat was een andere (22 jarige) persoon in Utrecht, met 265 op de A27.

Well, yeah, but I give it about 2 pocket inserts before the pins are far too bent to ever go in a socket again

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3 points · 7 days ago

Intel CPUs haven't used pins for over a decade

1 point · 7 days ago · edited 4 days ago

And that's a core 2 duo with '05 written on the top of it.

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1 point · 7 days ago

Which is why I said over a decade. I believe the C2D used the LGA775 socket, which was the first time Intel used an LGA socket instead of ZIF

1-2 days is not acceptable when there are aspects of the OS that don't work when not activated.

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1 point · 8 days ago

Literally the only thing that doesn't work is changing your desktop wallpaper

1 point · 8 days ago

or Hyper-V? Group Policy? Bitlocker?

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1 point · 8 days ago

None of that is disabled when Windows becomes unactivated, as long as you had Pro installed beforehand

-1 points · 9 days ago

It's one prebuilt company.

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2 points · 9 days ago

They still sold thousands of GPUs, in a system or as a component. Doesn't change anything.

I also like how you went from calling caseking a case company to a prebuilt company, when in fact it's a retailer like any other

Burden of proof lies with you, not me. I'm not the one making baseless claims :)

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I'm sure you watched the stream today where it was confirmed I was right and EPYC is launching before Ryzen :)

Waiting for my Evolv X to arrive to put my first custom loop in, would love it if you're able to take some more pictures for me to draw inspirations from or to detail some issues you ran in to that I should look out for.

I'm still debating if I should go 2x 360 rads or 420+280

Original Poster2 points · 10 days ago

I was thinking the same what rads should i go. Then decided to take 2 360mm. If you decide to go 2x 360mm rad keep in mind that upper radiator cannot be really thick.

I will put some example pics here below. Here I used ek coolstream PE rads that are 40mm thick + 25mm for fans. That pretty much max that you can go for upper rad.


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2 points · 10 days ago

Thanks for the pictures and congrats on the successful build!

3 points · 10 days ago · edited 10 days ago

Check you haven't reversed the polarity of the front panel connector for the power button. That's what it sounds like to me.

Easy way to check - turn off the PC at the switch. Hold down the power button. Flip the PSU switch. Does the PC stay turned off until you let go of the power button?

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4 points · 10 days ago

Buttons don't have a polarity

I always wished they'd do a DLC of more radio stations. I'd have paid good money for more Lionel Makepeace, Fernando Martinez, Terri & Toni, or Lazlow (the proper pre-GTAV version, not the pathetic piece of shit in GTAV).

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They've added several radio stations since the PC release though?

Original Poster1 point · 12 days ago

Why should I wait? I have Mi Mix and Mi Mix 2 Chinese versions and they are perfect.

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Xiaomi supposedly recently locked down the Chinese versions and you can't flash the Global ROM on them anymore: http://en.miui.com/thread-3831680-1-1.html

Actually they're the exact same ones, I just put them into one image because the link wasn't formatting correctly.

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2 points · 12 days ago

Strange, in that case for some reason it displays different results for me even though it's set to worldwide?

Funky. Yea I just took dude's link he posted. Also, he wasn't correct in saying "they're about equal" because the little bars on the left show that average searches for 1080ti RMA per day were about 9 during its first month while for the 2080ti RMA searches/day during its first month were at 15. I made a whole infographic I thought I'd post that more clearly shows everything but now I'm tired and losing interest :| I just think it's pretty obvious that the whole "2080ti has lower failure rate than most previous cards!" statement is an outright lie, and I can understand why, it hurts biz to apply blunt-force trauma to consumer confidence by admitting "we're having problems with the RTX GPUs". It's brand new tech, and not just a new GPU arch, it has neural-network tensors tied directly into it, which adds a whole new level of complexity to the whole design. I admire Nvidia for their tenacity, but not some of their practices. In fact, it's not that I hate Nvidia, I hate all corporations equally, because they all-too-often just screw consumers. Big fan of capitalism, but not such extreme perversions.

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Yeah that's why I initially thought you changed yours, because for me both the average bars say 9

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21 points · 12 days ago · edited 12 days ago

That seems to be an error by the video production manager. He should've instructed his camera operator to stay stationary since it looked like Ari's model was no longer taking position data from the camera, but it looks like the cam op started moving when the stage was being cleared as opposed to when the scene transitioned to the full animation.

Obviously this is all speculative but considering how tight the performance and dynamic light interaction was this seems to be a "user error" situation.

Side note: The dragon was cool but from a AR perspective this performance was more exciting.

EDIT: The more I thought about it the lights reacting to the model's mesh is also probably data being sent from the light board(probably some sort of HOG console). Still impressive.

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2 points · 12 days ago

The first meter or so the camera moves it seems to stay in sync, I'd guess the camera lost tracking after that which resulted in what we see

1.2k points · 12 days ago

I'm just amazed that they have extremely accurate reflections on the stage and stage lights flash on them in sync with the real lights.

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The reflections are actually the easy part (and aren't that accurate really, compared to the real deal), they just take the same model and render it upside down below the original

5 points · 12 days ago

Currently running a 2080 Ti with my i7-3770K at 1440p 144Hz and in the games that I've played since (Project Cars 2/Assetto Corsa Competizione in VR, Overwatch) my CPU is not the bottleneck

Dat is in Spa ook en toch is dat elke keer een groot feest. Ik denk dat dit dus ook niet een echte belemmering is. Geen enkele locatie in Nederland is ingericht op het ontvangen van 100.000 a 200.000 bezoekers op één dag.

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9 points · 13 days ago
13 points · 14 days ago

Spa is een verademing vergeleken Zandvoort. Juist bij Spa kan je uitgebreid gebruik maken van weilanden, in Zandvoort is deze mogelijkheid er niet en het aantal verharde parkeerplaatsen is ook minimaal. Waar je het idee vandaan haalt dat er veel zouden zijn snap ik niet helemaal? Het eigen terrein bij het circuit staat zo vol en het aantal parkeerplaatsen buiten het circuit is ook zeer beperkt. Afgelopen jaren is het bij de DTM elke keer al drama. En dan komt er bij de F1 een veelvoud aan bezoekers.

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3 points · 14 days ago · edited 13 days ago

Parkeren in Spa gaat wel ja, maar zodra de race is afgelopen en iedereen in de auto stapt zonder ook maar enige soort van vastgestelde rijrichting in die weilanden word het ieder voor zich en god voor ons allen. Daar doe je 3 uur over de 100m van je parkeerplek naar de verharde (boeren) weg.

Except for the cards being poorly designed and breaking... Like they are now.

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-1 points · 15 days ago

And you somehow believe if they do it won't be covered under warranty?

Did you read the article? It reduces the lifespan of the card. It might break today. And it might break a week after the warranty expires.

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2 points · 14 days ago

Good thing for me that I live in a country with decent consumer rights and if it dies from manufacturing defects outside of warranty I still can get it fixed or replaced

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6 points · 15 days ago

The owner of the server you played on, don't expect anything to happen though

Original Poster1 point · 15 days ago

yup heb op 25 september besteld. Alternate had een fout gemaakt en de pagina online staan met 550 euro.

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Dat was geen fout, dat is ongeveer de MSRP van Intel. Andere webshops hebben ook een tijdje vergelijkbare prijzen gehanteerd. Toen ging bij de release alles omhoog naar €649 en nu er daadwerkelijk voorraad is is het bijna overal opeens €699

Original Poster1 point · 15 days ago

Was wel een fout, de pagina was 3 weken te vroeg online. Ze hebben me zelf verteld dat het om een fout ging maar dat ik mijn bestelling mocht houden.

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Ja, de pagina zo vroeg wel maar de prijs niet bedoel ik. Als de prijs daadwerkelijk hoger had moeten zijn kunnen ze de bestellen gewoon annuleren.

De prijs is alleen maar zo hoog door een tekort aan voorraad, en mensen willen er schijnbaar zo veel voor betalen

Stopping with a bicycle costs a lot of energy. This is not equivalent.

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11 points · 15 days ago

This is not equivalent.

Correct, unfortunately for you it's because according to the laws of physics stopping the car would in fact cost more energy

Yes, but not your *own*. It's super annoying coming to a complete standstill on a bike. In a car you just press the accelerator. Is that really so hard to understand?

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9 points · 15 days ago

I ride a bicycle too, you don't get to break traffic laws just because you deem it too much effort to stop.

I am interested in taking one.

What's the criteria for this kinda giveaway?

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OP is giving away processing time, not hardware

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