
What are some symptoms often just ignored as “I’m getting old” that really aren’t and should be checked by a doctor? by R0B0T_jones in AskReddit

[–]wren337 2 points3 points  (0 children)

This can also be Barrett's Esophagus from GERD. which puts you at risk of throat cancer, but is treatable.

Please Help Me Understand Disallowed Loss by Thunderba11s in StocksAndTrading

[–]wren337 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Don't confuse tax accounting with the real world. You still bought at 5 and sold at 6, and made a 20% gain on that trade.

Smoke is a liquid by thisisa_fake_account in gifs

[–]wren337 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Anyone ever find incense for these that doesn't smell like burnt ass? I have one and when I light it outdoors it still makes my hands and clothes reek.

What is something that you have to constantly talk yourself out of buying? by among_shadows in AskReddit

[–]wren337 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Mechanical watches. I've always loved anything clockwork, and as a kid I was fascinated when my dad got me an automatic (self winding) watch. Just fell into collecting them at 50.

The city hall asphalted the train line by readyforthefall_ in funny

[–]wren337 7 points8 points  (0 children)

This happened in our town when I was a kid. Amounted to a pissing match between the city and the railroad about crossing maintenance.

Machine learning finds fluoride battery materials that could rival lithium | Research by IsDaouda_Games in programming

[–]wren337 -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

Patent the theoretical molecules that the computer identified as candidates, which no one even knows how to synthesize and that have never been tested. Great!

What is the most brutal killing in film/ TV history? by RightWayIThink in AskReddit

[–]wren337 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The Catch-22 series where the guy plays chicken with the dive bombing plane is gruesome.

Moving up from Texas; what should I expect by future_flowers88 in Detroit

[–]wren337 1 point2 points  (0 children)

If you are not familiar with Indian food, go get some butter chicken with garlic naan bread.