You are given basic income. You never have to worry about a home, food, clothing, internet, ect. Your physiological needs are met. You can attempt anything for a living you want. How do you spend your time? What do you do to give your life meaning? by CuntFlower in AskReddit

[–]Almafeta 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Spend a LOT of time translating and updating articles on Wikipedia and textbooks on Wikibooks.

Develop a cryptographically verifiable election system. Already have the algorithms in mind, but voting systems aren't the sort of thing VCs have any interest in.

Female Tourist Put in Men's Jail, Forced to Strip to Prove Gender, Suit Claims | Broadly by PrettyMuchAMess in GamerGhazi

[–]Almafeta 28 points29 points  (0 children)

Two corrections to the title:

Despite "proving" her gender in this way, she was still ruled 'actually male' and throw into male lockup.

And she wasn't a tourist - she was a politician of the Dominican Republic. So... an international incident could be brewing.

Draft mine, I'll draft yours. Legacy banlist 576 Unpowered Competitive by CanadianCoughDrops in mtgcube

[–]Almafeta 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Drafted three decks.

The first was bum luck, with no real synergies. I wound up going U/G in the end. It's a pseudo-control deck, with creature mana and creature draws, and several soft-locks to stall for time.

The second was much better, thanks in large part to some really good early draws (Land Tax, Disenchant, Mana Tithe, Vindicate, Aether Vial). It still wound up being fairly 'top-heavy', but the deck should be exceptionally fast for a cube draft deck.

The third came out very lucky, as I got constantly passed high-tier green cards and green creature mana. It's probably the slowest of the three decks, but with the sheer number of ways to proc on landfall, proc on discarded lands, gain a benefit from playing lands, or gain a benefit from saccing lands, it's probably the one with the most power.

Encrytr - I want to trust you by dylanger_ in SpiderOak

[–]Almafeta 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Our github's in the sidebar; if you're on mobile, here's the direct link. The server side runs Crypton. That should answer how it's encrypted and how it's stored.

The default Encryptr build (which we ship to the various app stores) points to our servers. It is possible to create your own server - the code's all up there - but the work involved in doing so is more involved than I could help you with, alas. :(

Semaphor questions. by NfNitLoop in SpiderOak

[–]Almafeta 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Using your numbering:

There are several advantages to creating an account with an email: first, it's visible in the application to other users; the signup process uses a verification code to vet that you actually are the person associated with that email, which gives a pretty strong indication that that account is in fact owned by the person behind that email. (And, from there, make it simpler to verify things out of band if necessary.) Second, it allows us to contact you, in case there are any issues we need to make you aware of. (Simple example: if you have a premium account and there are any billing issues.)

You can mix both types of accounts in a team or channel; technically speaking, one just has that extra bit of verification information. However, when it comes to your opsec, there are pros and cons to both, so it's your choice whether or not you wish to register using your email or under an alias.

If you need to change the Semaphor account for your system, rename Semaphor's appdata folder for your system. In Windows, it's in %appdata% under Semaphor; in OSX, it's in ~/Library/Application Support/ under Semaphor. (I don't have a linix box at hand right now to look it up directly, but I imagine it's under ~/.config/Semaphor.) On iOS or Android, purge the local data folder. Before you do anything involving appdata, if you're going to need to access that account again, make certain you have generated a recovery key and written it down somewhere and/or have saved it in a password manager! We CANNOT see your recovery key, and we have no way to generate one if you lose it.

As a minor point of order, 'logging in' and 'logging out' is not quite the right terminology, because you're not creating a session on our servers. Rather - much like the SpiderOak One backup client - the database is on your end; the server backs it up and keeps it in sync between users and devices, but your local machine searches it and alters it. It'd be more accurate to say 'uninstall old account' and 'install new account'. (I only offer that so it's clearer on which end these actions are happening.)

There are some tentative designs in early planning, but it's far too early to give any estimates. On my end, I keep my work and personal accounts separate by using different computer accounts - for example user A on my desktop accesses my work Semaphor account, and user B on my desktop accesses my personal Semaphor account.

There is a contact list: tap your user icon, then tap 'see all' in the list of contacts. (It's below your bio; if you don't have any contacts yet, rather than show an empty contact list, it won't be displayed at all.) If you need to see only one team's directory, go to the team options for that team and choose User directory.

When it comes to ad hoc person-to-person communication... maybe in the future, but not immediately. Right now, we're focusing on team collaboration tools because that's what we needed when we were looking for an appropriate program. What we do have in the works are ways to make joining teams nearly painless, as well as team and channel management tools, so throwing together ad-hoc teams and channels and deleting them afterwards will be far simpler.

SpiderOakONE client development progress by enginuitor in SpiderOak

[–]Almafeta 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The client is certainly still in development. (Reminds me, I need to post the 6.1.3 release notes...)

Syndication shouldn't be recurring every time you restart, unless something is modifying the application data folder for your computer's user account (which is under %LOCALAPPDATA% in Windows, ~/.config/ in Linux). However, because this is affecting both a Windows box and a Linux box simultaneously, I suspect there may be server-side shenanigans; in that case, please write in to support from the address of record for your account so they can take a look.

When it comes to the command line interface, that is due to how CMD works under Windows. To work around this, there's two fixes:

Temporary: Preface the command with cmd /c:

cmd /c "C:\Program Files\SpiderOakONE\SpiderOakONE.exe" --batchmode

Permanent: Open the SpiderOak application, go to Preferences, and under General, deselect "Ask for password at startup". Press OK.

Incredibly unresponsive client by Gravitron34 in SpiderOak

[–]Almafeta 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Approved your post - sorry about that. (Automod knows no mercy; it only has a set of parameters and an urge to kill.)

Incredibly unresponsive client by Gravitron34 in SpiderOak

[–]Almafeta 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That's odd. The only issue I had seen reported even remotely similar to this report was back in the 5.1.x era of the backup client, but that only affected certain Windows machines, because of how Windows handled removable drive handles - and OSX and Linux builds weren't affected at all (because, obviously, they aren't running on Windows machines).

You stated that the separate drive isn't always plugged in. Is the drive plugged in when SpiderOakONE starts, or is the application already running when the application starts? When the aforementioned Windows issue occured, before the client was fixed, our workaround was to exit the client, then re-open it, after disconnecting or connecting a removeable drive. It's a different OS, but the client logic would work the same (client startup scans for the status of all removable drives), so you may want to try this on your box.

Other than that, I'm afraid I don't have a ready answer. Since there are no cases of this on file right now, you'll want to keep working with support.

Is SpiderOak mostly dead? by phtsl in SpiderOak

[–]Almafeta 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Without being able to see your account (and I can't see accounts from Reddit!), it sounds like an issue with the webserver for that account. You mentioned you've already written in to support, so they should be able to look that up and get that straightened out for you. (Of course, make certain you've written in from the address of record you set for the account.)

Encrytr by fullmetaljester in SpiderOak

[–]Almafeta 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I know that both importing and exporting are in the works for Encryptr, but will likely be via a standard format (e.g., *.csv) rather than a proprietary format.

When you create a new entry in Encryptr, you should automatically receive a suggested random password containing characters of various classes. Is that random password appearing when you create a new entry?

Permanent public link to backed-up file? by notconfusing in SpiderOak

[–]Almafeta 0 points1 point  (0 children)

There isn't a way to change an ad hod link's expiration date.

If you need to post a file with no expiry date, you can create a directory to hold that file, back up the directory, and create a Share Room for it.

(The disadvantage is that you have to create a directory for this. The advantage is that you can also add other directories to that share room - e.g., your resume as well as your portolio.)

Google's AI DeepMind achieves AI 'breakthrough' by beating the European Go champion by Adamsoski in boardgames

[–]Almafeta 0 points1 point  (0 children)

/u/fuddlesworth is being downvoted, but it's true. Anyone whose games have been recorded is someone a neural network can be trained upon.

This played a huge factor Deep Blue vs Kasparov, for example. Deep Blue wasn't just trained on how humans play chess, it was trained on how Kasparov played chess.

Why are US programmers exempt from overtime if they make more than $27.63/hr? by causalNondeterminism in AskProgramming

[–]Almafeta 2 points3 points  (0 children)

With a bit more digging - the amendment was offfered by Austin J Murphy D-PA, and Congress took only a minute to agree to the rider.

I'd love to see who donated to the Murphy campaign, but that gets into history I can't dig up.